Can we train the AI NOT to use certain abilities?

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Can we train the AI NOT to use certain abilities?

Take the SW PVP, i dig her abilities, but she is not covered enough (1/2/1) to be very useful.

My go to team for PVP is 3Thor and Doom

I do not want the AI using SW's purple or green while in defensive, i want Thors and Dooms.

Is there a way to keep her from shooting off **** skills and waiting for the big guns? (if she had 5 purple covers, i wouldn't mind that over doom, but she doesn't lol)

If not, i am going to be cannon fodder for anyone and everyone as the big skills will never get used.


  • Unknown
    I agree, this would be a great feature for them to add
  • Unknown
    Defense in PVP is more about picking a team that either will be too costly to beat or take too much time.
  • Unknown
    Well, when you're on the other side you're glad that AI is so stupid
  • Unknown
    1.) How do you know what team is going to be fighting? I assume that if I beat somebody with Scarlet Witch, Hulk, Punisher that that is the team they'll face. But if somebody draws my name as a challenge node what team do they fight?
    2.) If I could set up some Final Fantasy XII -esque gambits so the AI knew what abilities I wanted to use in what order that would be fantastic.
  • Unknown
    jclast wrote:
    1.) How do you know what team is going to be fighting? I assume that if I beat somebody with Scarlet Witch, Hulk, Punisher that that is the team they'll face. But if somebody draws my name as a challenge node what team do they fight?
    Your last team to win is the one that everyone sees and the team you used to beat someone is the one they get to retaliate against. I typically keep a "scarecrow" team in reserve for the times that I'm running through the roster and then use the scarecrow for the final win rather than worry about every team being "ideal" for defense.
  • Unknown
    You know how in PVP you're lucky if you don't need three health packs after a match?

    The last thing this game needs is for the AI to get any less stupid. When you combine it with the terrible health system, the game would become completely unplayable with a smarter AI.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    shade_tree wrote:
    Defense in PVP is more about picking a team that either will be too costly to beat or take too much time.

    When you are transitioning, and only have 2 chars above 102 because you didn't know any better (Thor and Doom are 142), i really have no choice (may change, banked 250k iso, waiting on r75). But leveling a 3rd char to 142 puts me in a much higher bracket..

    How is this for defense? Punisher, kamala, + required

    Once r75 hits, i can get them over 100 instantly, low cost skills means loads of heals. Would make for a long long battle, except kamala's green would never get a chance as useless hex bolt is only 8 ap.
  • Unknown
    You want cheap skills to trigger Kamala's passive, so she's not a bad choice to pair with SW. But yeah, it's hard to scare people off with a limited roster - I've spent a total of $40 on this game and $20 went into two covers for Hulk back when he was the best scarecrow.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    shade_tree wrote:
    You want cheap skills to trigger Kamala's passive, so she's not a bad choice to pair with SW. But yeah, it's hard to scare people off with a limited roster - I've spent a total of $40 on this game and $20 went into two covers for Hulk back when he was the best scarecrow.
    hulk was NEVER a good scarecrow
  • Unknown
    Spoit wrote:
    shade_tree wrote:
    You want cheap skills to trigger Kamala's passive, so she's not a bad choice to pair with SW. But yeah, it's hard to scare people off with a limited roster - I've spent a total of $40 on this game and $20 went into two covers for Hulk back when he was the best scarecrow.
    hulk was NEVER a good scarecrow
    Perhaps in your experience, but when I boosted him to 166 it pretty much stopped all retaliations for quite a while. Patch + Hulk is still pretty reliable in my circles, but I don't run with the 4* crowd.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    shade_tree wrote:
    You want cheap skills to trigger Kamala's passive, so she's not a bad choice to pair with SW. But yeah, it's hard to scare people off with a limited roster - I've spent a total of $40 on this game and $20 went into two covers for Hulk back when he was the best scarecrow.
    hulk was NEVER a good scarecrow

    I skip lvl 166 hulks. Unless i see someone with cheap green and red skills sitting with him, way too many HP for a transitioner to deal with
  • Unknown
    Back to OP - there definitely exists a way to train your character not to use a specific ability - don't add any covers of the color you don't want to use.
    But seriously, asking for AI to be smarter, Man! be aware of what you wish for - your wish might come true. Just imagine fighting those overscaled nodes with smart AI
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    shurak wrote:
    Back to OP - there definitely exists a way to train your character not to use a specific ability - don't add any covers of the color you don't want to use.
    But seriously, asking for AI to be smarter, Man! be aware of what you wish for - your wish might come true. Just imagine fighting those overscaled nodes with smart AI

    All good points.. guess until i have a stronger core of characters to choose from, i will just take my licks.

    Thinking of leveling Spidey and Iron fist to 100 to put her for now, yellow heals, his green will fire before hers.. spidey stuns.

    Remove SW and add Kamala, and you have loads of heals upon heals .. may not be the most offensive team, but would be frustrating to fight.