Ultron not moving to next Round

Nooneelsesname Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
Our Ultron Round 6 has been sitting at 0 health for 20 minutes without moving to Round 7. Multiple members have defeated him since his health showed 0, still hasn't flipped.

I don't want to be mean, I don't want to be sarcastic, you have hard jobs, it's incredibly stressful when things don't work out the way you hoped they would. I appreciate that sometimes you communicate with the forums.

I'm really irritated with the game not working as advertised, an infrastructure that literally makes the game unplayable at the most important times, stock replies from cs that reflect a complete ignorance of the issue involved and ambiguous, poorly worded statements. I think it's really telling that apparently the only alliance that picked the correct strategy for Ultron Round 2 is the one that:
djsquillz wrote:
didn't trust D3 to not bullocks things up


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have you exited and gone back in?
  • My alliance had exactly the same issue about an hour ago. At that point in time restarting the app made no difference. It did fix itself though about 30 mins ago and round 7 appeared thankfully!
  • They don't want you to think that getting a 4* cover can be easy icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    We're also stuck with Round 6 showing zero health but it won't move to Round 7. Reloading doesn't fix it.

    Edit: And six minutes later Round 7 popped up.
  • We have joined this illustrious club as well. Damn that Ultron and his tricks
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    I've seen this glitch, but also another: after defeating a node, Ultron is not ready to fight. The other nodes (if available) are open. The only solution in this case was to wait. So I play another non-Ultron mission and come back to see Ultron is ready.
  • We made a big push in order to be able to play one more set of nodes before they refresh in 30min but round 6 won't open. If this becomes the reason to fail to complete round 6 I will be so pissed with the game. I liked the event, but having the devs messing up all the time drains all the fun from the game.
  • Same issue happening, almost 12 hours later.