A full (two!) seasons' worth of tokens...at once.

El Satanno
El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Some of you may recall my endeavor back in season 11 wherein I saved every token I earned and opened them in one fell swoop. That adventure was posted here. Well, I did it again...and again. Somehow I managed to forget to post my results from season 12, so here for your consideration is two full seasons' worth of token pulls. For fairly obvious reasons, I will only be posting the 3* and 4* pulls. Please enjoy.

Season 12:
156 silver tokens
45 mixed gold tokens
1 heroic 10-pack

The pulls:
Silver tokens
Cyclops (black)
Luke Cage (red)
Mystique (black)
Blade (green)

Heroic tokens
Magneto (blue)
Mystique (black)

Heroic 10-pack
Doctor Doom (purple)
Cyclops (black)

Dark Avengers: Heroic
Punisher (green)

Doctor's Orders
4* Thor (red)

4* Thor (blue)

Storm (green)
Iron Fist (green)
Punisher (black)

Ragnarok (green)

The Hunt
Patch (green)

Iso total from cover sales: 33,600

Season 13
241 silver tokens
69 gold tokens
1 heroic 10-pack

The pulls:
Silver tokens
Falcon (blue)
Beast (green)
Doctor Octopus (blue)

Heavy Metal
Ragnarok (blue)

Thick as Thieves
Kamala Khan (yellow)

Hostile Takeover
Spider-Man (yellow)

Simulator (two instances)
Iron Man (red)
Mystique (black)
Hulk (red)

Iso-8 Brothoerhood
Doctor Octopus (green)
Squirrel Girl (yellow)
Patch (red)
Blade (green)

Prodigal Sun
Patch (yellow)
Human Torch (black)

Heroic tokens
Beast (yellow)

Heroic 10-pack
Falcon (purple)
Doctor Doom (red)
Human Torch (red)

Iso total from cover sales: 51,150

Observations and (purely subjective) conclusions:
1) I must have been off in my stated total of silver tokens during season 11. I worked pretty hard in 13, I didn't even come close to 400. Mea culpa.
2) I really slacked off in season 12.
3) IsoBros is still the grand champion of rewards. I want IsoBros every week!
4) The rate of 3*/4* pulls is fairly consistent: ~7% in season 12, and ~6% in season 13.
5) I only got 4 usable pulls for my roster this season, versus 7 last season. This is likely because my roster has improved in the interim, but it's more fun to think it's because the game is trolling me...2 of those 4 "usable" pulls were Beast and Doc Ock.

Tune in at the end of season 14 for more of this insufferable nonsense! icon_cool.gif


  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    You lucky man. I get very few 3*s from event tokens most of the time. Still need covers for beast and ock! icon_e_biggrin.gif for certain definitions of "need", at least.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you think that counts as lucky? I'm not entirely sure. One thing I didn't track, which I will for next season, is how many tokens I'm cashing in for a given event. For example, I recall that I had 12 IsoBro tokens and something like 16 Heroic, versus only 4 for Rocket & Groot...which paid out zero gold pulls. There were many token sets that gave me squat. Also, of the four usable covers I got, I wasn't looking for any of them. I really wanted to score Cyclops, Iron Fist, and/or Luke Cage and got exactly zero of any of them. So I'm not as eager as you to call it "lucky." Hell, in season 12 I got two 4or covers. That counts as lucky, I think.

    (I tried to phrase this as neutrally as possible, but I still think it sounds somewhat snide/sarcastic. I'm really not thinking that way.)