Impressions of a post season 4 player - Suggestions

Discalimer: CAPS letters are not shouting, just used for highlight purposes ; )

Hi All,

I have been playing MPQ since the middle of season IV and I just entered the forum now. I do not know if I qualify as a casual player but i am certainly not a hardcore one. I find the game entertaining, slightly repetitive for a 3-match style puzzle game (could have a greater variety of puzzles, with different mechanics, like the Ultron battle), but overall quite enjoyable. Here are my impressions and suggestions:

The game mixes both "collection", "level up/power up" of and "Rarity" mechanics as a way to create the progression line/objectives players face, and “resources” that needs to be acquired/managed to do it.

On the COLLECTION side, the game presents an ever expanding universe of heroes, which helps refresh the game and give new objectives for those who collected most of the covers already. This is fun and should be ever encouraged, BUT, on the other side of the scale, it creates a whole lot of problems:
-With the increase of characters and draw rates per rarity remaining the same, it becomes harder and harder to stack covers of the same character. This is problematic because you need at least 7-8 covers to make a character “usable/relevant”.
SUGGESTION: Create different Tokens that group certain 3,4*characters. Rather then getting a “heroic token” with a chance to get all characters, implement the possibility, when claiming a reward, to pick between 3 tokens, each giving a different range of 3,4*, so the draw rates increase to get the cover you want to stack.
-I have 60 roster slots and I do not own every 2*/ 3*/ 4* characters and only have 1 1* for DDQ, Balance of power, combined arms events. I am perfectly fine with it, but what frustrates me is the cost to expand your roster. Having to collect 1000 stickers is ok, if you have an album to place those stickers as you get them. Getting characters, then having to forfeit them in exchange for other you like more, or having to give up a partially upgraded 2* to make room for a first 3* cover… it is VERY frustrating and completely ruins the “collection” aspect of the game. It is challenging already to find the covers you want (rarity/diversity), and to get all rewards on DDQ
SUGGESTION: Have 30-50% of total different characters as free roster slots and stop scaling HP cost for increased roster. 800 HP for an extra slot is ridiculous. Collecting covers IS A BIG part of the fun on the game and having extra slots DOESN’T speed progress/reduce the challenge of the game. You already need to collect more covers AND upgrade characters to make them relevant.
On LEVEL UP/POWER UP up side, the increased number of characters cause a greater demand for ISO-8 and the current handover of ISO is creating some distirtions
-It takes over 150k ISO to fully upgrade a 3* character, so if someone gets 4,5 K ISO per day (1,5K ISO from DDQ, as many don’t have the required character to get all) and 3K from other sources, it takes over one month to upgrade a single 3*. I am already living with the perspective of having to play a whole year just to fully upgrade the characters I already have. This is also frustrating.
SUGGESTION: Lower ISO-8 costs to upgrade characters of give increased ISO-8 rewards for those who play.
- Current roster size problem creates problems with no refund of ISO invested policy. Lv1 characters cost WAY TOO MUCH to fully upgrade and they are pretty weak, so people tend to save ISO for 2* covers. But to get to the 2* covers, they need some 1* partially/fully evolved. Same happens with 2* to 3* transition, but problem here is more on what to invest, since you don’t have roster slots to have 2* and collect the 3 slots,
SUGGESTION: Make transition from 1* to 2* faster. It is only with 2* players can have a chance to really fight for any rewards, to reach the 300pts in PVP events or even the 4K pts 10-pack reward. If new players struggle to evolve, they struggle to have fun in the first contact with the game, which tend to discourage further playing. This can be done by refunding 50% on invested ISO on 1* , and by increasing initial free roster slots, as suggested above.

On different subject, I have a suggestion regarding Health Packs. It would be nice if they were treated as “covers” you could store and use when you need. Or, at least the “extra” Health packs you gain above the 5 that regen, are not consumed first.
The logic behind this is: It takes 3 hours to regen 5 Health packs. Some characters take longer then 5, 6 hours to fully regen health. So it is better to heal them then to wait health regen. So.. you are playing that single player campaign during lunch hour and will only get back to the game 3-4 hours later, when your shift ends. You play and you are down to 1 health pack left, knowing that, when you leave your work, it will be fully regenerated. But then, you get that Daily reward or progression reward that gives you 3 Health packs… You wont be playing the next 3 hours because of work, so this reward just sped up the regeneration so you silently curse the game for your bad luck as the reward is COMPLETELY WASTED.


  • Continuing with the suggestions, I would like to present a couple UI improvements that troubled me, that might be interesting to improve:

    -Improve Cover Selling

    Right now, you can only "Sell All" or sell them individually. It would be nice if there were check-boxes where you could select the covers you want to sell and then "Sell all selected". Also having a filter and/or button "Select all: 1-Star, 2-Star, etc.." to speed these check-boxes selection would be awesome.

    Many people keep covers they want in the recruit/sell pool, waiting to farm the HP necessary to buy a new roster slot. This way, people could easily sell all other covers they dont want, rather then having to sell 1 by 1 to get the ISO.

    - Improve Roster Display

    Currently roster is displayed decreasingly by highest level order. It would be nice if you could sort by "rarity", "alphabetically", "uncapped", "color"... By "uncapped" i mean display covers, decreasingly, by amount of ISO needed to cap that character (current lv = current max level)... By "color" i mean display, decreasingly, covers with the highest tile damage match for that color.