Which is the most strategic/tactical power?

defixu Posts: 32
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Having only recently brought my LCap to useable covers/levels, I really like his red and blue powers. I'd make the argument that his blue especially is the power in the game that has the most number of non-random tactical uses. While the obvious usage is to overwrite enemy special tiles and stun them, with multiple enemy countdowns on the board it becomes an interesting puzzle which tile of which goon to overwrite, which goon to stun, or which goon to kill with the red. Like ****/marry/kill, just overwrite/stun/kill. Additionally, you can also set up match5s with the placeable tiles or use it to block matches for the ai.

This variety of usage and non-random, predictable behavior makes for an interesting and puzzly powerset. I'd like more non-random tile manipulation powers like this, but with ProfX's blue it seems that these kinds of powers that add strategy to the game are on their way out. QS's black seems to be the rare exception on a new character.

Which powers do you guys have in mind that are equally strategic to use?


  • dfields3710
    dfields3710 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    I would say Colossus's yellow power. He stands in front of the line protecting any character you have low health and keep the enemy from comboing you down. He can stop most of deadly attacks that could easily down someone(Luke Cage, Cyclops, Xforce, etc.). Use him with Iron fist and LazyCap to have stuns, combo damage, protection, and strike/attack tile damage plus every color.

    I would use him even though people say Luke cage is better. Because who wouldn't want a free ability to use. Especially if you're on your last leg.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Hands down it was CMags old blue. Best active ever. Really put the puzzle in MPQ.

    After that....GSBW and MNM pink, SuperSteve red/blue, QS black....essentially anything where we have control over placement.

    Edit: GSBW was amazing on vanilla Ultron. All of her skills can clear the bombs. Only time I lost her, even on teh 400 Ultrons, was when I goofed on her sniper. I didnt care what would happen as he only had 3k life left so I randomly placed it. Oops. I didnt realize that it would clear things just enough for two bombs to drop to the bottom....so as he died, so did she. Why would those go off AFTER he is dead?
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    ^^^ Agree with above about gsBW; her entire poswerset is tactical ^^^

    Bullseye's Murderous Aim is also very fun to play around with. With two placed crits, you can do serious damage, gain a bunch of AP, and match away anything if you need to. And then, of course, there's the bonus damage!

    icon_kamalakhan.png's purpleflag.png is semi-random, but in certain situations it can also be used very strategically.

    My anti-Ultron team was KK, mnMags, and 3* Cap. KK was there for healing between bombs and occasionally for her purpleflag.png . Most of the purpletile.png AP went to mnMags, though, who fed both of Caps's anti-bomb powers.
  • defixu
    defixu Posts: 32
    CMags old blue sounds fun. I was even around back then, but I think I was transitioning into 2*s so I didn't get to play him. GSBW is a good point, and I've actually considered keeping a Bullseye TU that I got in Oscorp Heroic for Ultron. Then again, my main team against him is currently Cyclops, Patch, MNMags, so Team-Ups get blinked to red anyway.

    After the Oscrop progreward I'll have my LCap fully covered, I think I'll switch Patch out for him then and use your team because it sounds very synergistic.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    The problem with Cap is that the bombs most important to cover are those in the bottom rows....so your countdowns drop off. I actually went with him and SexyScott til I discovered GSBW. Without having to worry about match damage that lady is amazing. All three skills wipe out bombs, and the strategy for maximizing green damage/ap was seriously fun.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    My Ultron team was Hood, Hulk, and Thor. Hood ap steal is very handy. I'd match what I could, and if I could take out 3-4 unmatched bombs with twin pistols. If not, let Thor take the yellowflag.png plus let Hulk getting hit with bombs to fill the board with greenflag.png . Main damage done by Thor calling the storm
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    GSBW fan club represent!

    Her only drawback is how expensive her powers are. But against bomb drop Ultron, where it's going to be a long game anyway, that's not much of a drawback. On a lucky board, it felt like I could keep fighting Ultron indefinitely.
  • Shhh!!! No!! Don't say GSBW outloud. Then devs will find a way to mitigate our secret weapon, like skewing the tile generator away from red and green.

    I, uh, use... umm... Bagman and Baglady. So great!!! A+++++ EXACTLY AS PROMISED!!!!!!!!!!!!1111oneoneone