Lets create a MPQDR Chat

edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Lets create a chat, maybe a google hangout, i don't know, something to know each other.


  • Maybe a facebook group?
  • Good idea facebook group

    We can also have a line group chat since we are using moblie
  • whatsapp or line will be great
  • whatsapp or line will be great

    the thing is fb is blocked in my office lol. so I can't create it icon_e_sad.gif

    I have whatsapp!!
  • I have whatsapp also. And since we are on the phone already might as well cretae a group. Who wants to be the admin?
  • If MPQ have Chat and friend Function we can add icon_razz.gif, to the Suggestion Box. Hope IceIx saw this. @Johangsl let's us all use line 1st as whatsapp have a limit of members.
    Line is safer as we only give our user account, whatsapp run on your mobile number.
  • Aiolia wrote:
    If MPQ have Chat and friend Function we can add icon_razz.gif, to the Suggestion Box. Hope IceIx saw this. @Johangsl let's us all use line 1st as whatsapp have a limit of members.
    Line is safer as we only give our user account, whatsapp run on your mobile number.
    line it is then I have both...so...any other opinions?
  • Kakao Talk have an addition of Poll voting function but the members limit I'm not sure. more or less Line is the best choice
  • post your line ids
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,328 Site Admin
    Aiolia wrote:
    If MPQ have Chat and friend Function we can add icon_razz.gif, to the Suggestion Box. Hope IceIx saw this. @Johangsl let's us all use line 1st as whatsapp have a limit of members.
    Line is safer as we only give our user account, whatsapp run on your mobile number.
    I've seen this thread, yes. As for an in-game chat? Less likely (but not impossible). That's a ton of extra moderation work on our plates that we don't have the man/woman/wombat power to deal with at the moment. Even just a Report button would mean having mods to wade through the moderation queue. Again, not impossible, just probably too large a function at the current to push into the game. User run chat like you're doing? Go for it. icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX wrote:
    Aiolia wrote:
    If MPQ have Chat and friend Function we can add icon_razz.gif, to the Suggestion Box. Hope IceIx saw this. @Johangsl let's us all use line 1st as whatsapp have a limit of members.
    Line is safer as we only give our user account, whatsapp run on your mobile number.
    I've seen this thread, yes. As for an in-game chat? Less likely (but not impossible). That's a ton of extra moderation work on our plates that we don't have the man/woman/wombat power to deal with at the moment. Even just a Report button would mean having mods to wade through the moderation queue. Again, not impossible, just probably too large a function at the current to push into the game. User run chat like you're doing? Go for it. icon_e_smile.gif
    Well I'm trying but noone has posted its line id yet icon_e_smile.gif

    BTW IceX, send out a nice 4 iso mission so that low lvl people can get some fun from todays repeatable icon_e_smile.gif
  • My LINE ID is: bloodrust
  • Just downloaded the app, no idea how to use it yet.. but here's my ID: zzzwolph
  • Just drop your ID, i will add you to the group
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Line ID: Nemek
  • Nemek wrote:
    Line ID: Nemek

    User not found.
  • Nemek wrote:
    Line ID: Nemek

    Try going to your profile settings and choosing a user ID if you haven't already done so. It's different from your display name.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    ZzzWolph wrote:
    Nemek wrote:
    Line ID: Nemek

    Try going to your profile settings and choosing a user ID if you haven't already done so. It's different from your display name.

    Ah, thanks for that. I've now set the ID to 'nemek'. Try again please!
  • ID: Shikao87