no Events ...

Machinasp Posts: 123
ok so here we go again no event pve or pvp and this go for hours
cant get my reward from round 8
cant do oscars ...
cant finish dp
and what we get in return for this failling ???
let me guess no update and a big nothing else


  • I have the same issue, I even tried uninstalling and relogging in.
    No dailies or pvp.

    This happened between 8pm and 9pm eastern.
  • Same here. What happened? emailed D3P - no reply yet.
    was hoping to come home to the last Ultron event to get the last Scarlet witch power and last Quicksilver power.

    Hope it gets fixed and we somehow can get the opportunity to earn the awards.
  • Same story.
  • Kaazz
    Kaazz Posts: 229 Tile Toppler
    Nope. Nothing for me, either. 8:23pm PDT

    Was fine at 2:55 pm today.

  • That's because Ultron won.
  • CrashCrash wrote:
    That's because Ultron won.
    true story
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same with everyone else (I submitted a ticket), and I also seem to notice that the alliance chat doesn't work either.
  • same here, ticket submitted.
  • Wasn't expecting so many people having the same issue. Guess I'm not alone. Hope this gets fixed quickly.
  • Events suddenly ended? Oscorp shows end result and so does Ultron. And Ultron just started.
  • No events and what's worse - SOMETIMES I'm in my alliance and other times I'm not........

    Pretty sad state of affairs today - Marvel Heroes time instead icon_e_smile.gif