[MPQ] Well D3, you've got your hands full.

How you decide to handle this loss of service during a critical time (an unprecedented event) will determine whether I stick to playing MPQ in my quest to cover out all my 3+ star heroes, or if I just read comics for a bit after I turn in for bed. I have 42 character slots in my marvel garage, and I will leave it just like that if the way it's handled doesn't administer justice!

All said I enjoy the game a lot, I've played for the better part of a year now and my team is just on the brink of becoming one of those dastardly 166 PVP rosters.

Edit: a word.


  • Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure how this is going to turn out... I am having a very hard time believing that there is any way that they will do, what it will take, to keep me after all of this ****...
  • I don't want to be 'that guy' whining for compensation, but here I am. I've spent money on the game and I'm happy to - as long as I'm happy playing the game, I will support it.

    I would be a little distraught if I am aimed away from the game at first when considering the time and effort I had put into the game and my roster but I would quickly get over it.
  • Amen to that!
  • Some_Dude
    Some_Dude Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    I'm in the same boat, not as far along as you though. This is the only iOS game I've ever given money to and I'm always tempted to give more. But this has been extremely frustrating, especially since I absolutely love the idea of this event despite missing 1 Mil by 10 k points due to last nights FUBAR.

    However, the handling of the problems has been far from ideal and mostly radio silence. Running straight into event 2 without word or resolution just seems short sighted, and guess what? Things blew up again! This time I'm not even bothering to keep trying to get in since I know how pointless that is now.

    Mistakes happen, how you recover and learn from them matters.