BOOM!!! They did it again!!

grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
30 minutes into the event and I get the dreaded black screen. I guess the bottleneck wasn't fixed, was it devs? This is straight **** ridiculous. We spend money (I have spent in the hundreds) and we expect proper working servers for these events. Tokens will definitely not be enough of compensation for this debacle.


  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    They played with our hearts! Got lost in the game! Ooh baby, baby...wait, no, that's not the title of the Britney Spears song...
  • They played with our hearts! Got lost in the game! Ooh baby, baby...wait, no, that's not the title of the Britney Spears song...

    Boom! We did it again!
    We swarmed the servers,
    and then crashed the game
    Ooh, players, players,
    Oops, you think you fixed it
    That the servers are covered
    We're not that innocent.
  • give the servers a bit of time, why not take a short break and raid the fridge, make a sandwich or something

    it'll be ok when you get back maybe

    personally, i rather be angry while ragechomping a sandwich than to hold the phone and rage at this rotating FUKKING PIECE OF SHT LOADING ICON
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    thermie wrote:
    give the servers a bit of time, why not take a short break and raid the fridge, make a sandwich or something

    it'll be ok when you get back maybe

    personally, i rather be angry while ragechomping a sandwich than to hold the phone and rage at this rotating FUKKING PIECE OF SHT LOADING ICON

    I will be working again by the time they get the servers up again.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Caution, explicit language (NSFW!).

    I feel like this captures the moment precisely.