Chain of **** ups commencing...

Punatulkku Posts: 228
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi dev's, as you might have noticed, youre treating your player base really badly, and quite many is pissed to you guys atm.

NOW is the time to act, but act well. Quite many lost the 4-5hours from the end (which, to be honest was the most crucial) to get atleat ONE wanda cover. Without delay, you started next event, BIG MISTAKE, without fixing the issues. But wait, the chain starts to form now.

Cause of issues in previous Ultron, we didint get wanda, now that we dont have wanda, we cant progress as intended (propably even MARVEL people are pissed how you treat your fans/players (oh and those who pay, like me)

How to solve this? Well, you should have solved this hours ago by two little things, a) give all one wanda cover,so that people dont continue playing pissed, or quit at all (pissed people RARELY use MONEY to game), b) post pone the event until the issue is fixed and the cover delivered to all.

Yours, paying older customer who has worked as public relations past his career. Don't **** this up...