Am I pessimistic or burnt-out?

AaronTheLuigi Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
To preface this: I'm close to day 200, have only spent money once ($50 in February, during an spideycoin.png sale), and have maxed star.pngstar.png with a handful of star.pngstar.pngstar.png I could level up beyond 94 (none to max level) when the Iso patch hits.

I'm finding it incredibly difficult to be excited for this Ultron event. I'm just envisioning my team getting obliterated by Ultron Drop tiles or Ultron Prime, over and over, all to get the prize pack tokens holding 100 Iso or Moonstone/Bullseye covers or something along those lines. I'm not disliking the change in format. It is welcomed, and having Scarlet Witch as node rewards is amazing for the community.

But I have no free roster slots, and won't have one for another 3-4 weeks. My spideycoin.png income is usually 25 for getting 400 points in a PvP (before I get hit below 400), maybe the 50 in a PvE if I play it all the way through, and maybe 50 from a top 150 PvE finish. With my alliance I usually earn an extra 50 each week. I think it's great Demiurge is giving us a good chance (albeit likely a difficult one) to nab Wanda covers, but to me it's just going to sit in my reserves for two weeks before I have to sell it. Iron Fist was the last new character I added (currently 3-0-1), and I recently got my latest slot in time for the Black Panther cover on day 195. It's hard for me to try and sit through a long simulator grind when both the last progression and the star.pngstar.pngstar.png placement rewards are not found in my roster. (Personally I find the complex factors about earning covers, limited roster space and essential/featured characters doesn't blend in any form, and it's the reason why I don't sell anyone from my roster, but that's another issue/thread.)

I don't want to comment on the recent character/health/MMR changes because those have been done to death and back, (and I can't accurately describe the changes to anyone except MN Magneto.) PvP gives me nothing but Iso on most occasions. PvE scaling has turned me off from long grinds, almost the whole format in general, and I'm scared to see the impact both the Ultron event will have and the eventual break above Lv.100 my roster will experience. Realistically, if it wasn't for Deadpool's Daily I'd only be getting Iso from everything I do.

I wouldn't call myself a vet by any stretch but after seeing many day 400+ guys taking leave of absences/outright quitting I'm also finding it difficult to justify my pessimistic attitude. Maybe I'm just burnt out from recent events/changes, maybe I'm paranoid, maybe I flat-out suck at this game. Hence why I'm posting this thread, because I'd appreciate any feedback/suggestions on what I'm feeling/should do. (And if I need to take a break I'd like to let my alliance know before Season XIV)

TL:DR, I'm a Day-200 player who is not excited about Ultron, more characters, and am put off from participating in any capacity besides Deadpool's Daily. Am I showing signs of burn-out, pessimism, paranoia, bad game skill? Should I stay, take a season break, or get out while I still can?


  • What you're feeling is normal.

    You've reach the breaking point. The game requires you to spend money or .... dedicate your life to MPQ so you can try to score as many Hero Points (and characters) that you can. Many people will be faced with this. It's up to you to decide if you want to waste your money on this game or play casually and not spend money. I chose to play casually.
  • Maybe it's time to sell Ironman 35? Or Bagman, or Venom, or Bullseye.

    Those sound mostly like signs of pessimism to me. You forgot the daily supply as a source of hero points and taco tokens. Tacos have an average value of 10 HP as 1 in 25 odds to pull 250 HP.

    Collectors get hurt the most by the increasing roster slot costs. There is just no feasible way to keep a copy of every character on your roster unless you are prepared to spend large amounts of imcoin.png to do so.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Id suggest you are mostly a realist. Roster slots are an issue as their attempts at fixing them (DPDQ, increased daily rewards, bundling, lower initial cost) have failed miserably. They say that picking and choosing who to keep is fun....its not. And that is where you are at. As Lerysh suggested, drop some of the least used guys. Its rough, but necessary or the HP cant keep up.
  • Jasonzakibe
    Jasonzakibe Posts: 89 Match Maker

    The word you were looking for is "correct". You are correct.
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    I've been playing over a year and basically other than the Deathpool Daily it seems like they are trying to make it harder and harder to be a casual player.

    It used to be the occasional PvE event required a recently created character now it is like 75% of them and since most players won't get the new character they are out of the running for the entire event since the point scores for progression are so high sometimes it is difficult to climb the ladder even with the new character. At least if new characters also became available from Deadpool daily it would allow most people to compete in PvE events.

    PvP in this game makes me miss the old days where you would pay $30 a month to play a game and they'd stay our of your pocket.

    Ultron Event is so complex it's silly. Too much of this game happens outside of the game. Given the scaling I've run up against lately it probably doesn't matter anyway. I usually start an event see groups in the 2 and 3 hundreds (against my 2 166s) and just give up and play something else.

    I like the way this game plays but I find I hate the way it is administered and end up spending more time playing Gems of War instead. So you are not alone in your frustration.
  • Every Ultron node has a possible 25 HP and every Ultron round has a possible 25 HP progression, so if you are active (killing Ultron 4 times a round) there are potentially 400 HP to earn in 8 rounds. Goes a long way to a slot for SW.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    MaskedMan wrote:
    It used to be the occasional PvE event required a recently created character now it is like 75% of them and since most players won't get the new character they are out of the running for the entire event since the point scores for progression are so high sometimes it is difficult to climb the ladder even with the new character.

    Yes, a recent char is required too frequently....but the progressions are in no way too high. I havent played a PVE seriously (havent placed T100 in quite a while) due to scaling but Ive hit the last progression in almost every one, and only didnt when I didnt care about the reward.
    MaskedMan wrote:
    Ultron Event is so complex it's silly. Too much of this game happens outside of the game. Given the scaling I've run up against lately it probably doesn't matter anyway. I usually start an event see groups in the 2 and 3 hundreds (against my 2 166s) and just give up and play something else.

    All I can say is: agreed.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    You are pessimistic by getting disheartened even before trying to play the event and seeing how much weight your dreadful predictions hold. For example, playing just a bit, you'd have realised that the event rewards 25 HP like candy. By the end of the event you should have enough for a roster slot.
  • AaronTheLuigi
    AaronTheLuigi Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    Pylgrim wrote:
    You are pessimistic by getting disheartened even before trying to play the event and seeing how much weight your dreadful predictions hold. For example, playing just a bit, you'd have realised that the event rewards 25 HP like candy. By the end of the event you should have enough for a roster slot.

    Yeah, guess I was/am. One day of Ultron fighting got me about 75 spideycoin.png (I didn't play much yesterday, what with server issues and Identity Shift). Still, each battle is taking a slightly bigger toll on my roster, and the HP awards have eluded my grasps in the Prize Packs. My Daily Quest tokens are also atrocious for HP. (121 tokens so far, only 750 spideycoin.png to show for it, which I think comes out to half the drop rate of the 250 pull.)

    I do have a collector/OCD mentality with this game to an extent, which definitely hurts me. At the very least, my Iso-Stockpile grows so I can get some star.pngstar.pngstar.png 's up in due time. I can get a few characters over 100 and see if my HP income improves. (I'm such an Iso hoarder.)

    This being said, I do think a break from versus/story events would be beneficial for me, at least once the second Ultron event has run it's course. Just focusing on Daily Quest/Lightning Rounds for a whole season then seeing if I can take the hits again. (Also to cool down my scaling, hopefully.)
    I appreciate everyone who has made their thoughts known on the roster slot price issue and my burnout.

    Unrelated, during my incoming break I'll try to get into reading actual Marvel Comics rather than using Wikipedia summaries to discover a character. Thinking about going for the icon_devildino.png Omnibus first on Amazon. If only he was getting an MCU film/series...
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    Lerysh wrote:
    Every Ultron node has a possible 25 HP and every Ultron round has a possible 25 HP progression, so if you are active (killing Ultron 4 times a round) there are potentially 400 HP to earn in 8 rounds. Goes a long way to a slot for SW.
    oh no the dreaded 20 iso prize has popped up while others are still there... hope i can still get the good prizes, however the stupid 500 iso seems to be the first and only guaranteed prize i get. well i think it is time to: