AvU: Essential nodes only giving half value

The essential nodes in the Ultron event all have the same value upon first view. After playing any single essential node however, point value for Black Widow's node (lower right) will mysteriously drop in half. In rounds 3 and 4 for example, the essential nodes are normally valued at 800 and 1000 points respectively, but Black Widow's node will drop to 400 and 500 points after one battle.

Edit: Adjusted title.


  • Just played the Iron Man node (lower right) in round 5, and despite the advertised 1200 point value of the node, only 600 points were earned at the conclusion of the match.

    Edit: Just played the Hulk node (lower left), and received the full 1200 points that was advertised as I did in all the Quicksilver nodes. It looks like this may be a problem with the lower right node only.
  • This happens all over the essential nodes---I've had it where 3 essentials are open, but none list or award any points. When I finish the first wave of sentries, the message that pops up regarding number of points for beating that wave sometimes reads "+0 Points," so when a node loses points, it's presumably due to one wave's points going away?