0 points and no rewards for killing Ultron

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
When i killed him it shows 0 points total, 0 points for the win, goes to a blue screen, then no reward and back to the game board..before the whole thing shut down


  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not very good at handling time-out errors when communicating with the server.

    You may, or may not, have the win recorded. You will definitely keep any damage done to your team, as that's held locally.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I don't think this one is a connection timeout issue. My theory is that his team successfully completed a round while he was mid-battle. Given that the round ended and it is treating it like a match completed after an event has closed. I saw a couple of these in the first 2 rounds, but not again since. I think that was because the first 2 rounds were over so fast it was easy for people to overdo it in the "beating ultron" requirements for that round.
  • lockness
    lockness Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I'm having the same thing happen - zero points logged after defeating Ultron and also beating two nodes in Ultron Prime. I've got screen shots registering no point increase from these wins. I submitted a ticket for this.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have had the same issue with Ultron, Ultron Prime and essential nodes. Missing scores and rewards. What with customer services abysmal record is it even worth creating a ticket or is it better to wait in the vain hope that somebody in red actually visits and reads the bugs forum?
  • Ir0nF1sh
    Ir0nF1sh Posts: 52 Match Maker
    I've also had this happen to me 3 or 4 times in the tournament!! I'd probably have enough for first quicksilver cover right now, were it not for this. Why is this happening? This is seriously bad form when you have to really sweat blood and burn heals to get through some of the rounds.
  • I have had this happen at least 10 times now... what the heck is going on? How am I supposed to earn rewards when they won't award me my points? icon_e_sad.gif
  • This has happened to me, too. I checked and we did not finish the round. We were in the middle of the round each time. I am getting very annoyed at losing out on the points. I have contributed a lot and want my Quicksilver covers.
  • Just happened again. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with a round being finished... We still have quite a ways to go on Ultron 5, since only 5 people in my alliance are contributing... of course maybe everyone is and the points just aren't counting... icon_e_sad.gif
  • SuperSkrull
    SuperSkrull Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    This has been happening to me during essential nodes. I'm assuming because they take time to complete they were crossing refresh times and that is why they are registering with zero points. Extremely annoying as it has affected at least 10-15,000 points contributing to personal progression.

    EDIT: Okay, I take it back, this has nothing to do with refresh times. Every essential node this round is coming back with zero points. Very unhappy about this icon_evil.gif

    EDIT 2: The other thing I've sometimes noticed when this happens, you get rewarded a standard token. This hasn't happened when the score registers properly and you get awarded ISO, crit boost or an event token
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    This has been happening to me during essential nodes. I'm assuming because they take time to complete they were crossing refresh times and that is why they are registering with zero points. Extremely annoying as it has affected at least 10-15,000 points contributing to personal progression.

    EDIT: Okay, I take it back, this has nothing to do with refresh times. Every essential node this round is coming back with zero points. Very unhappy about this icon_evil.gif

    EDIT 2: The other thing I've sometimes noticed when this happens, you get rewarded a standard token. This hasn't happened when the score registers properly and you get awarded ISO, crit boost or an event token

    With as many times as this has happened to me, i have lost probably around 100-200k in event points..
  • twice more now. I had it happen when I took out the next level of Ultron Prime today... I have had it happen on essentials, on ultron main hub as well as Ultron Prime.

    It has nothing whatsoever to do with ultron's health.

    I have a feeling I would already have QS's second cover and be on to his third if it wasn't for this bull ****...
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Okay, here's my understanding of this 'bug'.

    Ultron Prime has never given me any points. I'm guessing that he is just supposed to give the progression rewards for completing each round.

    So for those of you who think that you would be further ahead, I don't think anyone is.

    Also, the second+ times you complete the same node in the same Ultron round have not been giving me points.

    I think you are just supposed to be getting them the first time you complete the node in a given round. To get more points for the node, kill Ultron and move on to the next round and the nodes should be worth points again. The only reason to complete the nodes a second time in a round is to continue to farm Ultron kills (and to get the node rewards).


    I just got 600 points for the Quicksilver top node for an ultron event node that I must have cleared three times already. Maybe they reset daily?
  • Yeah that has nothing to do with it. I have gotten rewards from each and every activity in every circumstance, and have also been denied them for the same. Some people are reporting getting 10% of the number they are supposed to. There is some very bad programming/server issue to blame here.

    If you are wondering how I could be so sure... it is because my 20 member alliance only has 3 people doing ALL of the work. And between the three of us, we have still managed to get to Ultron 5. So we have been hitting it and hitting it hard. And been getting screwed out of points left and right...