Responding to Tickets

Hey all, a question. Does anybody else out there have issues with getting your tickets addressed in a timely fashion? Right now, I have TEN outstanding tickets since March 15th. One of them has been escalated which, as far as I can tell, means it is being completely ignored. When I wait a couple of weeks and then remind them, they say they are bumping it to the bottom of the list. I think these people are sadists ore something. Also, some people in my alliance get their tickets handled right away for the same issue, while others are made to wait (like for the time mess up for the first time shard of identity theft last season). The whole thing seems completely messed up and based on a whim and complaints do no good, because they bump your tickets again.

Seriously, can someone explain this, because it should not make over a month to address some of these tickets for simple compensation. It seems like customer service is not there to help, but rather to just stall you and to be of little assistance.
Thanks in advance.


  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Send a PM here on the forums to any of the following:

    David [Hi-Fi] Moore

    I've never had success with the help desk, but sending a PM always ends with a positive result.
  • Thx Mawtful, I'll give it a shot.
  • "Friendly reminders" move you to the bottom of the queue due to their ticket handling software. It doesn't allow more than one outstanding ticket per person or something, and is a First In First Out so when you open another one you get moved to the bottom. It sucks and they should change it, but that's what they have.

    Are your 10 tickets separate issues or friendly reminder tickets? Either way I think you are suffering from the above problem of being moved to last every time you open another ticket. Do as Mawt suggested and PM Hi-Fi see what he can do for you.
  • Actually, these are ten separate tickets, for ten separate issues. There were lots of glitches for the last two seasons. Each one cost me points/awards. However, there was a recent issue. One of my alliance members got immediate compensation while three others are being forced to wait. I have not sent a reminder in weeks, but I think they use this as an excuse to ignore it. One alliance member has not said a word to them and has tickets two months old. I think they either do not care or they like messing with people
  • One of these tickets has been escalated for review, but in my experience, escalated = ignored.