Next round can I see all 20 Ultron scores?

anamosity Posts: 87
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
In PVE/PVP you can see all 20 scores for you team, this is helpful. It would be nice to have the same functionality in Ultron to get an idea of how people are doing. Even if they had set up an alliance score tab but had no alliance rewards you could check all 20 scores.


  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    We we able to arm twist a little to get screen shots shared to our line chat of the bottom half of the leaderboard. The 3rd quartile was easy to get, the arm twisting need to be 'enhanced' somewhat to get the bottom quartile posted.

    I'm not saying its ideal, but players who want to come back for the next run of Ultron (to win Hulk Buster) should be willing to self-report. Maybe reminding them of this could help improve your visibility to the bottom of your current Ultron bracket.
  • Nighthawk81
    Nighthawk81 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    My fellow alliance members had no problems getting me screenshots. I was near the top so I just requested from somebody as far down as I could see until I got what I wanted. I PM'd 2 people on our Line chats. No biggie. If you guys are working together, nobody should have a problem owning up to a low score. Life happens sometimes.
  • I want to see them to vet people who AREN'T playing...
    - Unreall
  • anamosity
    anamosity Posts: 87
    My fellow alliance members had no problems getting me screenshots. I was near the top so I just requested from somebody as far down as I could see until I got what I wanted. I PM'd 2 people on our Line chats. No biggie. If you guys are working together, nobody should have a problem owning up to a low score. Life happens sometimes.

    I can certainly see how this is do-able for folks with line. We are a more relaxed alliance without chat outside of the game and some folks aren't that chatty in-game. Some are randoms that poped in just to play Ultron and I'm not even sure if they are on the forum to pm. I just find it weird that it's not available as in other modes.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Who cares who is playing and who isnt. Maybe for the next time if they ever run the event again but i think it does not matter even if you boot them they are part of the team until it ends
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    slidecage wrote:
    Who cares who is playing and who isnt. Maybe for the next time if they ever run the event again but i think it does not matter even if you boot them they are part of the team until it ends

    Not in the upcoming 12 hour gap before they run part 2 of the event. That's why we cares - that window is the only opportunity to change up the alliance roster.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    We we able to arm twist a little to get screen shots shared to our line chat of the bottom half of the leaderboard. The 3rd quartile was easy to get, the arm twisting need to be 'enhanced' somewhat to get the bottom quartile posted.

    I'm not saying its ideal, but players who want to come back for the next run of Ultron (to win Hulk Buster) should be willing to self-report. Maybe reminding them of this could help improve your visibility to the bottom of your current Ultron bracket.
    Wait what? don't you want a few slackers in your alliance, since playing 100% optimally, only like 18 people can get the progression rewards? Though realistically, it's probably closer to 10 if you don't have 2 0-scorers
  • slidecage wrote:
    Who cares who is playing and who isnt. Maybe for the next time if they ever run the event again but i think it does not matter even if you boot them they are part of the team until it ends
    I care, and its not about just this event.
    I half run a casual alliance *granted I'm pretty sure the other leader has retired*, as a casual alliance we aren't into kicking people for not having a top flight roster, just for inactivity, but frankly trying to keep track of that can be difficult. We actually stopped pruning for a while and this event was a good chance to help with clearing out truly dead weight.
    - Unreall
  • slidecage wrote:
    Who cares who is playing and who isnt. Maybe for the next time if they ever run the event again but i think it does not matter even if you boot them they are part of the team until it ends

    People besides you obviously care.

    When is too much information ever a bad thing?
    While it may not be applicable to you, for others it is important information for their play style.
    Would this implemented change really hinder your in game experience if they did it?

    I guess what I'm aiming at here is why not support your fellow gamers in their proposed changes so everyone as a whole can enjoy their experience a little bit more instead of shoot it down with negativity?