New Storyline Events - Point One Lead-ins

Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
I feel a little bad complaining about stale PvE events so shortly after Ultron, however the idea of running through Thick as Thieves or Hulk or The Hunt, etc. makes me feel bored already.

I understand that there's a little bit more work involved in creating new story content, but I was thinking that something like the Marvel "Point One" issues could be good to help set up for possible future events. These Point One comics (usually marked as issue #0.1) tend to serve as lead ins to an upcoming story and can be a good point for new readers to jump in.

I imagine that even a small generic kind of event could be "reskinned" to serve as a point one for multiple other events. For example:

A hypothetical "Days of Future Past" event is planned.
In "Point One: Days of Future Past" a number of different mutants are powered up - survivors of both X-Men and Brotherhood have given up their old rivalry and banded together to survive. Single event tab (no subs), possibly even non-competitive (like oiginal Gauntlet), powered up characters but no essentials, not necessarily difficult but only a short (3day) event. Event rewards the character which will be featured in the main event to follow.