How about getting a more competent Customer Service?

Dear Demiurge,

It's been a long ride with the customer service team during all the upheaval caused by Ultron PVE or any other PVP for that matters and today, I finally had enough and decided to give you my complete thoughts over the matter.

In the past I have been experiencing multiple issues such as, missing points, deduction on points acquired in PVP and worse of all, MISSING COVERS. However, today, one of your customer service staff decided to take it out on me saying the following sentences:
We appreciate the additional details you have provided. However, since this issue was reported several weeks ago, we are unable to verify or investigate what occurred due to the amount of time that has passed. If you ever experience this issue again, please pay close attention to your point total before and after the mission. Proceed directly to the leaderboard after the match. If your point total still does not reflect the points you earned from the match, write back to let us know and we can investigate immediately. In the meantime, we hope you continue to enjoy playing Marvel Puzzle Quest.

What the Hell was that?? I reported all happenings in the timely manner and your delayed response is the cause of this to be a thing of the past. Leaderboard? I check my leaderboard religiously to ensure all my points are added accurately. I went to the extreme by even creating a note of every points I gained and lost during the PVP itself. Please pay close attention? That's the hardest metaphorical slap in the face i ever gotten as MPQ player. Write back to let us know so u can investigate immediately??? HELLO, I DID THE EXACT THING AND ANSWERED ALL YOUR QUESTIONING TO THE POINT I EVEN LOSE TRACK OF MY RESPONSES. I EVEN CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY THAT U PUT ME IN YOU DAMN SPAM FOLDER.

In conclusion, Please do something about your customer service staff. Train them or fire them or recruit a new batch of them, I don't know. I let you decide on that. We are not paying you a big sum of money to be treated in this manner.

Yours Sincerely,

Ryou Takahashi


  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have to address this before I made a suggestion;
    I let you decide on that. We are not paying you a big sum of money to be treated in this manner.

    Bologna. You're paying money into an otherwise free game for in-game premium currency to gain an edge and/or move faster through the game's progression curve. Yeah, your customer service was probably bad, but it's not bad because of that.

    What I would suggest, however, it to drop David [HiFi] Moore a PM with your Ticket ID and explain the situation. He should be able to sort something out for you.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    I have to address this before I made a suggestion;
    I let you decide on that. We are not paying you a big sum of money to be treated in this manner.

    Bologna. You're paying money into an otherwise free game for in-game premium currency to gain an edge and/or move faster through the game's progression curve. Yeah, your customer service was probably bad, but it's not bad because of that.

    What I would suggest, however, it to drop David [HiFi] Moore a PM with your Ticket ID and explain the situation. He should be able to sort something out for you.
    Agree about notifying David [HiFi] Moore a PM with your Ticket ID and explain the situation. they can fast track most of the problems.

    Bologna. You're paying money into an otherwise free game for in-game premium currency to gain an edge and/or move faster through the game's progression curve. Yeah, your customer service was probably bad, but it's not bad because of that.

    i don't see the relevance of making this distinction and it is dismissive to his complaint.

    bad customer service drives people away, they should not want to drive people away from the game, especially customers that contribute money to the game.

    Most people are 1 or 2 bad experiences away from never coming back. My wife got a hair in her food at a restaurant we would go to every couple of weeks or so, but because of that we haven't been back since in the 9 months or so since and do not plan to go back. if they lose all of the people that pay for imcoin.png ( cause that is the only thing you can buy, what about iso8.png ? just lol) then does the game keep going?

    I doubt it. They close up shop. So, is this really a free game designed to be played free or are they counting on and depending on purchases to keep them going?

    maybe it is bad exactly for that. customer service cost money to run and cuts into their bottom line. if this is a free game why have customer service at all? cause they want to keep their customers so they can spend money or at least be punching bags for whales that do spend money.

    why they have such a **** one confuses me to no end... lowering the bottom line
  • Was this through email or by calling customer service?
  • I don't think they really bother to read tickets. I opened one about losing some HP, tokens, and ISO when transferring devices. The blanket response I got back was how sometimes won awards are delayed before they appear in your totals. Totally not the issue I raised. And I always make sure to explain the problem, what happened, what I did, not just a blanket "things R missing OMG!!!" useless ticket.