Changes to PvP - Devs Please Answer

I really just want to know if you are going to alter this terrible, terrible new gameplay on PvP.

Is this state of play permanent? Facing 166/166/166 in the first round of Shield Sim? In the first round of Predator and Prey?

When I started playing about six months ago, I could progress more as a 2* than I can now with a decent transition roster. I saw PvP as somethng to aim for, a reason to improve my roster; now it is just painful. If you claim you changed the PvP in order to help players, why are you not helping players like myself?

Admitting you made a mistake is not easy, I get that. But this is a BIG mistake, and has ruined gameplay. My entire alliance can't be bothered with Season XIV, I can't be bothered. Please tell me that you are going to put it back the way it was.


  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Join combined arms it is all seed teams!! It is way worse since when you get to 200 points everything is only worth 10 points or less. icon_lol.gif

    They have been tweeting the MMR each event and are bringing back the buffed characters. This might help. I think equal rosters is going to be the new norm, so sorry for the frustration
  • Unknown
    Yeah, i did combined arms, got into top 100 by brating about 30 matches giving 8-10 ponts each. Boring, but successful.
    This new thing for pvp, though? Awful. Can play two matches before health goes, then close game. How is this encouraging me to spend money?
  • Unknown
    So I just played a second match in Predator and Prey. Needed to use a health pack to get my 166 Thor in play, and the 94 thor in the opposing team rips him to 1 hit point with cascades. I won the match, just, on that 1 point. So to play again means using another health pack, which I don't have.
    Cue exit game. It never used to be this ****.
  • bazalenko
    bazalenko Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I completely agree. I've fought my way through the so called 'unfair' matchups to develop a decent team at around lvl 120. I was previously meeting similar teams to me at level 250+ and could get reasonable matchups through 300+. Now the seed teams are ones I would normally skip and I need a health pack after every fight. PVE is already scaled, you shouldn't be punished in both formats for leveling your team, there should be some advantage for continued play and developing your roster.