theHappyDance's Ultron Alliance Sheet

Hello guys,

I made a quick sheet for the alliance I'm in for the Ultron event so we can try to maximize the number of people who get progression rewards.

Here's a template version you can use for your own alliance. Do file-> save a copy, and share it out to your alliance members. ... sp=sharing

You'll need to enter max health for Ultron, Health and Progression Points per Ultron match, and it should give you a sense of how many matches and points your alliance has left each round. This in turn should make it easier to keep people on the same page, so you can try to make sure as many people can get rewards as possible.

I didn't include anything with the match points for survival fights since those vary a bit (and don't contribute that significantly to your overall score anyway).

The math on progression rewards for round 1, for those interested:

17.5M average total points (varies some from alliance to alliance) means maximum alliance size that allows everyone to hit final progression is 17. Those of you in big multi-alliance networks may want to take note and plan accordingly (shift people around so there's only 17 in each alliance - at least for the top-tier alliances)

A 20 person alliance can have 10 people hit final progression, if everyone scores exactly 1M or 750k and no one goes a hair over. More realistic is 9 with a cushion.
A 19 person alliance can have 13 people hit final progression, if everyone scores exactly 1M or 750k and no one goes a hair over. More realistic is 12 with a cushion.
A 18 person alliance can have 16 people hit final progression, if everyone scores exactly 1M or 750k and no one goes a hair over. More realistic is 15 with a cushion.

Assuming Round 2 is the same, this should also help you plan for it.


  • I added a totals sheet at the end so you can have a visual overview of how your alliance has been doing each round to quickly see if anyone needs extra points etc..

    It's not 100% accurate since it doesn't factor in the survival nodes, but if you override the final score column at the end of each round, it will use those values instead of the estimated ones.