Ultron Prime event is a killer!

energythief Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
Round one chewed up my entire roster so far. What are people using to beat the round?


  • Clyve
    Clyve Posts: 91
    I've been using Luke Cage for his protect tile, Daredevil to clear out special tiles, and Thor for damage. I'd probably consider Doc Ock if I had a few more covers and was willing to spend the iso to level him, but with the upcoming reduced leveling costs coming, I don't think I can justify it.
  • Clyve wrote:
    I've been using Luke Cage for his protect tile, Daredevil to clear out special tiles, and Thor for damage. I'd probably consider Doc Ock if I had a few more covers and was willing to spend the iso to level him, but with the upcoming reduced leveling costs coming, I don't think I can justify it.

    Where is the source pls?
  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    pipolive2 wrote:
    Clyve wrote:
    but with the upcoming reduced leveling costs coming, I don't think I can justify it.

    Where is the source pls?

    Here, at the bottom of the post:
    Iso-8 Leveling Costs Update - Coming in R75

    Finally, we’re making some changes in level-up costs for 3-Star and 4-Star characters. In order to help players get their 3-Star and 4-Star characters into a useful state more quickly, we’re making it cheaper to level them up at lower levels. We don’t have final numbers at the moment, so stay tuned.

    This change will not change the levels of any existing characters, but they will immediately become cheaper to level up.

    EDIT - The total amount needed to level up 3-star and 4-star characters is decreasing. This will not change the current level of the character, but the cost to level up will be less than or equal to what it was before.