Hero/Villain IDs in PvE/DDQ

Now this is something very small that's bugged me since day one, when a new character comes out (like every minion in the current Ultron event) it gets annoying flipping back and forth between checking abilities and selecting targets with no indication of who you've actually got targeted or selected at that time. It's something that everyone eventually picks up on, and is less of an issue with character icons, but the generic icons shared by all the minions really makes it irritating to target who you want when you're learning who has the more immediately dangerous abilities. For example, in this screenshot, I have the first Soldier selected for abilities, but I could very well be targeting the first or third character with no indication either way.

Adding the name of the target to generic minions helps with looking at a glance, which is a huge improvement by itself, but with 1 more small change it becomes :

Now you know that soldier 1's abilities are being shown, while soldier 3 is actually in front. It's an incredibly minor thing, but it helps when you have three targets that share one icon, but have vastly different abilities. I would've used the Ultron event as my example, as it's the reason I'm posting at all, but I'm waiting on a refresh currently and hopefully you get the idea from this.


  • There is a way to tell. When you select a target, all of that minions countdown tiles will flash briefly. It's nit intuitive, and took me forever to pick up on, but it is there.

    So yeah, if this could be made more obvious, it would be appreciated.