
Jedam Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
This is the second time since Ultron event that my game crashes right after entering a fight against Ulton
The result is problematic for 3 characters lose life and therefore must heal for about 2 hours

I hope this will be fixed
And if you can there is an easy way to deal with that kind of problem : allow a few minutes to reconnect to a game when you leave, specially as no one is waiting for you to reconnect cause you're playing agasint a.i



  • Just chiming in that this has happened to me a few times as well, and never happened before. When health packs are starved hard by Ultron, PvE, and slugfest PvPs, a crash is really really bad.

    (It just so has it that my phone also updated to Lollipop the day of the Ultron event...)

    Galaxy Note 4
  • rixu78
    rixu78 Posts: 8
    I can confirm this, although I've had this happen a few times even before Ultron. And ALWAYS just as the fight starts. Once it did it 4 times in a row. I remember that the first time it happened was on the mission where you had Quicksilver as "forced character" for the first time.

    I've Had this happen on Ultron also, maybe 3-4 times during the week. It truly sucks, as today I had just healed Captains America&Marvel to full health and then had to start wounded.

    I think I've only had this happen on my Sony Xperia Z3 Compact with Android 5, never on my old Lenovo P6000 tablet with Android 4.2.

    Submitted this as a bug also, let's see if someone answers.