many problems to be solved

Jedam Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

Not to complain, but hopefully to have some changes:
- can't find a team at your level in pvp : my average played character is level 110 (my best are 140), and after 100 points in pvp I can't fight a ennemy team below 166
- pvp 'combined arms' : 10 points for every fight, to reach my usual 300 I need 30 fights, 4 min per fight (plus choose char, power up, clicks ...) that's 2 hours
- crashes : since ULtron there was quite a lot
- servers out : again with Ulton event
- pve level : oscorp heroic, first 3 nodes at level 45 or so, nodes number 4 and above level 200+. once again my best char are level 140, how can I play ?
- too may events : right now : 2 ultrons events, ennemy of the state, daily quest, combined arms, season XIV
- lose everything if disconnected : I never dc becasue of my connection but becasue of your servers, and yet when I log back the game is lost and the penalties apply

food for though, or so I hope
