Can't Start A Battle

Acratin Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
So, I'm unable to start any battles. PvE or PvP. I try to start any any end up getting a loading screen that cycles indefinitely. I have to shut down the game to do anything else.

Anybody else experiencing issues like this?


  • yup same problem. started two days ago. can't start battles even though i can still pick events like ultra and lightning rounds and also the characters. just freezes when you push the fight button to start the battle. oh well.. if it doesn't get fixed soon I'm gonna quit
  • Same problem here - it started same time as Ultron 2 event.
  • I emailed support and my issue was resolved. I think it has to do with the server thinking you are always logged on so it won't let you play. I restarted the app and got a message saying " you have been logged on another device etc... Press ok" which is weird because I have no other devices then I was able to play again
  • Problem fixed. It surely was connected with all those server problems.