A much needed Villain: Norman Osborne. Original Green Goblin

ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
edited February 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
Ultimate Spider-Man made me really want a hulking, fire demon-like Goblin. But there's the side of me that craves a Glider-riding bomb-chucker that giggles at your demise.

So here is my take on Classic Goblin


star.pngstar.pngstar.png Green Goblin - Norman Osborne
9250 HPs

purpleflag.png 10 AP.
Razor Bats. Norman's arsenal of sharp toys cut through air and enemy alike. Deal GSBW like 1x2 cubes redflag.png damage of 4 volleys at max level. Deal 300 damage plus environmental. If they destroy a pumpkin bomb, deal an additional 500 damage per and gain AP.

yellowflag.png 8 AP.
Pumpkin Bomb
Norman's standby are shapecharged pumpkin grenades that detonate on impact. At max level, place 3 1-turn countdown tiles that deal 400 damage per and destroy 3x3 tiles.

greenflag.png 9 AP
Noxious Gas
It takes a special kind of sociopath to enjoy a green skin tan. And he wants to share that joy with you!
Place up to *** Doom-like attack.png tiles that deal 250 damage per turn. *** equals 3 plus the number of pumpkin bombs on the board.

As always, beat up, edit, suggest. Let's stir the pot and get Demiurge thinking.


  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Alternate take on Pumpkin Bomb.

    yellowflag.png . PASSIVE. Place one Pumpkin Bomb countdown tile with a 2 turn countdown. If your AP pool exceeds 8 Yellow, place two.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Making one change here
    purpleflag.png Razor Bats. Norman's arsenal of sharp toys cut through air and enemy alike. Cuts a 4 (bigger based on covers, max could be a pumpkin silhouette) tile diagonal razor swath destroying tiles and dealing damage of 4 volleys at max level. Deal 300 damage plus environmental. If they destroy a pumpkin bomb, deal an additional 500 damage per and gain AP.

    Nice design concept. As he has a some of his toys tend to backfire on him, there should be a negative in there somewhere.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    The Razor Bats have to do minimal footprint damage, that's why I thought a 1x2 pattern would be best.

    SO it'd be like this


    Where the O's are the bats. It'd generate cascades and do a lot of board shakeup. And if you get to target with them, you have the potential to really shake up the board. That's Classic Goblin's strength. He's not outright powerful. But he foils plans, destroys the environment constantly, and has a lot of toys. He's a thinker; just not a rational one.
  • Virus_Type_V
    Virus_Type_V Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Heres' my Gob...
    Medium health, med-low attack power... meant to be an annoying opponent.

    Green Goblin (Classic)

    Pumpkin Bombs (8 red)
    Creates a random yellow or red 3 turn countdown tile. Deals XXX damage to target when activated and creates a new Pumpkin Bomb.
    Creates a random yellow or red 3 turn countdown tile. Deals XXX damage to target when activated and creates a new Pumpkin Bomb.
    Creates a random yellow, red or green 3 turn countdown tile. Deals XXX damage to target when activated and creates 2 new Pumpkin Bombs.
    Creates a random yellow, red or green 3 turn countdown tile. Deals XXX damage to target when activated and creates 2 new Pumpkin Bombs.
    Creates a random yellow, red, green or purple 3 turn countdown tile. Deals XXX damage to target when activated and creates 3 new Pumpkin Bombs.

    Trick or Treat (12 green)
    Activates a random friendly countdown tile. If there are no friendly countdown tiles, deals XXX damage to target and a Pumpkin Bomb is created.

    Razor Bats (0 black)
    At the beginning of every turn, if there are no friendly Attack tiles, create a strength XXX black attack tile.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    This was so fun.