Looking at my overall token pull rates for the Ultron event

DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Went through both of the pull threads and toted up my 3/4* covers so far. I didn't track my 2* pulls all that assiduously, so I don't have an overall number of tokens to give an idea of my 3/4* pull rate as a percentage of the whole, but I can at least list the covers I pulled from event tokens.

Round 1 on PC yielded Squirrel Girl, Mystique (x2), Doom, Daken, Ragnarok, Iron Fist, Scarlet Witch, and Professor X.

Round 1 on mobile yielded Kamala Khan, Gamora, Squirrel Girl, Star-Lord and Human Torch. My mobile alliance didn't get as deep as my PC alliance did, and my mobile token luck wasn't as broad, although I did pull two covers I wanted.

Round 2 on PC has so far yielded Gamora, Daken (x2), Punisher (pulled a 2nd via a standard token as well), Magneto, Beast, Hulkbuster, Kamala Khan, Spidey, and IM40. Interestingly, while I haven't gotten nearly as many event tokens in round 2 because the SW nodes were being more tightfisted with tokens, I had a higher overall 3* pull rate.

Round 2 on mobile got a Hulkbuster. No Scarlet Witch meant not nearly as many token opportunities, but it sure made the most of what it got.

Gamora, Squirrel Girl and Torch are likely getting sold for ISO on mobile. Star-Lord and Hulkbuster got roster spots there.

Squirrel Girl is in my stash on PC awaiting a roster spot. IM40 is getting sold because I just don't like how his powers work. Ragnarok got rostered briefly, so as to use him in DDQ, but got dropped after I pulled Kamala Khan. All of my other PC 3*/4* covers from event tokens were useful. Two covers for Mystique, three for Daken, one for Doom, one for Iron Fist, one for Scarlet Witch, one for Professor X, one for Gamora, one for Punisher, one for Beast, one for Magneto, a Hulkbuster, a Kamala Khan, a cover for Spidey.

Hoping to get 2-3 more tokens Sunday.


  • Unknown
    You were very lucky. I got a Gamora and that was all. Pretty much got moonstones and wolverines otherwise. Or that is how I remember it. Now I know where all the luck went
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    Score of 1.2 million so far

    No 3 or 4* pulls at all

    Including buying the 50 HP daily token

  • Unknown
    I did only the first round of Ultron, Scored 1,4 millions, and did get all the Ultron rewards. I dont know how many tockens i got in the event 10-15 i think at least, and i also bought three 50 hp tockens. I got only one Magneto 3* all the others only 2*.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    AvU 1 - I got a Hulk (black, which I sold) and a Luke Cage (red, which I needed) plus a mountain of 2*'s (mostly Ares)

    AvU 2 - I actually got one or two 3* covers early; I don't remember who, but they both got sold. Then I pulled 2 Hulkbuster covers in quick succession (1 was from the round 3/4 reward token and one was from the daily deal). After that it's been 2*'s ever since. There are a few more chances at getting tokens, but getting another Hulkbuster cover is statistically unlikely.

    All said and done, I think I came out pretty good.
  • Unknown
    I think the MPQ gods have been smiling at me. I've pulled about a dozen 3*'s from these event tokens including an SW and Hulkbuster.
  • action711
    action711 Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Yeah, I've had an Elektra, an IM40, 2 Loki, and a whole bunch of ****, that's it.

    Even paid for a 10 pack hoping for Hulkbuster - won't make that mistake again. Plus a 50 pack daily.

    How can some people get such amazing drops yet others get naff all? I won't be putting any more money into a pack until they guarantee a certain amount of decent drops. I just feel like I've wasted my money. I know the drop rate, but I've paid £30 for the 10 pack. Have contacted support but not holding my breath
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    You were very lucky. I got a Gamora and that was all. Pretty much got moonstones and wolverines otherwise. Or that is how I remember it. Now I know where all the luck went

    I just pulled a Hood, who's also getting sold for ISO.

    Yeah, my 3* luck has been crazy with these tokens. Coming in all I wanted was a Scarlet Witch cover, a Hulkbuster cover, and a Kamala Khan cover. I figured if I pulled those three the rest of whatever I pulled I could live with. And then I ended up getting around 20 gold covers from event tokens, nearly all useful.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of course I haven't gotten anything worth a damn in DDQ for a couple of weeks, so maybe the embarrassment of AvU riches has been because of the lack of DDQ luck.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    action711 wrote:
    How can some people get such amazing drops yet others get naff all?

    That's probablity, if a given token has a 30% chance of giving a 3*, then about 30 people out of a hundred will get a 3* and about 70 will get zilch. This means that while D3 can accurately balance it's probablities based on statistics obtained on the whole player population, this doesn't hold true on the player level. On the individual level each token is a coin toss, nothing more nothing less.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lee T wrote:
    action711 wrote:
    How can some people get such amazing drops yet others get naff all?

    That's probablity, if a given token has a 30% chance of giving a 3*, then about 30 people out of a hundred will get a 3* and about 70 will get zilch. This means that while D3 can accurately balance it's probablities based on statistics obtained on the whole player population, this doesn't hold true on the player level. On the individual level each token is a coin toss, nothing more nothing less.

    70/30 isn't a coin toss. At least not with any coin I want to be gambling on. And a process iterated 20+ times for all tokens should provide reasonably consistant results.

    Most people will have gotten 20-40% gold covers. Anything outside of that, while possible, is the very flat end of the bell curve. Now whether the 3 and 4*s you obtained were useful to you personally is a different argument. But anyone who pulled absolutely nothing is ridiculously unlucky, assuming they got 12 tokens per round (from ultron for 6 waves and ultron prime). (.7)^24 is a ridiculously small number, which is that chance of getting absolutley nothing on 24 draws.
  • Frank NewCastle
    Frank NewCastle Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    It's probability. I got loads of 3* in the first Ultron run and maybe 1 in the second.

    In the same way I've had 4+ 3*/4*s in a 10-pack and also zilch.

    Humans always want to understand things via patterns that may or may not exist.

    Apple set iPod shuffles as random initially, but they ended up actually having to put in some active selection as users were saying the random shuffle wasn't random enough.

    People like to think they are special or that they are being conspired against if chance goes for/against them. The truth is that there are always going to be unlikely results if the sample size is reasonably large(if not no-one would ever win a lottery). No-one who did kind of OK will be making a song and dance about it, we mostly hear from the people who have had the unlikely results.

    Truth is, them's the breaks!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFiPL wrote:
    My mobile alliance didn't get as deep as my PC alliance did...

    holy **** you ran the event with 2 accts? how in the world do you have time for that? most of us were pretty upset when the pves and pvp season started mid-event. I just can't imagine spending that much time on this...
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    DFiPL wrote:
    My mobile alliance didn't get as deep as my PC alliance did...

    holy **** you ran the event with 2 accts? how in the world do you have time for that? most of us were pretty upset when the pves and pvp season started mid-event. I just can't imagine spending that much time on this...

    Didn't spend near as much time on the event on my mobile account. Didn't get a Scarlet Witch there, so the second half of the event I was really limited in how much I could play, because my mobile alliance was slower to take down round 3 and couldn't take down round 4 at all. Basically played my mobile account on the pooper or while waiting to get my hair cut the other day. Most of my Ultron time was spent on the PC account, where I had a stronger roster, an actually-useful Captain America for the drop tiles, and the essentials in both rounds so I could chase tokens and hero points.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also, I gave PVP the finger when they started greeting me with 3x166 teams at the very start of an event. I basically don't play them anymore, and ninja **** = lol no enemy of the state you can **** right off