More Ultron issues? Make this right D3

revizion Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Bad enough I missed the whole first round and a half on Ultron because of server issues. Now it seems like I'm going to miss my last 100k because of MORE server issues. This, on top of multiple apparent 0 point essential node wins.

What's going on D3?? What are you guys going to do about all the time/progression we lost because of this? I'm stuck at around 825k with more than enough toons and healthpack.png to get the last 125k...

....if I could get on, of course.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Our whole alliance is going to miss out on SW.. we were making a push to finish round 6 before 9pm EST ( most of us work in the morning) not happening now icon_e_sad.gif
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    Malcrof wrote:
    Our whole alliance is going to miss out on SW.. we were making a push to finish round 6 before 9pm EST ( most of us work in the morning) not happening now icon_e_sad.gif
    Same boat as you. The biggest reason why this bothers me is we all know she's going to be 2/5 of the essential nodes for the event re-run for Hulkbuster, and my alliance agreed to push really hard on the re-run of the event.
  • Some_Dude
    Some_Dude Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Still down here. It was going to be close, but we stood a chance at beating round 8. Not anymore, and I was just barely going to get my 1 mil points, but also not anymore.
  • revizion wrote:
    What's going on D3?? What are you guys going to do about all the time/progression we lost because of this? I'm stuck at around 825k with more than enough toons and healthpack.png to get the last 125k...

    ....if I could get on, of course.

    I hear ya. Stuck at 925k with more or less 3 battles to go to get to that final cover. Same for a few alliance members as well.
  • They should just give everyone an SW cover. All 3 would be nice.

    Always wondered why they are not more generous with the first cover. Seems to me if the first cover you got/won was all 3 colors people would spend more hp to buy covers to raise powers.

    I had a black panther forever with 4 of the first two covers but no black. Got it today in ddq and bought 2 more covers to get him to 443.

    Just seems a no brainer revenue wise
  • Dam! I just got home to find a notification about new missions. I am so close to one million and that last cover. But, no events! How will the servers handle the new event tomorrow if they can't handle this?
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    I can't log in either, same goes for my alliance mates. I was literally one Ultron match away from getting the last progression reward.

    Really frustrating as I was also locked out of round 1 and couldn't play the first 10 hours of the event to begin with.
  • Zix
    Zix Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Our alliance did have a shot at earning the SW cover tonight. A few of us have been working this event like it's our job. Now I'm getting disconnected while finishing matches, resulting in a retreat and health loss. Even if I can connect again I'm going to be set back on health packs. icon_mad.gif

    Very disappointing.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    vinnygecko wrote:
    I can't log in either, same goes for my alliance mates. I was literally one Ultron match away from getting the last progression reward.

    Really frustrating as I was also locked out of round 1 and couldn't play the first 10 hours of the event to begin with.
    Hell I wasn't able to get through for only like the first 6 hours or so, and I missed most of the first 4 subs
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, can't get in for the last hour. And our alliance was on the round to get the first Scarlet Witch. Had Ultron down to under 1/3rd health.

    Tinykitty. The tiniest kitty. Tiny tiny kitty.
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    Hear hear!
  • Joining the list of those who can't get on.

    Maybe they will compensate by creating a poll by email asking us which 3 AND 4 star characters (with all three colors on each) we would like to have, and 10,000 iso?

    Just a pipe dream, but come one....servers going down twice in less than two weeks?
  • I was over 900k in progression, did a Ultron fight, the points didn't register, then the servers went down...doubt, I'll be able to get the final 90k I need in an hour....

    My Alliance was hoping to make a final push to finish Round 7, yeah that's not happening anymore.

    I sincerely expect D3 to come up with a solution to this, like extending the event 24hrs, as 12hrs would just screw anyone who's about to go to bed and works in the morning...
  • LordWill
    LordWill Posts: 341
    They should just give everyone an SW cover. All 3 would be nice.

    Always wondered why they are not more generous with the first cover. Seems to me if the first cover you got/won was all 3 colors people would spend more hp to buy covers to raise powers.

    I had a black panther forever with 4 of the first two covers but no black. Got it today in ddq and bought 2 more covers to get him to 443.

    Just seems a no brainer revenue wise

    Because D3 thinks you like to play the token lottery and spend your hero points opening packs! It's SOOO fun!!! (please note this is sarcasm)

    Translation.... D3 hopes you are dumb enough to spend hero points on opening packs with horrible if not insulting odds. The more you open the more you spend.

    This is why they got rid of the guaranteed hero in 10 packs because they think we had so much fun just opening the packs HOPING for the featured hero...
  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    We had finished ultron, but last nod of ultron prime did not unlock and servers crashed a few minutes after. After all this time and effort, to happened like this pisses people off man...... icon_redface.gificon_mad.gif
    They will need to let us finished tomorrow or give us that last S.Witch cover.