Age of Ultron Event - Members Stuck in Previous Rounds

Unfortunately, this event has had a bit of a rocky start, and sadly I still think that not everything has been properly fixed..

I've been in discussion with my alliance members and it seems that there are some of us that are stuck in Round 3 of Avengers vs Ultron and cannot move forward (as the rest of us are in Round 4). In addition, these members are unable to access their bout against Ultron Prime (Round 3) because it is still locked... Sadly, this is seriously slowing our progress as our leaderboards states that there are a few members who are actively playing, but are providing "0" points toward our goal....

I know that this is a new event and thanks to D3 for rolling this out right before the movie release, but is there a way you can hotfix this so that all the members are on the same round? In addition, will you be able to extend the time period for this event? I'm sure many other players have been experiencing this problem and would like to have their piece of the robo-pie as well.

Thanks for your time and consideration and I hope that some of the higher ups can see this.