Easy way to prevent alliance shenanigans

hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
With the recent Ultron alliance event, the topic of alliance shenanigans has come up, and it was one of the reasons given why Ultron wasn't scaled for alliance size. I've heard about this kind of stuff before, and I had a simple suggestion to prevent problems. Why not just limit players to only be able to JOIN one alliance a season? This would put 0 restrictions on what you do between seasons, and it won't ever prevent you from leaving alliances. However, once the season starts, you can either stay in your current alliance or join another one. You could wait and see what the season rewards are before you make your decision to concentrate on PvP or PvE, and it would take extremely little work on the backend (a single bit that is flipped once you join an alliance during a season, and cleared at the end of a season).

So far, the only opposition I've heard to the idea takes the form of "but then I couldn't <insert way to game the system>", which is kind of a poor argument. I would SUGGEST that along with this idea, big events like Ultron be between seasons, but it could just as easily be a choice that people make when joining an alliance (if I join a heavy PvP alliance, I might be weaker for big PvE events).


  • I think the way they did the ultron event is how all events should be run (except for season). Too many things can happen over the course of a season to have people kicked together unnecessarily for a whole month.
  • hesjingixen
    hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    My only problem with how Ultron was run is that it forces people in 20 member alliances in order to have a decent chance at all the rewards. It alienates people that are just in alliances with their friends. If it scaled with alliance membership, I'd be all for it.