(At Least) Extend Today's Deadpool Daily

bahamut685 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Considering how rare Black Panther's blackflag.png has been given out, I'm hoping that today's Deadpool gets extended an extra day, since people who work 9-5 jobs [at least in the US] didn't get access to it, before the servers went down again.
Ideally, tomorrow would simply still have today's Deadpool, as well as tomorrow's, in order not to make it fall a day behind.

[I didn't see any topics mentioning the server downtime's effect on Deadpool Daily, so figured it was worth mentioning.]


  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    I noticed the next pvp also only offers BP black to the top 5. Its official, BP is black cat cursed.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    bahamut685 wrote:
    Considering how rare Black Panther's blackflag.png has been given out, I'm hoping that today's Deadpool gets extended an extra day, since people who work 9-5 jobs [at least in the US] didn't get access to it, before the servers went down again.
    Ideally, tomorrow would simply still have today's Deadpool, as well as tomorrow's, in order not to make it fall a day behind.

    [I didn't see any topics mentioning the server downtime's effect on Deadpool Daily, so figured it was worth mentioning.]

    If they wanna re-run it and give me a crack at a third icon_blackpanther.pngblackflag.png I wouldn't argue
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I always do Deadpool's Daily after work as well. I get home tonight to find it's unavailable (along with everything else I wanted to finish up tonight). This Rage of the Panther would bring me to. 5/3/5 too.
    Fingers crossed it comes back on before I go to bed. I swore off losing sleep to this game a LONG time ago.
  • bahamut685
    bahamut685 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Yeah, I recently convinced a friend to return to the game, and this was going to finish his Panther...
    But with the [becoming] routine 'servers down', it's getting harder to convince people to continue playing the game (or to in good conscience try to get new/returning players to play).
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm only a little upset by missng the BP black cover. I would have liked to have gotten it, yes, but the thing that bothers me most is the missing ISO 8. I really, reeeaaalllyyyy, REALLY need ISO8. I need so much ISO that I can't afford to miss any of the DDQs. I've even had my wife playing my account for the past few days because I was sick. And this is what I come back to? icon_eek.gif

    The DDQ brings me over 4k a day, plus what I get for selling the covers from my taco tokens.


    I can't do my Lightning Rounds. They bring in about 2k ISO 8 every 2 hours. Sometimes more! icon_mad.gif
    For players like me, the ones with a lot of characters sitting around level 100 to 140, I need all the ISO I can get and then a whole lot more added to it. So when every single ISO counts, an entire DDQ and half a dozen LRs is too much to lose out on. icon_mad.gif
  • I have gotten at least seven yellow BP covers, and at least five (maybe six) blue. He was one of my very first three stars and I've had him for months.

    Zero black. ZERO.

    I can't even with this server outage. I can't even.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2015
    I have to say, after not having played this game since Season 9, and coming back to see a lot of great updates i was quite excited, but then it seems that servers are very un-stable???

    I just came on today to start finishing up my final round of voltron, and play some DPD but when i woke up there were 0 events showing up on screen so i thought weird but okay, so i waited 30min, after the 30min came and went i have not been able to login to the game at all?

    So just wondering whats happening? and is D3 going to re-run this DPD with Black Panther Black Cover (Which i desperately need), or are they going to compensate in some other way, or maybe this is just a sign that i shouldn't come back!?


    Seems i can login now, but still don't see any PVP or PVE events listed...
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    The only fair thing to do is to rerun today's DDQ completely.
  • I wouldn't say they're "still" unstable. At least in my experience, they've been pretty good until the Ultron thing.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Deadpool's daily is back for me, but Ultron appears over.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Naked-Pimp wrote:
    I have to say, after not having played this game since Season 9, and coming back to see a lot of great updates i was quite excited, but then it seems that servers are very un-stable???

    I just came on today to start finishing up my final round of voltron, and play some DPD but when i woke up there were 0 events showing up on screen so i thought weird but okay, so i waited 30min, after the 30min came and went i have not been able to login to the game at all?

    So just wondering whats happening? and is D3 going to re-run this DPD with Black Panther Black Cover (Which i desperately need), or are they going to compensate in some other way, or maybe this is just a sign that i shouldn't come back!?


    Seems i can login now, but still don't see any PVP or PVE events listed...

    Welcome back icon_e_wink.gif
  • ^ LOL, good to see you still here Dauth hows the crew going????

    But yeah, while i am kind of back, i am back in an extremely casual manner... where i might play a a few Dead Pool Daily Nodes and then knock off the rest of the day till the next Dead Pool Daily comes up...

    Although i will say it is good to see there have been lots of (positive) changes to the game since i was last here...
  • finally i make 535 BP thanks to ddq yesterday and one from ddq token, still yesterday gave me a lot of "comm link disrupted"(any each play/clear node ended up with infinite comm link disrup) but hey at least it doable to me.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Naked-Pimp wrote:
    ^ LOL, good to see you still here Dauth hows the crew going????

    But yeah, while i am kind of back, i am back in an extremely casual manner... where i might play a a few Dead Pool Daily Nodes and then knock off the rest of the day till the next Dead Pool Daily comes up...

    Although i will say it is good to see there have been lots of (positive) changes to the game since i was last here...

    We are going as strong as ever, even created a second alliance for casual players if you ever get interested in playing a bit more icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Don't listen to any of the negativity though, it is a vocal minority mixed with people lashing out from frustration with server problems.

    The truth is all the changes have helped mold this into a more balanced game, especially the XForce/Thor nerf. The current event is extremely generous too, you picked a good time to come back icon_e_wink.gif
  • Hey Dauth...

    It was the Dead Pool Daily that got me to start playing again... just wanted to finish leveling up some characters... but for sure if i ever do get more seriously into the game again i'll hit you up..