Wish List and Birthday Tokens

I've been kicking this around for a bit, and, admittedly, it's not as great a solution as it was before the deadpool daily started up (which is fantastic, by the way, as it brought me back to the game when I was fed up because I couldn't get covers, even on ten packs). But still...

The idea is that every player gets a chance to create a wish list of covers. There would be limitations, of course, for balance, and so we're not simply giving covers away. Have to have at least x characters on the list, etc. The covers would be rare. Purchasable, but expensive. But this would be something that could be given to players on their birthdays or holidays. Alternatively, you could keep the last anniversary's birthday token available in the background, and use that for birthdays.

Again, deadpool daily has made covers less a hassle to get, but I thought the concept was worth mentioning, especially since I'm waiting on the server issues to end.