Make healing time the same regardless of level.

So I think the time for a character to heal up to max HP again should be a set time no matter what level or star rating they are. Reason being is because it's pretty dumb that the higher you level your guys the longer and longer it takes to fully heal just by waiting.

For example: I have a lvl 50 iron man and a lvl 40 black widow. They both just went down at the same time and now the iron man is going to take 3 hours 45 minutes to heal up to full hp and the widow is going to take 2 hours 7 minutes. (I also had a lvl 14 captain america which is going to take 45 minutes before it even starts regenerating any hp! icon_e_confused.gif )

This seems wayyy excessive. Especially considering in the time it would take the iron man to fully heal I could have regenerated TWO health packs. The whole point of the heal packs is if you don't wanna wait the ~45 minutes it would take to fully heal your guys. It seems like its punishing you for leveling up your guys. I can only imagine what these lvl 100 characters are taking to fully heal!! It would make it a whole lot more uniform and more fair to people with higher lvl people.


  • This is one area where I noticed a bit of attention to detail that I liked. Wolverine recovers hp doubly fast, maybe slightly faster.

    The revive timers seem to have multiple "speeds" themselves. I think the longest I saw was 45 minutes (Captain America) and the quickest was Modern Storm (5 Minutes). Wolverine clocks in at a speedy 10 minutes himself.

    Many players are making use of some of the prologue missions to heal up their HP. Try out a few of the Spiderman vs Venom missions for some fast and effective healing. The ones where Spiderman has both his yellow and blue power vs venom are particularly effective. His heal gets stronger once over for each web tile on the board. If there's 3 out you can heal close to 600 hp in one of the stages.

    I recommend getting a lot of cover space with your early Hero points. That way you can play other covers while some revive. Between this and the heal method above you can play with little downtime.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Heh, came in here to reply and Ranzera stated everything that I was going to say. Nice. icon_e_smile.gif
  • And making the New York tiles heal more than 50? With heroes of 40-50 this is a completely useless.
  • I was thinking they should heal 10% of a heroes' health minimum 50. 50 becomes unnoticeable relatively quickly compared to many of the other environment powers.
  • Ranzera wrote:
    This is one area where I noticed a bit of attention to detail that I liked. Wolverine recovers hp doubly fast, maybe slightly faster.

    The revive timers seem to have multiple "speeds" themselves. I think the longest I saw was 45 minutes (Captain America) and the quickest was Modern Storm (5 Minutes). Wolverine clocks in at a speedy 10 minutes himself.

    Many players are making use of some of the prologue missions to heal up their HP. Try out a few of the Spiderman vs Venom missions for some fast and effective healing. The ones where Spiderman has both his yellow and blue power vs venom are particularly effective. His heal gets stronger once over for each web tile on the board. If there's 3 out you can heal close to 600 hp in one of the stages.

    I recommend getting a lot of cover space with your early Hero points. That way you can play other covers while some revive. Between this and the heal method above you can play with little downtime.
    I noticed this too. Classic Storm seems heals up really fast for some reason. Moonstone takes forever.
  • Ranzera wrote:
    I was thinking they should heal 10% of a heroes' health minimum 50. 50 becomes unnoticeable relatively quickly compared to many of the other environment powers.

    I agree, they should heal in percentages rather than a flat 50. 50 is completely negligible at mid/higher levels, rendering those environmental tiles just a nuisance
  • I find it a bit excessive that I have to play another game while waiting to play a game... Especially now that some of my heroes are in their low 30s, I'm having to wait over 2 hours for them to heal up. A percentage of life healed per tick rather than a set amount would help immensely. I realize this is a way to make money, because if you really want to play you'll fork over cash to buy health packs. But even so, it's still a bit much. And yes you can do the Venom/Spidey heal thing, but that's not tons of fun either. And if, as sms4002 says, the wait gets up to the four-hour range when Iron Men gets to 50, I can honestly say I'll probably have lost patience and quit playing by then. Or at the very least I will no longer be playing actively as I am now. It will have been relegated to an idle pass-time while waiting at the doc's office or something.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    I'll make a post in the other direction, I think the healing times are generally fine. It creates a new layer of strategy on how to most effectively use your characters. It encourages finding more efficiencies with how you spend your time, since time is a 'resource' in this game. I generally feel like if I don't have a heal pack on cooldown or a hero healing, I'm 'wasting' that time and could use it better.

    It also encourages players to start using other characters and finding different builds, and players who build out more heroes can play longer (and thus more efficient with their time...and thus get more ISO.)

    It creates a penalty for players who are reckless with their heroes. If the consequences weren't bad, players would not have to think about who they were playing and what the best strategy would be for it.

    Finally, it creates a pseudo catch-up ability for players who either started the game late or have limited amounts of time to play. The player with the lvl 30 iron man will be able to play longer than the player with the lvl 50 iron man, and so better able to close the gap. I actually feel a lot of the game mechanics revolve around this theory - it seems like the game doesn't want to create too great of a divide between the high end players and the middle class. (Tournament rewards aren't game breaking, but still rather enticing.)

    (Then there's also the thing about tempting the player to buy more things to speed things up...but I don't think it's just a straight up money grab.)