Daredevil trap and wave transition

Clyve Posts: 91
Not sure if this is true in all cases (all multi-wave fights?), but while fighting the waves of Ultron sentries, it seems that if you pop your own Daredevil trap using a match-4 (and presumably higher) and it causes you to move to the next wave, the trap does not respawn like it should. A regular match 3 of the trap into the next wave does seem to work, just when it's destroyed by a match 4.


  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Instead of making a new thread I'll just post a 2nd Daredevil problem here. When I play 2 billy clubs at interval times, i.e. 1st one's CD is at 2 or 1 and I throw a 2nd one which starts out at a CD of 3, after they both pop again the 1st one starts at 3 which is correct and the 2nd one starts at 2 which makes them pop at the same time. It really ruins the strategy behind Daredevil's Billy clubs.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bug already reported here, probably with more exact documentation:


    I really hope it gets fixed.
  • Clyve
    Clyve Posts: 91
    You're correct, Turul. I was about to post an update that it seemed more to do with the match damage killing the target and causing the wave transition. I'm glad you were able to capture it on video!