Ultron round 2, what a disappointment

Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Ultron round 1, even with the server and the get to 1M was fun, even for casual alliances, but what a disappointment is this second round. We all were exited about getting some IMHB covers, it was going to be such a great event. But then reality kicked in our balls. 5.5M for round 6, 11M for round 7, still undtermined round 8.

What were you thinking D3?!?!?

The forum is full of threads about not ending round 8, but what worries me is not even ending round 6!!! I usually don t play with Alliances, I like to play on my terms (I am usually top25, but I just score between 3000-4000 in the season because there are some events I don t play). So I joined the first not bad alliance I found, and it is not bad, but a lot of the players are very casual. In the first round we cleared round 6 but we didn t have time for round 7. But this time we were committed to clear the seven round, until we saw the numbers. Now I don t we are going to be able to win 1 IMHB cover!!! Just one!!! This is very unfair, I get a casual alliance should not get a lot 4*, but not even one, for an event for the Avengers 2 movie?

I am very disappointed, maybe we will be able to beat round 6 or maybe I will win one cover in the other PvE event, but all the excitement has gone away. This is way I decided to stop trying to win 4* after 4hor, iit s too hard. It should be difficult to win 2 or 3 covers but it should be doable win at least one.

I don't know why I still play this game, every time I get exited about it again I get a punch in the face.


  • You just need to appreciate the developers carrot and the stick approach.
    Haven't seen the carrot yet, but its gotta be coming.. any day now.. lol
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    From a different perspective:

    As a casual alliance, who never had a shot at round 8 on either one.. the tokens have been spectacular for us! I only got my SW today, but have 3 covers for Hulkbuster already from tokens. An alliance-mate just went 3 for 3 on tokens for 3*'s (BP blackflag.png , Cage blackflag.png , SheHulk blueflag.png ).

    I understand the vets are upset, and have every right to be.. but many of us are having a blast with this!
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,386 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    From a different perspective:

    As a casual alliance, who never had a shot at round 8 on either one.. the tokens have been spectacular for us! I only got my SW today, but have 3 covers for Hulkbuster already from tokens. An alliance-mate just went 3 for 3 on tokens for 3*'s (BP blackflag.png , Cage blackflag.png , SheHulk blueflag.png ).

    I understand the vets are upset, and have every right to be.. but many of us are having a blast with this!

    im disapported that every witch round i play i win

    250 ISO

    woooooooooooooooooo havent won a token since last night... got to admit though this event gives out tons more HP 75 just today
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, very disappointing. If not for my alliance, I would stop playing when I hit a million since level 8 is way out of touch... kind of like the dev team.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    From a different perspective:

    As a casual alliance, who never had a shot at round 8 on either one.. the tokens have been spectacular for us! I only got my SW today, but have 3 covers for Hulkbuster already from tokens. An alliance-mate just went 3 for 3 on tokens for 3*'s (BP blackflag.png , Cage blackflag.png , SheHulk blueflag.png ).

    I understand the vets are upset, and have every right to be.. but many of us are having a blast with this!

    I think you bring up a good point in the fact that the tokens have been very good for MPQ. I would also say I have gotten a lot of HP from this event. I am glad you are having fun with Ultron. As I am as well. Hat is until I saw the health of round 7. I have already hit a million points and got my SW covers, but aiming for 3 Hulkbuster covers feels out of reach with 2 days left. Depending on the health of Ultron in round 8 it probably won't b worth the constant boosting for 1 cover that won't be useful until November.

    Again thanks for bringing up the fact that we have gotten some good out of this event, but think how much better the event would be if you felt you could actually reach all the progression rewards?
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    The first round was a blast, and making the second round challenging but doable would have been a fantastic follow on. I wish our Devs would take it to heart that forcing a grind in order to get the exciting new covers makes players constantly evaluate whether or not it is worth it to play. The balance just is not there between risk and reward, and the time commitment to hit 1M is too great to also be unable to clear the last round.
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I'm starting to feel the same way. I've been playing a lot of MPQ this week, the event has awesome rewards but requires a ton of time to clear. My alliance is quite casual, we cleared round 6 and got 1 SW. This time we are playing a lot more but I can't see how we will clear round 6 in time, I'm already burned out of this event. I ddin't play last PvE and didn't started Enemy of the state. Play only 2 or 3 matches on the last 2 PVPs... It requires so much commitment to get high ranks.

    The rewards are nice, but the game is starting to require too much time.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    Back to back run of the same event is generally a bad idea.... The game is already a grind as it is. This makes it just even worse and causes burnouts. I like the Ultron event but in some ways it is even grindier than some of PVE's when we were at a 3 hour refresh timer.

    The time commitment has been nuts this week.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I'd like to echo the last three comments. I'm not posting because I'm upset that my Alliance won't finish Round 6 for a 4* cover. Instead, I'm concerned that the event illustrates that the Design team really does equate challenge with sheer number of repeat plays. In my mind, that's the single biggest problem with MPQ.

    I used to blame the competitive nature of PvE for the insane grind to obtain 4* covers, but now I see that the Devs think that people enjoy these mindless grinds. Some might. I don't.

    It would have been far better to offer 1 SW cover and 2 IMHB covers as Round 6-8 rewards than to increase the grind even more than it already was for Run 1.

    Some people are going to try much harder than I ever would to get all 3 4* covers. That's true, but I doubt that they are having much fun trying.
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I'd like to echo the last three comments. I'm not posting because I'm upset that my Alliance won't finish Round 6 for a 4* cover. Instead, I'm concerned that the event illustrates that the Design team really does equate challenge with sheer number of repeat plays. In my mind, that's the single biggest problem with MPQ.

    I used to blame the competitive nature of PvE for the insane grind to obtain 4* covers, but now I see that the Devs think that people enjoy these mindless grinds. Some might. I don't.

    It would have been far better to offer 1 SW cover and 2 IMHB covers as Round 6-8 rewards than to increase the grind even more than it already was for Run 1.

    Some people are going to try much harder than I ever would to get all 3 4* covers. That's true, but I doubt that they are having much fun trying.

    Well, I can tell you that I'm tired and bored of these event, I did around 400k points in first run, couldn't manage to do more because I find the event too grindy and boring after so many clears of the same thing. I like the ultron fight, but I dislike a lot the sentry fights, being destroyed by constant bombing of crit tiles all the time is not fun for me.

    This round I already have 550k and doing more points to try and get 1 cover for my alliance, I don't even care for my cover anymore, I won't have a usable 4* ironman ever. I have a 166 X-Force and its because I bought 3 greens and 2 blacks. I'm on day 450 or so and can't/want commit myself so much to a game. I understand that if someone doesn't want to play that much he shouldn't get those shiny 4*, but the thing is not rewards anymore, is that they seem to think it's fun to play 4-5 hours a day grinding the same thing.

    The newbie experience is much more rewarding, I have an account on day 40 on my mobile when I plug in now and then to do some matches and I can score top 50 in any event just playing 4-5 matches. Its ridiculous that now that I have 67 characters and some 150+ I have to grind for hours vs insanely scaled goons just to place top100. If at least the scaling was less anoying...

    Well, back to grind, I hope we unlock round 6 soon and can stop playing the event. And start to play on PvP as always, where I can play at my own pace doing 300-600 points or whatever I feel like doing.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    Malcrof wrote:
    From a different perspective:

    As a casual alliance, who never had a shot at round 8 on either one.. the tokens have been spectacular for us! I only got my SW today, but have 3 covers for Hulkbuster already from tokens. An alliance-mate just went 3 for 3 on tokens for 3*'s (BP blackflag.png , Cage blackflag.png , SheHulk blueflag.png ).

    I understand the vets are upset, and have every right to be.. but many of us are having a blast with this!

    I suppose you do have Wanda. I had Quicksilver, so Ultron 1 felt very grindy but rewarding. Playing Ultron 2 without Wanda is a lot less rewarding with longer fights and few and far between opportunities for HP and Ultron Tokens (none in the secondary fights and my Ultron fights have been a string of 20 iso). I'm not sure who this event was designed for if both vets and casuals feels like they're wasting their time.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    D3/Demiurge never fail to disappoint. They make things just good enough to get your hopes up, and then dash those hopes with some absurd screw-up that defies logic and understanding. I think after 450+ days of this madness, I've finally reached the point where I will just assume that whatever new thing they make will be terribly disappointing.