Pixels vs happy customers

Punatulkku Posts: 228
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I used to work as business 2 business salesman for 4 years. During that time i was able to get climpse of what is to have a happy customer. Happy customer trusts you and your product, he feels himself valuable and that the company can provide his needs.

Atm D3 isint having happy customers. Their server problems, rewards problems, token problems etc, are making people really unhappy. Also response time to errors with compensation is prolonging, and they dont communicate with their customers.

Im just asking, shooting a bit higher on compensation, what's it away from you? Some work hours to do proper pixel distripution to customers. Happy customers DO PAY more easily, unhappy customers usually vote with their money/feet.

So, the question to D3 is, happy customers, or unhappy customers. Which one you want? Paying customers having trust on the company, or paying customers shutting their wallets, and sharing rumours on how you guys treat customers. Theres one example of ultra bad customers support, its EA... Do not go to the path of EA...


  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    Punatulkku wrote:
    I used to work as business 2 business salesman for 4 years. During that time i was able to get climpse of what is to have a happy customer. Happy customer trusts you and your product, he feels himself valuable and that the company can provide his needs.

    Atm D3 isint having happy customers. Their server problems, rewards problems, token problems etc, are making people really unhappy. Also response time to errors with compensation is prolonging, and they dont communicate with their customers.

    Im just asking, shooting a bit higher on compensation, what's it away from you? Some work hours to do proper pixel distripution to customers. Happy customers DO PAY more easily, unhappy customers usually vote with their money/feet.

    So, the question to D3 is, happy customers, or unhappy customers. Which one you want? Paying customers having trust on the company, or paying customers shutting their wallets, and sharing rumours on how you guys treat customers. Theres one example of ultra bad customers support, its EA... Do not go to the path of EA...[/quote

    What is a "climpse"?
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    oh darn, its a pure typo, i think i ment glimpse, sorry english isint my native language :/
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    A lot talk about how much of a failure/disappointment these Ultron events have been, but I don't think Demiurge will see it that way. They got more users to log on for Ultron than in any other event, ever! That will surely be seen as a huge success, no matter the outages or bugs that affected players. I bet they made a killing off cover packs. Despite the entirety of the forum badmouthing them, there is always a couple people who post saying they bought a 42 pack. Imagine the purchases from all the new players they lured in.

    Going forward, they will give some compensation, but things will continue as they always have. If you've been playing MPQ for any length of time you've suffered through some tinykitty, and aren't likely to outright quit over more of the same tinykitty( like me!). Demiurge knows this.
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    Hell, i could start working them as community manager and share some common sense to them. Its not that hard to think how to get happy customers...
  • I'm a pretty happy customer.

    Just sayin
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    i highly doubt it, server issues hit all. looking your reputation, it seems youre familiar troll in these forums...
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Ludaa wrote:
    A lot talk about how much of a failure/disappointment these Ultron events have been, but I don't think Demiurge will see it that way. They got more users to log on for Ultron than in any other event, ever! That will surely be seen as a huge success, no matter the outages or bugs that affected players. I bet they made a killing off cover packs. Despite the entirety of the forum badmouthing them, there is always a couple people who post saying they bought a 42 pack. Imagine the purchases from all the new players they lured in.

    I agree that D3 made a killing off cover packs. I've seen veterans (like Puerto Rico) and newbies alike with MULTIPLE Hulkbuster covers of each color. I think, financially, Ultron has been a successful event for the publisher.
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    Sales spikes are always welcome, especially during promo sitsuations. But, its also effective to ensure steady flow of cash, which would mean keeping main player base or atleat majority happy, so that they feel ok on buying slots/tokens.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Ludaa wrote:
    Going forward, they will give some compensation, but things will continue as they always have. If you've been playing MPQ for any length of time you've suffered through some tinykitty, and aren't likely to outright quit over more of the same tinykitty( like me!). Demiurge knows this.

    Have to agree this is true.

    MPQ addiction is real!

    Doesn't mean they will get any more of my money though. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    My common sense is tingling.. Why dont they want to get more loyal customers? its like shooting on your own leg when neglecting us...
  • pizzaburger
    pizzaburger Posts: 44
    This is a game that takes time. It takes time to build up rosters.

    When the Ultron game crashed last week, I panicked because my gut told me I would just be screwed. I missed round 1 of the first event, which I did care about. I couldn't get my DDQ character, which I did care about.

    Being forced to deal with not getting those things has just helped me to see this game isn't that important and shouldn't stress me out so much. A good realization for me, but a bad realization for the Game.

    The game has just trained me to take it less seriously and that not getting characters shouldn't upset me so much. So, when that attitude prevails, I'm much less likely to spend more time and money on that game.

    I guess you could say MarvelPuzzleQuest broke my game addiction for me... Developers, you're breaking our game addictions for us.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Punatulkku wrote:
    My common sense is tingling.. Why dont they want to get more loyal customers? its like shooting on your own leg when neglecting us...
    For you, or anyone else who thinks this is a paradox, it is not. New players are the ones who spend money on games like this. Once you've been playing for a while, you can subsidize your play via in-game rewards without having to spend money any longer. So the incentive is to attract new players and make new players happy, at the expense of veteran players who are no longer spending money.
  • Also, why do you get the feeling players AREN'T loyal customers? Since I started playing this game, I have seen many of the names I compete against in the top dozens of times. People do stick around, and likely, every now and then many of them spend a little.

    Aren't these people loyal customers?
  • simonsez wrote:
    Punatulkku wrote:
    My common sense is tingling.. Why dont they want to get more loyal customers? its like shooting on your own leg when neglecting us...
    For you, or anyone else who thinks this is a paradox, it is not. New players are the ones who spend money on games like this. Once you've been playing for a while, you can subsidize your play via in-game rewards without having to spend money any longer. So the incentive is to attract new players and make new players happy, at the expense of veteran players who are no longer spending money.

    I get what you're saying, and frankly, it makes the kind of simple sense that's hard to argue against, even with a minimal understanding of how business, and by extension mobile gaming, works.

    Coming from a Day 500+ "mostly casual" (until recently thanks to a DDQ jumpstart) player, what honestly confounds me is how the recent changes (or lack thereof re: specific character health increase omissions, ISO rewards, roster slot prices, etc.) were supposed to accomplish this "encouraging newer players to play, and ultimately spend" goal.

    Roster slot prices will still likely be one of the first things to give a new player pause, as they continue to open "the cool new thing" from their tokens, especially in light of the "increased" drop rates for "better" characters. It's going to take a quick Google search to see the wall ahead of you on that one, and then contemplate how you will either earn or buy slots. Knowing how much HP costs, well, yeah, that'll become pretty obvious pretty quick. They'll essentially be seeing more of what they cannot keep, unless they spend, at which time they'll weigh the value of spending vs. return, and that should answer that pretty quickly.

    No "out of match" instant healing, unlike other games, and their health packs regenerate to 5. Speaking of health, increases for random characters, and oddly specifically not for some characters that could have actually used the bump. Add to that, matches are now longer, requiring a larger "out of the gate" commitment from a newer player, while rewards remain the same (20 ISO? Aw yeah!), characters get more banged up, necessitating... more health packs. And they have between zero and five?

    What else have they changed? MMR? Ultron? Slice times?

    IDK. I do know this much though. I would LOVE to sit with someone from D3 in charge of financial returns to discuss why they make the moves they make... not even considering their stance on compensation claims as compared to other developers. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm honestly feeling like I don't know nearly as much as I think I do about the monetary side of MPQ.

    Bear in mind, these are even necessarily complaints, more just odd things I've noticed within the context of "appealing to new players." I still love the game, despite sometimes feeling like D3 doesn't want me to. Frankly, the increased character drops are exciting for me as a 2*-3* transitioner, I got a better PVE end time option, and my overall feeling is pretty good. It's just odd to hear about things like "increased play, roster diversity, encouraging player retention, and ultimately spending" within the context of newer players without seeing things that help accomplish any of these goals.

  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    I know only few games where the dev's actually communicate, AND have fun together WITH the players. Those games, are awesome, but then there are also games that are used only for milking, and people get bored to them...
  • Punatulkku wrote:
    i highly doubt it, server issues hit all. looking your reputation, it seems youre familiar troll in these forums...

    Life goes on when the server is down. Maybe you've never played any other game but I've never played any mmo for an extended amount of time without having downtime.

    Or having downtime on the Play station network, or xbox

    Or my actual internet going down at home or work.

    Nothing runs every day all year long without hiccups.

    And pfft negative reputation rather easy to get. Just disagree with the masses
  • Dauntless74
    Dauntless74 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    D3 doesn't care about long term players. As long as new players splurge big while in the honeymoon period before they realise how broken the game is then D3 will keep churning out events and characters at an almost Ultron type rate. New players don't know any better, they don't know there are 3 million characters and counting, they don't know that the covers they just maxed out will be meaningless in 2 months time when that character is nerfed. They are happy to buy health packs while their 1 and 2 star.png teams are repeatedly wiped out in PVP. They just don't know the horror, dammit. D3 know though, oh they know.