No human opponents in Combined Arms

uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
I just keep fighting the standard not characters for like 3 points per fight. Any way out of this? :1


  • Same issue -- a couple of others in my alliance also reporting it.

    I have only seed teams in Combined Arms. One of our guys has made it up to ~250 points on seed teams only and is reporting he can be attacked and retaliate, but he can only find seed teams once the retals are gone.
  • Same issue. I keep getting the same 3 or 4 teams, with decreasing point returns.
  • Mathrim
    Mathrim Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Some of my alliance have same problem. I have reported it to d3p but no answer. ****. I need the Yellow NF
  • I am having the same problem. It's a huge pile of tinykitty that I am being attacked by people and losing 16 points but the 9 teams I can face only award 3...
  • MyFeetStink
    MyFeetStink Posts: 55 Match Maker
    +1 for this problem.

    Overall this PVP event appears to be totally busted. Tons of posts here and in general about others having the same problem. Its not just a few of us. Its almost like there is a class of player the game said "We don't want you to play this one, if not for you".
  • Same here. only seed team.

    I entered in pvp, 3h before the end
    I played until 120pts, only seed team.
    I restarted the game, still seed team.
    I played until 200pts, still seed team.
    I stoped pvp.

    Since 10 days, matchmaking is a problem, no good targets; but today it was impossible.

    Hopefully season will be better...