Add Experience Points for Wins

Feyda Posts: 105
edited February 2014 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
One of the biggest problems I have run into in this game so far is not having nearly enough ISO to make a well rounded roster. I have a good core (85 Ares, 90 Punisher, 70 OBW) but I also have a TON of 2 star heroes that have a good number of covers but I don't have enough ISO to level them to the point of being useful.

One thing that would really help would be is if your heroes that participate in the fight got some experience points for winning the battle. Example: I use my Ares and Punisher and bring in Daken for the last slot, each hero gains 50 iso worth of exp and the ISO reward is basically "free exp" to distribute to a hero of choice. Obviously there would need to be some checks and balances (cant just fight level 1 hammer troops for free exp) but I think that kind of system would promote roster diversity and take away at least a little bit of the frustration of grinding matches in pvp only to lose total ranking (i.e. I spent 50 minutes farming 300 ranking and lost 450 ranking but at least I got 1000 exp on each hero).

One idea for balancing the exp gain would be to make it relative to the level of the enemy defeated (much higher exp reward for a level 30 character fighting level 50+ etc).

I might even be motivated to go back and do Shield Training or rerun some of the prologue content if there was some exp growth associated with the grind. Especially if they could find some way to scale enemy level to your current team level or do a pvp bracket that matches your team against a similar level team.

Food for thought.


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I strongly support this. ISO bottle necking is a huge pain right now, especially if you're trying to transition to a 3* team.
  • I had been thinking along these lines, maybe that characters get an XP per level of opponent defeated, divided evenly (for example, if your three characters fight a level 50,100, and 150 level opponents, each character would get 100 XP) - it wouldn't be game breaking, but it would be a nice bonus, and you'd see characters you use a lot gain XP over time.
  • TheHood
    TheHood Posts: 107
    Very good idea, I'm totally agree!
  • +1
    I never have enough iso I have no one over 70 and about 12 character over 40 this would be a good idea, players it gives you motivation not to use maxed out characters all the time making pvp a little easier. Plus they could make a double xp tournament every so often.
  • Feyda
    Feyda Posts: 105
    Any dev thoughts on this?
  • Not a Dev however , must say that this is a excellent idea. Makes you use your characters to actually level them instead of having that super high carry team do all the work.

    Nice thoughts, 2 thumbs up.
  • Spencer75
    Spencer75 Posts: 232
    I think an iso shortage is designed...

    We have to make choices on who to level and can't simply max out every character. I like it that way, it also leads to more team diversity.

    I like the iso shortage and would hate for it to change. I don't wanna see every team filled with rosters of level 141 heroes.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards

    Great idea!!!
  • Spencer75 wrote:
    I like the iso shortage and would hate for it to change. I don't wanna see every team filled with rosters of level 141 heroes.

    I don't think that would result unless they gave out crazy amounts of ISO. Even 230th level opponents, at one XP/level, would only raise anyone capable of beating them a fraction of a level.
  • Spencer75 wrote:
    I think an iso shortage is designed...

    We have to make choices on who to level and can't simply max out every character. I like it that way, it also leads to more team diversity.

    I like the iso shortage and would hate for it to change. I don't wanna see every team filled with rosters of level 141 heroes.

    I agree the iso shortage is a design to keep us playing and to make roster decisions. However, in my roster of 26, I'm missing 700 levels between my current level and their level cap, and another 900 levels b/w my cap and the level max. And my roster isn't the most impressive:

    So if I never get another character ever, I will still never max out half of these characters.

    There's not an ISO shortage, it's a complete drought.
  • I don't have a single character at max level. Its not really choice making, its leveling whoever is buffed until their tourney is over, then rinse and repeat. Plus the amount of iso towards level would be small, not game breaking.
  • I agree some kind of xp should be awarded.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Personally, I think the experience needed for higher levels is just too brutal. Maybe flatten the curve a bit instead?

    Not that I don't think XP for a battle is also a good idea.

    One interesting side effect: people might hold off on maxed characters sometimes because they have nothing more to gain.
  • Good to see other people notice what Ive been banging on for about 3 weeks now.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Good to see other people notice what Ive been banging on for about 3 weeks now.
    I think I posted something along these lines a couple months ago.

    My idea at the time was to give an experience bonus to the triggering character when you get a good cascade, which I still think could be a fun mechanic.
  • Sounds like a great idea.. but knowing how the developers are, greedy as sh*t, nope. Won't happen.

    They doubled the cost of the damn boosts for crying out loud. They want people to spend more money. So greedy.... Isn't $100+ enough for you developers? Even GTA V, Battlefield 4, AC Black Flag, etc all only cost $60ish each. icon_evil.gif
    Too much greed will bring your company down. We just have to stop spending money and developers will start respecting paying customers.

    *sigh*... this game used to be so fun.. ugh. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Feyda
    Feyda Posts: 105
    Now that the devs have popped up in the forums again I would be interested to know their thoughts on this idea. Don't think I have seen them post in this forum yet but heres hoping icon_e_smile.gif
  • Spencer75 wrote:
    I think an iso shortage is designed...

    We have to make choices on who to level and can't simply max out every character. I like it that way, it also leads to more team diversity.

    I like the iso shortage and would hate for it to change. I don't wanna see every team filled with rosters of level 141 heroes.

    I disagree with the notion that the ISO bottleneck promotes diversity. In fact, I'd contend that the opposite is true.
    Until I got that massive ISO refund from selling off Thor and Wolverine, I wouldn't have even considered using a different team. You need to invest so much ISO to a set of three character in order to develop them that the game forces you to double down on that set.

    Though Thor and Wolverine were certainly top-tier, part of the reason that they were in every team is also that it cost far too much to develop other character.

    I explained my logic a bit better in this post.
