Hulkbuster: 4* release in a better way (updated again)



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Round 6 Ultron HP has risen from 3m to 5.5m. If round 7 and 8 have similar increases it will be difficult to clear round 8 / unlock the third cover, especially if top end PvE'ers are going all out in Enemy of the State for individual Hulkbuster covers. We'll see how the numbers work out but it looks like this event is going to take a lot of grinding. Tiny kitty back to back overlapping PvE's - surprised Combined Arms isn't releasing Scarlet Witch covers so you'd have to manage 4 events in an 8 hour window.

    Yeah, overlapping PVE (and Ultron is a PVE), and ramping up health in Ultron so every member has to grind to the end to try to open all the progressions - I was thinking it was a great release if it was same to Ultron round 1, where it was relatively relaxing. Now it seems there is no relaxation to be had at all.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    patrice789 wrote:
    Well, looking at the next PVE event, looks like they'll be another way to get him. Ugh
    And since we have a chance to get him here, he'll probably be required in an essential in his own event...
  • Gordzilla
    Gordzilla Posts: 20
    Maybe there can be a placement rewards within the alliance, rewarding top2-5 scorers within the alliance. This benefits players who are in casual alliances but actually play on a competitive level.
    These type of alliances typically only have a handful of players who carry the alliance for season scores and such. It might still be viable for the competitive players to stay in these sort of alliances(formed by RLFs perhaps?) during normal season, but this event has made alliance cooperation so tangible that it literally prevents a competitive player to gain rewards he would have otherwise achieved if he grinded by himself in a solo PVE event.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    Um no, this just shifting the rewards to a different subset of people on top of greatly increasing the 4* rewards in the first place. An equivalent of the old method would be if top 50 all get 3 4* covers and compared to that, some players benefit from this while some players do not. I'm sure part of the reason devs do not take most feedback on the forum seriously is because everyone cries about how the game sucks all the time but whenever a bribe is coming to a particular set of people you immediately praise them for being awesome, like the change from T50 to T100 alliance reward for 4*, which at most benefited another 1000 players in the game (50 * 20 alliance = 1000 players) and would immediately be offset had the game actually grown by any respectable amount. As long as this game doesn't even offer an in game tool to recruit players, putting so much weight on manpower can never be a good idea. It just happens that this time manpower is favorable on your side. If they eventually require you to have 30 million alliance points to hit the first IMHB cover which is round 8 you'd be saying how ridiculous this system is, even though that'd be roughly on par with the previous effort expected to get a top 5 finish in a 4* release event.

    Unbelievable. So in your eyes giving all 3 covers of a 4* to the members of an alliance that work hard together towards equals getting ONE cover by managing to top 100 by grinding against the grinding power of other alliances, or getting all 3 by an absurdly difficult personal top 5? And how can you complain that moving the rewards to top 100 in a normal PVE "only" puts the covers in the hands of 1000 more players? How many more players should get them? a 50% of the population? 100%? Should they be handed out as the default reward in standard packs? What's the point of an elite level of rarity if anyone can get it without any additional effort?

    The original poster planted the argument that this event is a much better way of handling 4*s. The amount of players that will walk away with all 3 covers of IM will be hugely higher than those who would do the same on a normal PVE. OP's point is, then, unarguable. Why do you feel the need to muddle it with external, unrelated facts? How difficult is for ONCE say, "you know what? yes, this is a positive development." Why do you always choose to make sure to position yourself under the black clouds covering the otherwise sunny sky?
  • I was thinking the same, first time I'll be able to get 3 x 4* covers till I read this viewtopic.php?f=7&t=28814
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Best. PVE. Ever,

    A repetitive grindfest with no actual story?

    Whatever floats your boat.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Round 6 Ultron HP has risen from 3m to 5.5m. If round 7 and 8 have similar increases it will be difficult to clear round 8 / unlock the third cover, especially if top end PvE'ers are going all out in Enemy of the State for individual Hulkbuster covers. We'll see how the numbers work out but it looks like this event is going to take a lot of grinding. Tiny kitty back to back overlapping PvE's - surprised Combined Arms isn't releasing Scarlet Witch covers so you'd have to manage 4 events in an 8 hour window.

    First i was going to say man State is going to really suck if you dont have She hulk and its going to be worse with people wanting those covers, pulled a red hulkbuster from a token and was WOO now i dont have to play the event. I have no chance at getting top 50 without shehulk so why even play... I will play but wont do it hard core.... its just too bad they did not group people

    those with the ESS and those without. If you have the esses.needed top 50 is usually a lock. (one event top 10 was)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm going to assume with all the players pointing out that many of us won't reach round 8, let alone finish round 6 is a good indication that this may not be the best approach for a 4*?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having no chance at getting to the nodes where you win his cover.. having gotten 3 covers from tokens so far is soo exciting! I love the increased chance at him, and the fact that it is working out well! Now to snag a red....hmm.. at 0/2/1, if i can get a red, i see myself actually spending to get some more covers for him.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    What seemed the best way to present a 4* has turned into a 'nightmare'. I doubt my alliance is going to be able to clear round 6, so once again 4* just for top alliances, like always, this event is no different from the others icon_e_sad.gif

    Ps: Well it is a little bit different because this time even top10 alliances wont get the three covers (I doubt anybody is going to clear round 8).
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    After run 1, I felt this would be a good way to release covers... just need to get their stuff together.

    After run 2, I feel never run it that 2nd way again. Somewhere in between. D3P where there is no middle ground. ALL or NOTHING.


    The tokens are sucking for me this time around. only 3* cover this whole event has been IF purpleflag.png , otherwise its Ares, Ares, Ares, 2* Daken, 2* Daken, MHawkeye, CMags, ... meanwhile others are pulling Hulkbusters out of thin air. ...sadface...
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:

    The tokens are sucking for me this time around. only 3* cover this whole event has been IF purpleflag.png , otherwise its Ares, Ares, Ares, 2* Daken, 2* Daken, MHawkeye, CMags, ... meanwhile others are pulling Hulkbusters out of thin air. ...sadface...

    No Moonstones?
  • Vladdy
    Vladdy Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    Polares wrote:
    What seemed the best way to present a 4* has turned into a 'nightmare'. I doubt my alliance is going to be able to clear round 6, so once again 4* just for top alliances, like always, this event is no different from the others icon_e_sad.gif

    Ps: Well it is a little bit different because this time even top10 alliances wont get the three covers (I doubt anybody is going to clear round 8).

    If your alliance cannot clear round 6 it is not really better for grabbing 4* than before, true. Token chances are better which could help but that is not always and for anyone the case.

    Ultron PvE seems like a bonus chance for 4* covers to me. The usual PvE (Enemy of the state) with top 50 individual and top 100 alliance 4* reward is running too.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vladdy wrote:
    Polares wrote:
    What seemed the best way to present a 4* has turned into a 'nightmare'. I doubt my alliance is going to be able to clear round 6, so once again 4* just for top alliances, like always, this event is no different from the others icon_e_sad.gif

    Ps: Well it is a little bit different because this time even top10 alliances wont get the three covers (I doubt anybody is going to clear round 8).

    If your alliance cannot clear round 6 it is not really better for grabbing 4* than before, true. Token chances are better which could help but that is not always and for anyone the case.

    Ultron PvE seems like a bonus chance for 4* covers to me. The usual PvE (Enemy of the state) with top 50 individual and top 100 alliance 4* reward is running too.

    Great, so is a typical rich get richer thing? Just top 100 alliances get some covers and the rest maybe some Scalet Witch covers and that s it, thank you very much for nothing then. If they said in advance that Hulkbuster was going to be very hard to get maybe it would have been different but now it is a big let down. Great Avengers 2 party!

    And running the PvE at the same time? ****?!?! They should have been waited until the Ultron event was over, now we need to play to PvE events like crazy to get the covers!. And why o why a **** Storm for top 100!!! Again! They really love Storm.
  • I'm with you Vladdy. Best PvE ever, even with all the issues. Granted, round 8 seems impossible now, but my alliance should make it though round 7, so that's something. Plus with the compensation issues happening for last run, maybe they will gift out black IMHB covers.

    Everyone who wanted a monthly PvE quest for 4* covers, this could be it. First time they have ever had the same 4* cover as rewards in seperate PvE events.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    Great, so is a typical rich get richer thing? Just top 100 alliances get some covers and the rest maybe some Scalet Witch covers and that s it, thank you very much for nothing then. If they said in advance that Hulkbuster was going to be very hard to get maybe it would have been different but now it is a big let down. Great Avengers 2 party!

    This comment is so ridiculous. You know what you sound like? You sound like these people with the 2* rosters pissing and moaning that they can't finish the Gauntlet to get the final reward. Are you one of them? News flash! You're not supposed to. This just in! Not everyone is supposed to. icon_rolleyes.gif

    I'd like to also point out you managed to neatly contradict yourself here:
    Polares wrote:
    Great, so is a typical rich get richer thing? Just top 100 alliances get some covers and the rest maybe some Scalet Witch covers and that s it, thank you very much for nothing then. If they said in advance that Hulkbuster was going to be very hard to get maybe it would have been different but now it is a big let down. Great Avengers 2 party!

    Scarlet Witch is nothing? Three three-star covers, and a pretty good one it seems at that, is nothing now? The heaps of decent tokens, Iso, and HP apparently mean diddly, too. Entitlement much?
  • it s different , its new. but is it better?? imo, no.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Love the event, all issues aside, but with so many things happening together - overlapping pves and pvps, it feels a little overwhelming. mpq all day, mpq all night.

    May be time for me to cut back some.
  • Vladdy
    Vladdy Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    UPDATE 2:
    Just in case you are interested: My alliance finished round 7 and I got a lucky token draw once. So 3 HB covers for me icon_cool.gif
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 535 Critical Contributor
    Despite the problems (at least I would characterize it as a problem) with round 8 of the HBIM Ultron PvE, I still think it is a preferable format for the release of a character.

    I ended up with all 3 Scarlet Witch progression awards and 2 HBIM covers from round rewards and 1 HBIM cover from a token.

    That's way better return on my time investment than the current Enemy of the State PvE, for example.

    If they run analogous events in the future, I hope they make 1) round 8 a bit easier and 2) more variety in the goon fights.

    Otherwise, thumbs up.