Prize slotmachine working as intended?

Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
When you enter a fight the little display of prizes you can get stops at one prize, often you get the one it stopped at but just as often you don't. Is this intended?
I wish you'd just get the one you aimed for when you hit it. Make it faster if you want it to be more difficult to get a specific prize but PLEASE give the one that is displayed. It's frustrating to get 20 iso again and again when you've hit different prizes really. And even more so on nodes where you aim for one prize and you can't repeat if you missed.


  • It's a display of what's avaialble, but I've never heard any suggestion that it is in any way intended to be based on which is displayed at the time you begin---sounds like you're just reading too much into it.