R74 Steam client crashes

Ever since the release of R74, my Steam version of the game has been crashing somewhat frequently (estimate: once/twice per hour when playing at a leisurely pace), even though it has rarely done so before through several hundred hours of gameplay. I have not been able to discern a particular cause to the crashes, but the following have all occurred since R74:
  • Crash when cancelling an ability that requires tile selection. This has been the cause of many lost Ultron battles as I use a team with four abilities that target tiles (2Cap/GBW/Cyclops). Though these painful losses may have biased my memory, this does feel like the most common cause of crashes for me right now.
  • Crash when entering a battle, as the tiles are falling into place to fill the board. This has occurred a couple of times in the Oscorp Heroic, and I almost missed the 45k progression reward because of this.
  • Crash when selecting a time slice in an event. Just happened in the Combined Arms PvP for example.
I can recall a few more crash triggers just off the top of my head, but I cannot date them precisely to the release of R74. I will try to add more triggers to this post as they show up however.


  • Adding another trigger:
    • Crash when executing an ability that requires tile selection.
      This occurred in wave 4 of 5 in the She-Hulk essential node for Avenger's Tower sub in Enemy of the State, when trying to place a Blast Arrow tile. Not only did this crash waste 20 minutes of my time, 3 health packs, plus a ton of points, the loss still added 8 hours to the node timer and thus reduced its value even if I try to replay it. Extremely frustrating.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vynyv wrote:
    Crash when selecting a time slice in an event. Just happened in the Combined Arms PvP for example.
    Just incase it helps building up a regression window; this one has been happening sporadically since, iirc, R72.
  • Just had another crash when I clicked on the OK button after selecting a tile for Hawkeye's Blast Arrow. While probably irrelevant, I'll record here that the crash occurred on the She-Hulk essential wave node in the X-Mansion sub event, on wave 1 vs. a single Shinobi while at 30 red AP.
  • Restarted the game after the last crash and immediately ran into yet another crash. Once again, it occurred when clicking on the OK button after selecting a tile, this time for Rocket & Groot's I Got a Plan.
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Vynyv wrote:
    Ever since the release of R74, my Steam version of the game has been crashing somewhat frequently (estimate: once/twice per hour when playing at a leisurely pace), even though it has rarely done so before through several hundred hours of gameplay. I have not been able to discern a particular cause to the crashes, but the following have all occurred since R74:
    • Crash when cancelling an ability that requires tile selection. This has been the cause of many lost Ultron battles as I use a team with four abilities that target tiles (2Cap/GBW/Cyclops). Though these painful losses may have biased my memory, this does feel like the most common cause of crashes for me right now.
    • Crash when entering a battle, as the tiles are falling into place to fill the board. This has occurred a couple of times in the Oscorp Heroic, and I almost missed the 45k progression reward because of this.
    • Crash when selecting a time slice in an event. Just happened in the Combined Arms PvP for example.
    I can recall a few more crash triggers just off the top of my head, but I cannot date them precisely to the release of R74. I will try to add more triggers to this post as they show up however.

    Hey Vvnyv,

    I am really sorry you are experiencing these crashes. Could you please give me some general specs of your PC so that I can have our QA department investigate these? Receiving the output from your DXDiag would be even better (You can PM me that if you prefer).
  • The requested information has been sent, although I just experienced another costly crash with Hawkeye's Blast Arrow in the Real McCoy PvP. Once again, the trigger was clicking on the OK button after placing the Blast Arrow tile.
  • Vynyv wrote:
    • Crash when entering a battle, as the tiles are falling into place to fill the board. This has occurred a couple of times in the Oscorp Heroic, and I almost missed the 45k progression reward because of this.
    • Crash when selecting a time slice in an event. Just happened in the Combined Arms PvP for example.

    Mainly this.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Aaaaa---nd it just crashed again while trying to join a PvP event.
    Boy oh boy, what a crapshoot.

    So; who do I talk to get the health-packs refunded that would be needed to revive everyone who's health was knocked down by the crash? (I.e. every character you put out on the field during the last 2~3 matches...)

    Oh right; no-one! Because CS doesn't care and gives you the bird.

    Here's an idea for the developers; incorporate some crash telemetry that automatically sends you back stack traces if the client goes down in flames. Maybe that'll help you cope more quickly with situations where players are on the receiving end of the stick wielded by your null-reference exceptions.

    And while we're at it: why the $EXPLETIVE$ are player characters losing health for a crash while joining an event?!! This isn't exactly a 'loss of connection' you can attribute to a cord-pull to prevent in-game losses, now is it?
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Master025 wrote:
    Vynyv wrote:
    • Crash when entering a battle, as the tiles are falling into place to fill the board. This has occurred a couple of times in the Oscorp Heroic, and I almost missed the 45k progression reward because of this.
    • Crash when selecting a time slice in an event. Just happened in the Combined Arms PvP for example.

    Mainly this.

    The crashing-at-the-start-of-a-match thing is my biggest bugbear.
    Especially in PvP. Thanks, game! Now I've lost progression, lost points and my guys are all wounded so I have to spend 3 health packs on them!

    If there was a way of coding the game so a crash within, say, 3 seconds of starting a match didn't count as a loss or a win, it just counted as nothing...that would be nice.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Wait, you all think that this isONLY on Steam?????

    This happens on my Android at least a few times a week. It's almost always as the tilesare done dropping into place.....after I'm loaded up with AP boosts and +AP, of course.....CRASH. Disappears off of my screen, as if I had closed the app out. And also while I am trying to join events.

    For instance, just 30 minutes ago, while trying to join The Hulk PvE, it would not let me join a slice. I choose 8pm. Doesn't let me join then crashes. I restart, I click 8pm again, it crashes. I try the 11pm, crashes. I restart again, and it FINALLY let's me into the event.....after 20 minutes of trying......and to be honest, I'm not even sure which timeslot I'm in. lol. And I'm way too tired to calculate the hours.

  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    My game has crashed 4 times today in the span of roughly an hour, all immediately after joining a match.

    I also run on Steam and have had increased game crashes as of late, but this is entirely ridiculous.
  • Just lost another battle due to game crashing while placing Rocket & Groot's I've Got A Plan tile icon_e_sad.gif

    That's the 5th crash I've experienced since I last sent in my information on May 9th. What is notable about this crash is that there were some observable anomalies during this particular game session. In the first battle that I played in this session, the game would repeatedly freeze/lag while I made matches, so that the actual animation and sound effect for making a match would always occur a half second after I actually completed my mouse movement. The problem then disappeared for several battles, so I did not pay heed to it, but some of the audio problems subsequently returned in the match that I crashed in (e.g. one match could go silent as if the game forgot to play the matching sound effect). The exact moment of this crash also occurred upon placing the I've Got A Plan tile, rather than on clicking the OK/Cancel button, and it was accompanied by an audio freeze.

    I will be happy to send in my accumulated crash dumps if it will be of any help.