Another need roster suggestions/help thread!

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Any help is appreciated! I screwed myself on scaling before i knew any better, my 3Thor i leveled to 154 (5/5/3) and my Doom is at 142 (5/1/5)..nothing else over 102, so it made my life much harder, but that was close to 2 months ago, i adjusted, but have been hard pressed to get top 150 rewards in PVE. PVP i do well, but not defensively, i have madxe it to the 10 pack in progression rewards the past 2 seasons.
over the past 2 seasons, and from events, and DPD, and then some good luck on ultron tokens, i gained loads of covers.. noone other than 3Thor is at 13 covers, but with the Iso reduction, i spent 200k iso bringing loads of characters to 102 (didn't want to mess with scaling, as i already had 2 @ 102, i figured that was a good place to halt leveling until i knew what to do next)
So time for some advice. With my Core being a rainbow of 3Thor and Doom + required for PVP, or some random boosted in PVE, who should i bring up next..or should i wait to have some fully covered.
Here are the candidates in my 3* pool.
Kamala Khan 4/3/5
Daredevil 2/4/5
GSBW 3/5/2
Mystique 4/3/5
Squirrel Girl 5/4/3
Captain America 4/3/4
Daken 3/4/4
Gamora 3/5/3
Luke Cage 3/4/4
Punisher 4/4/3
Iron Fist 2/3/4
Magneto 3/2/4
Spider Man 3/2/3
Patch 2/4/2
Thanks to Ultron i have close to 5k HP banked, so i can afford a cover (need some for shields though)
Who should i bring up? Should i wait to bring anyone else up? Any cover you think i MUST have?
Just looking for some suggestions, missing many covers for ideal builds, but do any of these compliment my 2 i have leveled already? Do any help make a good PVP defensive with what i have?
Comment away, i will be reading everyone's responses, thank you in advance for the help!
edit" although verily undercovered, i do have Cyclops at 3/1/3 - is buying a 2nd yellow worth it, or should i wait to find it?
over the past 2 seasons, and from events, and DPD, and then some good luck on ultron tokens, i gained loads of covers.. noone other than 3Thor is at 13 covers, but with the Iso reduction, i spent 200k iso bringing loads of characters to 102 (didn't want to mess with scaling, as i already had 2 @ 102, i figured that was a good place to halt leveling until i knew what to do next)
So time for some advice. With my Core being a rainbow of 3Thor and Doom + required for PVP, or some random boosted in PVE, who should i bring up next..or should i wait to have some fully covered.
Here are the candidates in my 3* pool.
Kamala Khan 4/3/5
Daredevil 2/4/5
GSBW 3/5/2
Mystique 4/3/5
Squirrel Girl 5/4/3
Captain America 4/3/4
Daken 3/4/4
Gamora 3/5/3
Luke Cage 3/4/4
Punisher 4/4/3
Iron Fist 2/3/4
Magneto 3/2/4
Spider Man 3/2/3
Patch 2/4/2
Thanks to Ultron i have close to 5k HP banked, so i can afford a cover (need some for shields though)
Who should i bring up? Should i wait to bring anyone else up? Any cover you think i MUST have?
Just looking for some suggestions, missing many covers for ideal builds, but do any of these compliment my 2 i have leveled already? Do any help make a good PVP defensive with what i have?
Comment away, i will be reading everyone's responses, thank you in advance for the help!
edit" although verily undercovered, i do have Cyclops at 3/1/3 - is buying a 2nd yellow worth it, or should i wait to find it?
Man, you have had some really bad luck in not getting the best color covers for each character, even your Thor and Doom suck. If you could get Luke Cage to 5/5/3 or even 5/4/4 I think that would be pretty huge for you. He is a rock star in PvP for long grinds with 5 red. Your cap needs 5 red to be worth the ISO in my opinion, and you need more Patch covers (particularly green) to be effective. You also would want to pair him with Daredevil.....if you can get more purple covers for Daredevil. Unfortunately your 3* pool is a lot weaker than it seems because most of the covers you have found have been the bad ones (Doom's purple, Thor's red, etc.)
I guess the only character I would recommend putting ISO into right now would be Kamala Khan. You've got 5 green which is her best color, and your Thor won't be fighting her for it any time soon.0 -
PeterGibbons316 wrote:Man, you have had some really bad luck in not getting the best color covers for each character, even your Thor and Doom suck. If you could get Luke Cage to 5/5/3 or even 5/4/4 I think that would be pretty huge for you. He is a rock star in PvP for long grinds with 5 red. Your cap needs 5 red to be worth the ISO in my opinion, and you need more Patch covers (particularly green) to be effective. You also would want to pair him with Daredevil.....if you can get more purple covers for Daredevil. Unfortunately your 3* pool is a lot weaker than it seems because most of the covers you have found have been the bad ones (Doom's purple, Thor's red, etc.)
I guess the only character I would recommend putting ISO into right now would be Kamala Khan. You've got 5 green which is her best color, and your Thor won't be fighting her for it any time soon.
Yah, and i have trashed 5 or 6 SG yellow covers, and countless doom black and purple.
I have to disagree on Doom.. His purple wins me most of my PVP matches, and downed Ultron more times than any other character i have. Once it is ready to fire, i just let trap tiles accumulate until it is where i need.. downed an 11k hp hulk in 1 shot.. That being said, i think because it was the hand i was dealt, i learned to use it the best i could.. why would you choose 5 blue over 5 purple?, just curious, always willing to learn! DPD will get me a green for Thor soon, so i will have him at 4/5/4, is Kamala still better?
I hear many saying Luke Cage rocks, so if i buy a cover, should i get yellow to bring him to 4/4/4? Everything i have seen tells me 5 yellow is a must in his build.0 -
Doom's best ability is his black. Those attack tiles are terrifying, and an ability that converts ALL blue to black, to feed the generation of those attack tiles is incredibly powerful. His purple is too slow to set up, and not dependable - and it still works decently with only 3 covers.
I don't think spending the HP to take Luke Cage to 4/4/4 is worth it unless you are willing to spend enough to take him to 5/4/4. And with all the nerfs and changes that have been happening I'm hesitant to recommend that anyone spend any HP on covers at all.
As far as Kamala vs. Thor - I don't know. They both have a secondary ability that feeds a powerful AoE third ability. Thor's is probably better overall, and with both power abilities being green it probably doesn't make much sense to have them both on your roster.0 -
PeterGibbons316 wrote:Doom's best ability is his black. Those attack tiles are terrifying, and an ability that converts ALL blue to black, to feed the generation of those attack tiles is incredibly powerful. His purple is too slow to set up, and not dependable - and it still works decently with only 3 covers.
I don't think spending the HP to take Luke Cage to 4/4/4 is worth it unless you are willing to spend enough to take him to 5/4/4. And with all the nerfs and changes that have been happening I'm hesitant to recommend that anyone spend any HP on covers at all.
As far as Kamala vs. Thor - I don't know. They both have a secondary ability that feeds a powerful AoE third ability. Thor's is probably better overall, and with both power abilities being green it probably doesn't make much sense to have them both on your roster.
I see the benefit of the blue now. Demons are sure nasty, i love when i get to fire them off. If i go full blue, to be able to fire demons, then maybe Daken for some strike tiles? (poor blade is 0/2/2)0 -
Just some thoughts:
Strong candidates:
Kamala Khan 4/3/5
There's color competition with her Green & Purple. However, her Purple could get you to both high costing Green hit-all attacks much faster, and provide cascade generation (which you do already have with Thor's yellow and sort of Doom's Blue though). The fact she'd be level 153 is pretty strong too.
Daken 3/4/4
True Healing along makes this a worthy choice. He's great at grinding through PVE nodes. Ideally you want 5 5 3 or maybe even 5 4 4. Since he only has one active skill, and it's in a color your team is weak in, you won't have to worry about color competition. The only problem is he might be too low level to tank his colors for you to save Doom from damage. It depends on what his max level is compared to Doom. I think they work well together because of that. My Doom tends to die a lot because I make too many matches with his colors without someone else tanking some or all of his colors (pretty hard to have someone tank his Black, and they are all equally squishy)
Luke Cage 3/4/4
Even though he'd soft cap at like 140, that 4 in Red is a MONSTER for grinding in both PVP and PVE. I used my 5 4 3 in the Ultron event, and he pretty much negated all the strike tile damage from the Ultron Sentries. Yes, eventually you want 5 Yellow, and either a 5 5 3 or a 5 4 4 build (I'm kind of partial to 5 4 4 cause the 4th Black adds a 1 turn stun if his Countdown tile is out). The only problem is that he doesn't provide skill is colors you don't' already have. You'd never use his Black with Doom. Also, even though at 3 Yellow it still packs a big punch (pun intended), you probably wouldn't use it much along Thor (and Thor's is even a cheaper skill by 1 AP!).
Mystique 4/3/5
She'd compete on all of Doom's colors, but remember how irritating the two of them were together in the Rocket & Groot PVE? Granted, you wouldn't have a goon feeding them all three of their colors every turn, but they still work well together. It would give you a Blue that would give you both of those colors and a cascade. It would also potentially give you some AP steal and a bit of stun with her Purple (and AP drain with Masterstroke). At Level 153, she'd pack deal big time damage with Masterstroke if you ever need a big single-target damage skill instead of Doom Demons, like as a finishing move.
Interesting choices:
Daredevil 2/4/5
The 5 in red is great, as is the 4 in Blue, which would give you a stun. The problem is your Thor yellow might blow away both of his special tiles. he would lurk in the background though because he'd never tank any of his colors, meaning he'd be tough to get rid of.
Iron Fist 2/3/4
A bit under-covered, but his Purple is one of the best skills in the game, and could speed rush your way to Doom's Black. The free Attack Tile every turn is helpful for sure.
Magneto 3/2/4
This would be a prime choice because he has very strong skills in the two colors you aren't covering, Red & Blue, but he's a few covers short in them.
Ignore for now:
Squirrel Girl 5/4/3
Could be fairly high level, but un-optimal covers for sure. 3 5 5 is what you need, and since you would never use her yellow while using Thor (or her green for that matter), not a good choice.
Captain America 4/3/4
5 Red AND 5 Blue is a must for him. Being able to target countdown tiles is huge (and 5 in red gives a massive damage increase).
Punisher 4/4/3
A really decent character, but with Thor you've already got good Green & Red with Thor. And Punisher's other skill you've already got covered with Doom's Black, and it kind of does the same thing (Attack tiles for days).
Patch 2/4/2
Like Daken, his True Healing is wonderful for grinding PVP & PVE. I use him almost exclusively because of that alone. However, if he doesn't to tank his colors the True Healing won't help you that much. With his level cap, he probably wouldn't even tank Green over Thor. You need another cover or two (especially in Yellow for more reliable healing) for him to truly be usable.
Cyclops 3 1 3
Even though he's great wait it out a bit mroe. Covers will come eventually, and I'll bet his covers will be rewarded this season's PVP.They like featuring relatively newly released characters.
Ignore long term:
GSBW 3/5/2
You don't have 5 in Green, and even so she's still a low tier character even with the health increases.
Gamora 3/5/3
She'd mid to low tier. The problem is her Black is basically worthless when she's under-leveled compared to the rest of her team or being used with other characters that share her colors, because she'll never have enough tiles with her symbol to generate any strike tiles. She doesn't have enough HP to be able to tank all her colors either to really make it work. However, your Thor would have match priority for Red, which would be helpful.
Spider Man 3/2/3
Ignore. Low tier character, probably one of the worst 3 stars in the game actually. Sadly his Purple is almost his best skill now. My how times have changed since he was first released...0 -
Ok, so it sounds like Cage and Kamala until i can cover others better, maybe mystique.
having 2 capable teams for PVP would be spectacular, i could keep going for those extra rounds when one team is down.0 -
Malcrof wrote:PeterGibbons316 wrote:Doom's best ability is his black. Those attack tiles are terrifying, and an ability that converts ALL blue to black, to feed the generation of those attack tiles is incredibly powerful. His purple is too slow to set up, and not dependable - and it still works decently with only 3 covers.
I don't think spending the HP to take Luke Cage to 4/4/4 is worth it unless you are willing to spend enough to take him to 5/4/4. And with all the nerfs and changes that have been happening I'm hesitant to recommend that anyone spend any HP on covers at all.
As far as Kamala vs. Thor - I don't know. They both have a secondary ability that feeds a powerful AoE third ability. Thor's is probably better overall, and with both power abilities being green it probably doesn't make much sense to have them both on your roster.
I see the benefit of the blue now. Demons are sure nasty, i love when i get to fire them off. If i go full blue, to be able to fire demons, then maybe Daken for some strike tiles? (poor blade is 0/2/2)0 -
TxMoose wrote:Malcrof wrote:PeterGibbons316 wrote:Doom's best ability is his black. Those attack tiles are terrifying, and an ability that converts ALL blue to black, to feed the generation of those attack tiles is incredibly powerful. His purple is too slow to set up, and not dependable - and it still works decently with only 3 covers.
I don't think spending the HP to take Luke Cage to 4/4/4 is worth it unless you are willing to spend enough to take him to 5/4/4. And with all the nerfs and changes that have been happening I'm hesitant to recommend that anyone spend any HP on covers at all.
As far as Kamala vs. Thor - I don't know. They both have a secondary ability that feeds a powerful AoE third ability. Thor's is probably better overall, and with both power abilities being green it probably doesn't make much sense to have them both on your roster.
I see the benefit of the blue now. Demons are sure nasty, i love when i get to fire them off. If i go full blue, to be able to fire demons, then maybe Daken for some strike tiles? (poor blade is 0/2/2)
My Grocket is sitting at 0/2/5
Another one i keep getting the wrong covers for0 -
grocket might not have as much sustainability at -/2/5, but at 5 blue, when you get those off (think longer matches - high level opponents or survival nodes), it is incredible the damage they end up doing. arrange a double or triple cascade and you can eat through lots of opponent health. mine has 3 yellow but truthfully it doesn't help that much. I can't remember a time where I used the yellow heal and it saved him from dying. the last time I used it gorgon got him anyway because it wasn't enough healing. I basically only use him for the blue strike. I like putting him with Lthor and doom and that is a ton of health and a lot of damage dealing ability, but no support with ap control or healing (other than grocket's yellow, which to me is minimal)0
Couple of updates thanks to DPD and lucky pulls!
Kamala is now 4/4/5, DD is now 2/5/5, Daken is now 4/4/5, Gamora is now 4/5/4, Mystique is now 4/4/5, SG is now 5/4/4, lastly cage is now 3/4/5
Also, MoStorm is sitting at 3/2/5, thanks to this last PVE, using her hailstorm, i understand even more why Dooms demons are more important than his purple (thanks to DPD he is now 5/2/5).. I want more covers for her lol (i know, people complain when she is the reward).
Do any of these new covers change any of the advice?0 -
The Viceroy's advice is still valid.
You have Kamala Khan, Daken and Luke Cage, and they go great together. I would focus on those three. Even if they aren't optimally covered, they can still do damage.
Daredevil and Mystique would make good additions to your team. I'm undecided on Squirrel Girl, she competes with KK and Thor and isn't as good as either. With the recent ISO changes it might be best to get the useful crew to lvl 110-120 so you have a broad selection of tools to tackle PvE.
I would not recommend buying covers with HP. The devs tend to overnerf, and a lot of character combos could be on the chopping block next.0 -
Alastayr wrote:The Viceroy's advice is still valid.
You have Kamala Khan, Daken and Luke Cage, and they go great together. I would focus on those three. Even if they aren't optimally covered, they can still do damage.
Daredevil and Mystique would make good additions to your team. I'm undecided on Squirrel Girl, she competes with KK and Thor and isn't as good as either. With the recent ISO changes it might be best to get the useful crew to lvl 110-120 so you have a broad selection of tools to tackle PvE.
I would not recommend buying covers with HP. The devs tend to overnerf, and a lot of character combos could be on the chopping block next.
I need to update my OP. Gotten some nice covers lately. I have leveled Cage, Kamala, and Daken over 120 now though.0 -
Ok, time again... need some advice on who to take to 166 next. Roster in 2 formats in my signature.. trying to make myself ready for the 4* DP release.. just brought Cyclops to 166.
Side note.. wow, since i first made this thread.. i have come a long way! maybe i need a hobby lol.0 -
I might bring some solid ones up to 140 first. like torch/deadpool/grocket. I know this week torch carried my teams and grocket boosted to 200 is pretty good for climbing and pve (not fast though for hopping). since you have daken maxed, patch would be an option to max. blade and witch would be good candidates too after you finish their passives. (actually daken/patch/blade are a pretty stout team). you're ahead of me roster-wise though, so take it fwiw.
I'm kind of in the same boat not sure of who to work on next. probably max daken for his event (looking forward to daken/Cyclops/fist), then not sure.0 -
TxMoose wrote:I might bring some solid ones up to 140 first. like torch/deadpool/grocket.
Was actually thinking about that, bringing people up to 140 as they are buffed.. maybe give QS and SG some love this week since they are buffed for the DP event.0 -
Malcrof wrote:TxMoose wrote:I might bring some solid ones up to 140 first. like torch/deadpool/grocket.
Was actually thinking about that, bringing people up to 140 as they are buffed.. maybe give QS and SG some love this week since they are buffed for the DP event.0 -
TxMoose wrote:Malcrof wrote:TxMoose wrote:I might bring some solid ones up to 140 first. like torch/deadpool/grocket.
Was actually thinking about that, bringing people up to 140 as they are buffed.. maybe give QS and SG some love this week since they are buffed for the DP event.
I leveled QS to 140, boosted paired with a boosted DD, i set traps, then use him to move tiles to set off traps.. while locking tiles working up to billy club.. had his aoe go off twice in a match, and his crit seems to pick nice spots as well. Starting to really love that combo0
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