What is wrong with these people? This is so amateur.



  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    "Bisonnnnnn!!!!!" loooooololol
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Thamanator wrote:
    The fact of the matter is that this game is a competitive PVP and PVE (scoreboarded against others) game. There were MANY people who were able to get quite far, during the time that the majority of us were locked out at the beginning of the event. Those people now have a clear advantage heading into the future for this game. That is until they nerf SW anyways...

    Also some people did not have the game refuse to award them event points during this event. My brother in law saw 2 essential nodes give him +0 points. On Saturday I ran an essential, a main node, an essential and a main node and received zero points for all four back to back to back to back. Later in the day I got zero for the Ultron Prime we unlocked. I should literally have the second QS cover from the event and be near the third already, but the game decided not to award me points. I submitted a ticket, and got the trite (this affects many people ****). To say that I am not happy with the way this game has been handled would be the understatement of the century. Even if they prolong the event, it would do nothing to quench my disgust. IT IS TUESDAY! I needed to get my points on Saturday, you know the day I don't work 14 hours!

    D3 "For you the day D3 brought Ultron down upon your alliance and mercilessly refused to give you points, was the worst day of your MPQ life. For me, it was tuesday."

    Bonus Points for whoever gets the thinly veiled reference...

    For the next event, look closely at points. Ultron Prime never gave points, he was just for tokens and SW covers. Also, although I also ran into nodes that said they gave 0 points, after a while I started checking my actual points and found they DID go up. Hell, on Ultron round 8, he was worth something like 26400 points, but when I beat him, it said I got 2640 points. Checking afterward, I definitely got the full points, but yeah, little heartstopping.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    We'll hear from them tomorrow once the fire has been put out and they decide on a plan to fix the Event or compensate.

    The reason that this will be different is because, unlike most Forum uproars, this is actually a big deal. The Event is not "working as intended" and everyone, including the Devs, are disappointed.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    cyineedsn wrote:
    ronin-san wrote:
    I'm in the telecom industry, specifically Datalink, distribution, and a lot of route-switch.

    S-HI~T happens. Outages happen. This could have NOTHING to do with their servers at all. But without a circuit TO the Internet, guess what you don't get to play?

    Settle down, boys. Their track record has proven that when outages like this happen, we get freebies for it. How much do you want to bet we get Ultron specific tokens. Or even better, we might get free Wanda Maximoff covers.

    Let the frustration ease from you. Find your spirit cave. Bond with your power animal. Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeathe.

    For people who were on the verge of specific Wanda covers tokens would be a bit insulting. My alliance literally just finished beating round 8, but the prime node never opened. Even worse, I'm sure there are some people who were just about to get their first sw cover tonight. I feel bad for them...

    And what makes you think you won't be suitably rewarded?
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,311 Chairperson of the Boards
    Haven't you seen million-dollar launches of AAA titles by enormous, 20-year old corporations be botched too? It has nothing to do with being amateurish; you greatly underestimate the amount of variables and things that can go wrong and how they escalate geometrically when you add to the equation hundreds of thousands of players. This both stresses the servers in ways hard to predict, and increases the risk of obscure, rare interactions in the code that couldn't possibly be found by a small group of testers.

    It's very easy to criticize and mock when you are not the one doing it and know very little about it. It also betrays smallness of character which may be the reason why your threads never gain much traction.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    I'm guessing Bitcoin farming malware got onto their servers icon_cool.gif
  • 1. MPQ is still a small operation. They are much much smaller than Blizzard, Riot, Sony, Bioware, etc. All of those have had major snafus as well.
    2. This small operation just had the MCU crossover hype-spotlight beamed onto it, I cannot fathom how much interest that actually brought back into the game, but it seems the answer is, wow a really impressively large amount.
    3. Having more players, and more spenders is great news for the game even if it causes a bumpy ride.
    4. Amateur is not actually an insult, there are many many examples of extremely highly skilled amateurs who produce very excellent work, and professionals who produce disappointing work.
    5. In my personal life I have very little use for assigning blame. There was a screwup yes that is clear. Whose fault it is I find irrelevant. Who is responsible for fixing it, what is being done to compensate those who lost out, and how they are planning to prevent future screwups are the important things. It may very well be the case that the blame is on parent company Marvel for making this a much much bigger thing than was possible for MPQ to handle, but it is still D3/Deimurge's responsibility so they get all the negative press and are left cleaning up the mess.
    6. My hope is that because there were so many playing and because marvel is watching and they want this event to be a success and players to be happy, they take the generous route. New player retention alone should make it worth it to their accountants to wave the reward wand and make it rain, just this once.
  • bloafx69 wrote:
    All I can say is that I've never played a game with many issues as Marvel Puzzle Quest, and I have been playing games since dial-up was a thing icon_e_biggrin.gif

    And this is not new for D3. If anyone played the PSP version of the original Puzzle Quest they will remember...that thing had so many bugs and glitches that it wasn't even funny.

    And this was on the old school cd based PSP, so they couldn't just release a patch to fix it. That buggy **** game lives on as a testament to D3's long-standing ineptitude.

  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,311 Chairperson of the Boards
    djsquillz wrote:
    bloafx69 wrote:
    All I can say is that I've never played a game with many issues as Marvel Puzzle Quest, and I have been playing games since dial-up was a thing icon_e_biggrin.gif

    And this is not new for D3. If anyone played the PSP version of the original Puzzle Quest they will remember...that thing had so many bugs and glitches that it wasn't even funny.

    And this was on the old school cd based PSP, so they couldn't just release a patch to fix it. That buggy **** game lives on as a testament to D3's long-standing ineptitude.


    Dude, D3 is just a publisher. They have barely anything to do with the games they publish at all other than, perhaps, grilling the creators over these issues. The original Puzzle Quest was made by a different studio, not Demiurge.
  • For the record, I did pay attention to my points, and they did not show up after it told me it gave me +0. I have seen where other people did get them, or had them vary from what they said they were, but in most cases I got nothing. Almost every time it happened to me, I was within the points, that were supposed to be given for the fight, of a reward... this made it VERY easy to determine that no points were awarded. icon_e_sad.gif

    PS bonus points go out to TheWerebison and TLCstormz for the M Bison ref.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Haven't you seen million-dollar launches of AAA titles by enormous, 20-year old corporations be botched too? It has nothing to do with being amateurish; you greatly underestimate the amount of variables and things that can go wrong and how they escalate geometrically when you add to the equation hundreds of thousands of players. This both stresses the servers in ways hard to predict, and increases the risk of obscure, rare interactions in the code that couldn't possibly be found by a small group of testers.

    It's very easy to criticize and mock when you are not the one doing it and know very little about it. It also betrays smallness of character which may be the reason why your threads never gain much traction.

    As if I have been on here looking for "traction"? On the internet? For a puzzle game? lmfao. And this coming from YOU, someone who is CONSISTENTLY demeaning others is a complete riot! I have already stated on here that no, I have NEVER experienced this many hiccups in a game. And I am a paid videogame tester multiple times a month, so most of your points are invalid, as usual.

    If you have a PERSONAL problem with someone, please simply PM them. Or block them. Doing these digs like you do is not only derailing threads, it's also not allowed on this forum. Thanks.


    On to other news : the servers were messed up an additional two times since I made this thread.
  • elwhiteninja
    elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Its very sad that they have not made a general announcement such as "we are aware of the issues..." "...players will be compensated"
    From a PR standpoint that is very bad. Silence does not help dispel rumors or still fear.

    What I know is that our alliance worked hard but most were not able to participate or login for the last 12 hours of the scarlet witch event; because of this, we missed getting the first cover (smaller alliance with newer players) which we would have won easily. Ok, fine server issues mean we will proably get some free covers/tokens.
    However because we missed getting the one cover it means that anyone who did not get lucky in the tokens can now not participate 100% in the new event (which should have been delayed until server issues were fixed) meaning we have no way of getting that hulkbuster now that maybe 5 of 20 have the required covers for 40% of the event. Not to mention that the earths mightiest ended right when the servers went down meaning that most of us got next to nothing in the event.

    These server issues start a ripple effect of loss for the newer players more than anyone. I personally have every character (minus hulkbuster and Scarlet) and most of them are decently covered/leveled so I am not worried about staying competitive but our new guys are just trying to keep up. Now they are not going to be able to achieve that which lucky/bigger alliances are able to do.

    I'm not saying that they should give us the world (it is a free to play game, and a good one at that) but I came from war of heroes (which is the opposite of how a game should be run) and when these things started happening over there they tended to get quiet issue a lame apology and give people some free energy packs(equivalent to health packs). It seems to me that smart thing would be to pause/extend the ultron event and give everyone at least the next level up reward. Good PR would be to give everyone one of each cover. The alliances that did well still have the advantage of now having at least a 2/2/2 SC and the alliances that did not can stay competitive with a 1/1/1 and I think everyone would be happy. I worked hard that event and put up 1 million points. Played on my breaks and lunches and grinded like a mule only to get some tokens (I did not get lucky on those either as I pulled one yellow cyclops).

    TL:DR please communicate with us, pause the event till you make it right, and really make it right.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,311 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Haven't you seen million-dollar launches of AAA titles by enormous, 20-year old corporations be botched too? It has nothing to do with being amateurish; you greatly underestimate the amount of variables and things that can go wrong and how they escalate geometrically when you add to the equation hundreds of thousands of players. This both stresses the servers in ways hard to predict, and increases the risk of obscure, rare interactions in the code that couldn't possibly be found by a small group of testers.

    It's very easy to criticize and mock when you are not the one doing it and know very little about it. It also betrays smallness of character which may be the reason why your threads never gain much traction.

    As if I have been on here looking for "traction"? On the internet? For a puzzle game? lmfao. And this coming from YOU, someone who is CONSISTENTLY demeaning others is a complete riot! I have already stated on here that no, I have NEVER experienced this many hiccups in a game. And I am a paid videogame tester multiple times a month, so most of your points are invalid, as usual.

    If you have a PERSONAL problem with someone, please simply PM them. Or block them. Doing these digs like you do is not only derailing threads, it's also not allowed on this forum. Thanks.


    On to other news : the servers were messed up an additional two times since I made this thread.

    Wow, chill. I only brought the whole "traction" thing because you were complaining about that in your first post. I don't know you or care about you enough to pursue your threads. If I had in the past answered in a demeaning way to other threads of you, it was responding to whatever you were saying, (which I can only guess was more whiny, self-entitled anger), not to you as a person. I know a few names of people I often disagree with but yours is not one of them.

    And I don't see how you being a tester negates at all my whole point that issues in launches and updates occur even in AAA games. Do you want some actual examples? There's no shortage of them.