Age of Ultron Game Failure Compensation Shortcomings

San Narciso
San Narciso Posts: 124 Tile Toppler

Has anybody heard if D3 is continuing to compensate for the AOU server malfunctions? It seems everyone received the next progression or prime reward (QS and SW) they would have earned had the game not been a disaster. It seems the buck stopped at Hulkbuster. So those of us who killed it in the event despite the problems and still could have possibly done better at the Hulkbuster level don't seem to be getting compensated. I hope this isn't he case and they're not done reviewing and compensating but I think D3 might be throwing us aside.

Additionally, I haven't seen mention of compensation for Earth's Mightiest. I was locked out of the game during the time I normally scale the ranks. One of my most sought after covers is Hulk Black and that was a progression reward I would have hit 800 for. I have no problem hitting 800 and since I've been playing over a year and have only earned 3 black covers I would've done anything and everything to get it. It's disconcerting and disheartening that these blanket covers compensations don't consider how to make it up to players like me who worked harder than a lot of others and only got 4 2* Ultron tokens in the end.

Griping finished. Here's hoping D3 isn't finished reviewing how they messed everyone's games up.


  • wuweird
    wuweird Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Additionally, I haven't seen mention of compensation for Earth's Mightiest.
    I'm not sure of D3's policy on sharing the content of support emails, but the response I got from them when I asked about this was basically "LOL".

    Apparently I'm supposed to be thankful I got four useless 2* covers instead of the four 3-4*s I was on track to get. There's zero respect from D3 for the time people put into their game; yes, I get that it's meant to be "fun", but if that's all they want, then remove the competitive aspect entirely. You can't push the competitive side of your game and then constantly undermine people's progress in that.