Feedback/Suggestions on Ultron Event

Hey Demiurge, popping in to provide feedback about the Ultron Event.

In general I enjoyed the event. Getting the token rewards + everything else was a huge boost for me. While the alliance rewards didn't get everything, I felt I came out much better playing the event to it's completion compared to not. (6k+ in HP, various covers, and lots of ISO from tokens/node completions is quite a good tradeoff!). For a first run, this was pretty good.

Feedback on event:

- Please clarify the differences on the 'criteria' needed to fully end/complete the event.

You did quite well for a first attempt to communicate to players what we can/can't do, and I'm sure it saved some players some trouble regarding the Alliances. The FAQs + Videos + Forum posts are proof that there was considerable effort to try to make the experience as problem free as possible. To say there was no effort or that it wasn't effective would be false.

On the flip side, it was also unexpectedly incomplete due to players not knowing what exactly causes the event to end, or how much effort to complete is needed (Noteably, us not knowing that the 8th Round had a cutoff point, and then the changes to Ultron's HP for the 2nd run). As much as it sucks, us players don't really 'know' what we need to do in order to finish the event, and information like that is crucial so us hardcore players can work together to make sure it's done. Lack of complete information threw a wrench into that.

- If you're running back to back runs of an event like this, add some more 'obvious' variation to it to differentiate between the two runs.

I enjoyed the change of pace and the need to 'defeat' a Boss like Ultron. Even the phases and damage to beat it felt worthwhile. I definitely felt i contributed to my Alliance's progress and reaped the rewards for doing do.

However, it's actually quite draining to do the same thing for 9 days. Even worse when unexpectedly you realize you have to put in more effort compared to the previous run.

If you're running back to back events, at least offer some form of variation to how players must approach it (aside from the HP spike). if we're willing to committ to doing the same nodes in the same pattern for 9 days straight, changes in Boss/Sentry patterns would be appreciated.

- Clarify what players must do to complete event. Aside from a general idea on how Ultron fights, some hard info like Ultrons HP in Round X is "X" amount is great. And also clarifying how the event 'completes' is good, so that way the players can adjust to prioritize who should benefit from it.

- Scale the requirements to be lower than 20 players playing, fully committed.

Ideally, all players in an Alliance should, but realistically not everyone can dedicate the time needed to pull it off twice in a 9 day period. This is especially true for a game meant to be played in short sessions.

If the scaling went down from a full 20-19 players to around 18-17, that would be nice. (or if that was already considered, scaling it down further).

If anything, this should help the Alliances that are dominating in the event be able to take it easier towards the end, rather than everyone feeling constantly pressured to stay on point to complete the final round.

- Add some slight UI changes to clarify to players that Run 1 of event is different than Run 2.

Even something as simple as changing the colors of the UI screen would be nice. This would help fortify in player's minds that while it's the same type of event, there might be something different in it.

- Add more variations in Sentry/Boss patterns between runs.

This is more to add flavor and to force players to adapt to different strategies to beat it. Also alliviates the monotony of it.

Some suggestions:
- Green sentries instead of destroying gems in cloumns, now destroy gems in rows from the sides

- Yellow sentries provide an additional buff if their skill is proced x times in a row.

- Blue sentries do flat 'x' damage if 'x' crit tiles are on the board (a la Bullseye).

- Ultron
Instead of the bottom of the board being destroyed per turn, the sides get destroyed instead, or some form or alternation so that players have more to consider aside from protecting the bottom.

- Ultron Prime's gets a new set of skills for the 2nd run to change it up a bit:
- Gravitational force 'x" Plant a countdown tile. If the tile reaches 0, 'x' tiles in a row/column automatically get overwritten into an 'x' color tile, or the board now has 'locked' tiles for 'x' turns.

That's it for now.

Overall this event was a huge boon for me, and it is a nice addition to MPQ! I hope you can take the lessons learned from this event and further tweak and improve it for the next time!


  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,393 Chairperson of the Boards
    i say instead of the board going down we should have ultron running down the street ripping his clothes off and you must have the avengers chasing after him trying to keep him to keep his pants on. every match you put clothes on him but if the clothes gets to the bottom another piece comes flying off ultron...

    Called run for your life here comes naked ultron icon_e_smile.gif

    really do like the ideas and hopefully they add something like that on (the post above mine im talking about, not naked ultron)
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    the sentries in the refresh nodes need to be toned down hp wise to half of what they were, most of my alliance mates couldn't participate past round 5 with their scaling. they should be paper if they are going to do so much board moving and damage.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,393 Chairperson of the Boards
    Heartburn wrote:
    the sentries in the refresh nodes need to be toned down hp wise to half of what they were, most of my alliance mates couldn't participate past round 5 with their scaling. they should be paper if they are going to do so much board moving and damage.

    cage handled most of them with no problems (took damage to very low or 0) Ultron was the bigger problem then again if you had a 5 red punisher you had no problem with him either (get him below 40% and boom dead) Too bad reds are very hard to come by

    the AI did jump way too fast though. what i did not like about it was that the bigger boys took him out round 1 to 4 or 5 and then complain when noone was taking him out in round 5 + when the smaller people could only handle round 1 to 5..