Is Demiurge bad at math or am I blind?

DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
The Sentry Gunner Core Fuckyou skill says "if there are more than 7 friendly tiles..."

I would swear that **** is popping when there are exactly seven.



  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    I thought I was crazy, but I've experienced this as well.
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    In addition, it says "at start of round" ... which is not the same as what seems to be happening, which is 1) start round, 2) let the Ultron bots place their tiles, *then* 3) check for "more" than seven.
  • So im not crazy, I was carefully counting on the ultron prime node 7 and thrice in a row the crit tiles poped-up while I was sure there were only 5 special tiles on the board.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    blinktag wrote:
    In addition, it says "at start of round" ... which is not the same as what seems to be happening, which is 1) start round, 2) let the Ultron bots place their tiles, *then* 3) check for "more" than seven.
    Exactly. I've had the bots do a swarm and core meltdown on the same turn, which doesn't seem like it should be happening given the descriptions of these abilities.
  • Based on what I've seen, it seems like the bots go in order and if the conditions match for their power, they activate it. This leads to situations where 3 swarms should fire, but the 3rd is missed because the first 2 brought in enough specials to stop the third. Ultimately it becomes uncontrollable because they can do a large amount of actions in a sequence because of the way the powers fire.
  • Jasonzakibe
    Jasonzakibe Posts: 89 Match Maker
    All of the Sentries' abilities that say "more than" actually mean equal too. No idea if the text is right and the game is wrong or vice versa.
  • All of the Sentries' abilities that say "more than" actually mean equal too. No idea if the text is right and the game is wrong or vice versa.

    Either way, those robots are a bunch of a-holes.
  • .... those robots are a bunch of a-holes.

    yeah, I am pretty sure that is gonna be a Hawkeye sentiment in the new movie.
  • I have never yelled at my ipad more than I do playing these nodes.

    Glad you posted it because I thought something was wrong with this.
  • I'm fine with a Swarm into Core Meltdown since I'm pretty sure they each check the board in the order they're listed so it is indeed possible for there to be less than 5 before a Swarm and the Swarm created enough special tiles for Core Meltdown, even though it's totally unfair but logically it's the correct sequence.

    So all this time I thought I can't count to 7. This is probably why I thought special tiles are generated on your matches as well because there are many times I counted to 7, matched something, and got nailed by Core Meltdown and I just assumed another special tile must have been created from my matches.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    I'm fine with a Swarm into Core Meltdown since I'm pretty sure they each check the board in the order they're listed
    I can't check since we're done, but didn't the ability description for Core Meltdown say that it checks the number at the start of the round, not mid-turn?
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    DFiPL wrote:
    The Sentry Gunner Core tinykitty skill says "if there are more than 7 friendly tiles..."

    I would swear that tinykitty is popping when there are exactly seven.


    What do you expect with a villain with no strings attached?
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    I'm fine with a Swarm into Core Meltdown since I'm pretty sure they each check the board in the order they're listed
    I can't check since we're done, but didn't the ability description for Core Meltdown say that it checks the number at the start of the round, not mid-turn?

    All the abilities say they occur at the start of the turn. But they happen sequentially, not simultaneously. So it does the swarm check and produces and effect based on the check outcome, then it does a meltdown check and produces an effect and so on. If there are multiples of a type they do their checks sequentially, so if after the first swarm it has exceeded the special limit the subsequent swarms don't happen.

    I don't know if swarm is prioritised, or whether the order of the bots actually matters in terms of tesing logic. I don't think I have seen a swarm after a meltdown.

    You could program the logic to check the number of tiles at the start of the round once and then fire all related effects, but that could put you in the position of facing 3 meltdowns in a round, or having 3 healing effects in a round, which could be more annoying than the current interpretation.
  • Yeah I HAAAAAATE swarm.. so much..

  • Eddiemon wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    I'm fine with a Swarm into Core Meltdown since I'm pretty sure they each check the board in the order they're listed
    I can't check since we're done, but didn't the ability description for Core Meltdown say that it checks the number at the start of the round, not mid-turn?

    All the abilities say they occur at the start of the turn. But they happen sequentially, not simultaneously. So it does the swarm check and produces and effect based on the check outcome, then it does a meltdown check and produces an effect and so on. If there are multiples of a type they do their checks sequentially, so if after the first swarm it has exceeded the special limit the subsequent swarms don't happen.

    I don't know if swarm is prioritised, or whether the order of the bots actually matters in terms of tesing logic. I don't think I have seen a swarm after a meltdown.

    You could program the logic to check the number of tiles at the start of the round once and then fire all related effects, but that could put you in the position of facing 3 meltdowns in a round, or having 3 healing effects in a round, which could be more annoying than the current interpretation.

    I can't remember a Meltdown -> Swarm either, though Core Meltdown would start with 7 or more CDs, reduce it down to 5 or more CDs by converting 2, which is too high to trigger Swarm (or does Swarm trigger at 5?). Yes it's possible the auto match happens to wipe out more special tiles while not creating any new ones but that is just very unlikely given how easily the AI produces more special tiles on any kind of big match.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eddiemon wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    I'm fine with a Swarm into Core Meltdown since I'm pretty sure they each check the board in the order they're listed
    I can't check since we're done, but didn't the ability description for Core Meltdown say that it checks the number at the start of the round, not mid-turn?

    All the abilities say they occur at the start of the turn. But they happen sequentially, not simultaneously. So it does the swarm check and produces and effect based on the check outcome, then it does a meltdown check and produces an effect and so on. If there are multiples of a type they do their checks sequentially, so if after the first swarm it has exceeded the special limit the subsequent swarms don't happen.

    I don't know if swarm is prioritised, or whether the order of the bots actually matters in terms of tesing logic. I don't think I have seen a swarm after a meltdown.

    You could program the logic to check the number of tiles at the start of the round once and then fire all related effects, but that could put you in the position of facing 3 meltdowns in a round, or having 3 healing effects in a round, which could be more annoying than the current interpretation.

    I've had 2x Core Fuckyous in a round and also 2x Feed the Machine or whatever it's called in a round. It's really not that much greater a leap.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    I can't remember a Meltdown -> Swarm either, though Core Meltdown would start with 7 or more CDs, reduce it down to 5 or more CDs by converting 2, which is too high to trigger Swarm (or does Swarm trigger at 5?). Yes it's possible the auto match happens to wipe out more special tiles while not creating any new ones but that is just very unlikely given how easily the AI produces more special tiles on any kind of big match.

    Yeah it would be a ridiculously rare event, so we may never know, unless someone vouches to have witnessed it.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFiPL wrote:
    I've had 2x Core tinykitty in a round and also 2x Feed the Machine or whatever it's called in a round. It's really not that much greater a leap.

    Sure it is. You've had them sometimes, but it's uncommon. It's a far cry to having multiple events guaranteed if one goes off. A bank of three yellows would heal to full and you get to start again, or a bank of 3 blues drops 6 crit tiles and makes your hole weak....