Please stop the silence: a few simple/basic questions

TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
There was no announcement of the points change.

Please stop making it worse by remaining totally silent.

1. It'd be nice to know why there was no notice of the points change, even if was just because you forgot to mention it.

2. It'd be nice for you to confirm you're aware of the issue and whether you consider it to be the problem players view it as.

3. Do you plan to do anything to adjust the current event? If so, even should we expect that announcement?

4. If you do not plan to make any adjustments, are you going to consider compensation? If yes, when can we expect that announcement.

It'd be a kindness to get these answers. Many of us have heard of some big movie coming out this weekend. Having this information would go a long way is aiding us to plan our weekend.

Thank you.


  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Points change? Do you mean Ultron's Health Pool? Or the Seed Teams thing?

    I imagine the health pool was intended and was the plan all along. If the past shows anything, they are incredibly hesitate to change things when they're already on the slate, and I have to reason to believe now would be any different (if anything I'd think they'd be more stringent on this policy).

    As for the seed team thing. Honestly, I have no idea. That's genuinely weird. They've been pretty straight-forward about their MMR/Match-Making changes over the last few changes, so I don't know why they wouldn't say anything now. I'm hedging on an accident. The other possibility is that they may have done a global MMR reset - I haven't seen anyone say they're not having this 'issue'.

    Obviously, my answer is not official, and I'm in no way a dev, but that's my two cents.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Yes, Ultron ' s health.

    You know, I was not happy about some of the changes they made, but at the end of the day no matter if you liked them or not, no matter if you agreed with them or not, at the least they were done on a professional manner.

    The server and technical issues those things happen, and while I might not agree with them not taking two seconds to communicate they're aware of the problem, I can understand them wanting to spend their time fixing the problem instead of talking about it.

    This is something different entirely. They have 100% control over this issue, so it is their responsibility. At the least it is disrespectful of players as customers and people, to have this kind of issue with what is arguably the biggest event of the year, and just leave us twisting here.

    You want to have your own product, you want to have your own forum, then there comes a time when you have a duty to address certain issues and to do so in a timely manner.

    There could be plausible reasons for the problems; however, there it is inexcusable how they have handled this matter. Five minutes to address the biggest event they'll probably have year is a small pittance. Customer service starts with not ignoring the customer.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Come on, you know you aren't going to get answered after 5 pm on Friday, especially after they had to stay late last week
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    I think we can stop expecting genuine communcation from them. A single update to the pinned post seems all they're going to give.

    From that we can assume no tinnykitties were given.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    I think we can stop expecting genuine communcation from them. A single update to the pinned post seems all they're going to give.

    From that we can assume no tinnykitties were given.

    unless they're trolling us and round 8 has a reasonable amount of health given the disproportionate amounts in earlier rounds.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    There was no announcement of the points change.

    Please stop making it worse by remaining totally silent.

    1. It'd be nice to know why there was no notice of the points change, even if was just because you forgot to mention it.

    2. It'd be nice for you to confirm you're aware of the issue and whether you consider it to be the problem players view it as.

    3. Do you plan to do anything to adjust the current event? If so, even should we expect that announcement?

    4. If you do not plan to make any adjustments, are you going to consider compensation? If yes, when can we expect that announcement.

    It'd be a kindness to get these answers. Many of us have heard of some big movie coming out this weekend. Having this information would go a long way is aiding us to plan our weekend.

    Thank you.

    1 & 2) Have they EVER done this before?
    I don't remember them launching the survival nodes event and giving players clear details on how the nodes will impact progression rewards.
    Did they explain the optimal type of play required to compete for top 50, 20, 10, 5, 1st place finish when 4* pve's were introduced?
    What about the amount of clears to make top prog reward for any given PvE event score so we can know how early we need to grind?

    Of course not.
    Events have always come at us fresh leaving the players to figure things out.
    I understand why the players want this information but to EXPECT it and actually BLAME D3 for not providing it now seems sily and a bit out of left field.

    Most of us vets 'may' be stuck with just 2x HB covers this time. We'll know better next time the boss event is run in the future.

    3) This would be interesting to know. On one hand these are 4* covers and they are supposed to be VERY difficult to win. On the other hand they may have made things more difficult than initially intended. Who knows? I doubt they even will until they get the final data.

    4) No. Of course not. We've seen PLENTY of PvE and PvP adjustments made over the last year and not once have they ever retroactively compensated players for how the events changed. For example...I was never retroactively awarded every single 4* cover I would have gained for surpassing 1000 points prior to the reduction from 1300 to 1000. This change was done to the format as a result of internal data and game changes.

    This is just how I view these matters of course based on historical precedence.
  • jimpaek02
    jimpaek02 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Why even ask for answers? They don't actually give any answers when they do respond. It's just all beating around the bush when they do respond. I'm guessing they are all stuck in the clown car and can't get out to respond. I've never seen a company care less about their customers, well maybe Netflix.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    jimpaek02 wrote:
    Why even ask for answers? They don't actually give any answers when they do respond. It's just all beating around the bush when they do respond. I'm guessing they are all stuck in the clown car and can't get out to respond. I've never seen a company care less about their customers, well maybe Netflix.

    must never been a gamefly customer now there is a company that says FU to its customers. For the last 5 months my games have been taking 9 to 12 days to get to me, for these past 5 months they go Its not our fault its the post office. Last week i got an email saying We found a problem on our end that was making your games late.... Heres 3 free days off your next month membership..

    Screwed over for 5 months and offers you 3 free days LOL
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    First, they're on the west coast it was not 5pm.

    Second, they are the ones that say they want to communicate better. Imo for the most part they have done that. They can't answer everything at a drop of a hat. I understand that. However, this is different, and I'm a bit miffed them and some forumites don't see the difference.

    This event is their super bowl, their academy awards, etc. It is not just another pve. Their willingness to outright turn a blind eye after previously not announcing there was a change for this event is a real slap in the face to the player base. The points change and the lack of an announcement beforehand are nothing compared to this.

    Instead of players enjoying the event, we're stuck wondering if the event is set up correctly, and we already know for certain it was not set up for alliances to compete in a reasonable matter.

    This fact, that this event is now more about how the event was set up and decisions made by the developers instead of about alliances having fun trying to get a great new character tied into Marvel's new movie is the direct result of choices made by the development team today. It would have taken 5 minutes of their (or more accurately hifi's) time. However, based on their actions, this event and these players did not merit that response from them.