Beating the Impossible

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I just finished beating the combo of Professor X, Devil Dino and Starlord in The Simulator. I used 2* Thor, Mystique, and Mohawk as they were the only healthy and highest level characters I had remaining after beating the other nodes and DPQ. I wanted everyone to know that you can beat a node that may seem impossible!

Things started off well, Professor X was not getting anything off and I cut him down to a measly 237 health. As in normal MPQ fashion, that is when the amazing "rare" multiple cascades happened which results in Thor, with full health mind you, dying after the multiple cascades followed with everyone's powers that made Professor X shoot off all sorts of special tiles, and of course he conveniently hide himself behind invisibility. When their turn ended, between the strike and attach tiles, Mohawk went down from full health to around 569.

Normally this is when I would rage quit and go back to work all angry but I still had 3 minutes left in my lunch break. I had enough green to let Storm Lightning Storm the board to wipe all those special tiles including Professor X's Invisibility, then I had enough blue to do Mystique's Infiltration twice, gathered enough purple and black to use twice. I shapeshift stunned Dino, then Masterstroke then did the same to Starlord then simply matched X to death. Next turn, Starlord and Dino are unstunned, I had enough green to do another Lightning Storm, same thing again, Infiltration ~ Shapeshift ~ Masterstroke.

Somehow when it was all said and done, I had won and they did not get another hit on me after they killed my helpless Thor. I felt so powerful and unstoppable after that victory that I felt the need to share this on my company's computer during work hours! Hope you enjoyed this moment of glory!

Please feel free to share your moments of near-defeat that you turned into a victory to save the world!


  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had a team of Patch/Daken/Loki get wiped by absurd cascades. Patch died before he even got to do Berserker Rage and after the Cascades that killed Daken, only a couple of his strike tiles remained. The opponent still had two characters, one at 80% HP and the other at full health. Loki (level 120), with only like 1500 HP left managed to finish the battle by basically spamming Illusions and using Team-Ups. He was left with less than 200 HP by the time the game ended.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    I had a team of Patch/Daken/Loki get wiped by absurd cascades. Patch died before he even got to do Berserker Rage and after the Cascades that killed Daken, only a couple of his strike tiles remained. The opponent still had two characters, one at 80% HP and the other at full health. Loki (level 120), with only like 1500 HP left managed to finish the battle by basically spamming Illusions and using Team-Ups. He was left with less than 200 HP by the time the game ended.

    I use that team alot too and have fallen in similar situations. Loki may have less health but he's sneaky enough to escape from danger. I love his cheap board shake and AP stealing ability along with turning the enemy tools against them.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    anyone try punisher / kamala / extra ? cheap skills for loads of heals?
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Great story! It reminds me of one time -- I forget which event -- where I had a team of two 3*s and Falcon, and the 3*s got wiped out... but Falcon by himself managed to hold off two nontrivial enemies (and real enemies, too, not goons) for the win, winding up with about 200 health.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    during the rags and im40 events, I had multiple games where my real characters die off, I use a teamup to kill the other real character and its loaner vs loaner slog to the end. those can be nailbiters. didn't lose one though. ai is lucky but stupid icon_e_wink.gif
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    during the rags and im40 events, I had multiple games where my real characters die off, I use a teamup to kill the other real character and its loaner vs loaner slog to the end. those can be nailbiters. didn't lose one though. ai is lucky but stupid icon_e_wink.gif

    Loaner Vs Loaner is the most stressful battle! It's all about who gains the needed AP to use that ONE ABILITY!
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    I just finished beating the combo of Professor X, Devil Dino and Starlord in The Simulator. I used 2* Thor, Mystique, and Mohawk as they were the only healthy and highest level characters I had remaining after beating the other nodes and DPQ. I wanted everyone to know that you can beat a node that may seem impossible!

    Things started off well, Professor X was not getting anything off and I cut him down to a measly 237 health. As in normal MPQ fashion, that is when the amazing "rare" multiple cascades happened which results in Thor, with full health mind you, dying after the multiple cascades followed with everyone's powers that made Professor X shoot off all sorts of special tiles, and of course he conveniently hide himself behind invisibility. When their turn ended, between the strike and attach tiles, Mohawk went down from full health to around 569.

    Normally this is when I would rage quit and go back to work all angry but I still had 3 minutes left in my lunch break. I had enough green to let Storm Lightning Storm the board to wipe all those special tiles including Professor X's Invisibility, then I had enough blue to do Mystique's Infiltration twice, gathered enough purple and black to use twice. I shapeshift stunned Dino, then Masterstroke then did the same to Starlord then simply matched X to death. Next turn, Starlord and Dino are unstunned, I had enough green to do another Lightning Storm, same thing again, Infiltration ~ Shapeshift ~ Masterstroke.

    Somehow when it was all said and done, I had won and they did not get another hit on me after they killed my helpless Thor. I felt so powerful and unstoppable after that victory that I felt the need to share this on my company's computer during work hours! Hope you enjoyed this moment of glory!

    Please feel free to share your moments of near-defeat that you turned into a victory to save the world!

    Devil Dino's Disco of Pain featuring Dj Prof X and Awesome Mix Star-Lord is enough to make anyone throw their phone in friustration. Way to stick with it and come out alive.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    For me, the most impossible match was final level of the limited roster Heroic Event that offered 3* Daken as the prize.

    Level 166 Patch / Level 80 MN Mags / Level 80 Capt America 2*
    Level 395 Ares / Level 395 Daken / Level 395 Yelena.

    I publicly offered the Devs $1000 if they could show themselves beating that node with the paltry roster they offered us.

    Here's how I did it.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    I finnish the xavier/dino/starlord match right now and it was the most slowest and cheapest (for enemy team) fight in my almost 500 days played. ¿Seriously put psychic convergence Xavier with 3 pink gem prehistoric arms Devil Dinosaur?, that's to much cheap.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I just finished beating the combo of Professor X, Devil Dino and Starlord in The Simulator. I used 2* Thor, Mystique, and Mohawk as they were the only healthy and highest level characters I had remaining after beating the other nodes and DPQ. I wanted everyone to know that you can beat a node that may seem impossible!

    Things started off well, Professor X was not getting anything off and I cut him down to a measly 237 health. As in normal MPQ fashion, that is when the amazing "rare" multiple cascades happened which results in Thor, with full health mind you, dying after the multiple cascades followed with everyone's powers that made Professor X shoot off all sorts of special tiles, and of course he conveniently hide himself behind invisibility. When their turn ended, between the strike and attach tiles, Mohawk went down from full health to around 569.

    Normally this is when I would rage quit and go back to work all angry but I still had 3 minutes left in my lunch break. I had enough green to let Storm Lightning Storm the board to wipe all those special tiles including Professor X's Invisibility, then I had enough blue to do Mystique's Infiltration twice, gathered enough purple and black to use twice. I shapeshift stunned Dino, then Masterstroke then did the same to Starlord then simply matched X to death. Next turn, Starlord and Dino are unstunned, I had enough green to do another Lightning Storm, same thing again, Infiltration ~ Shapeshift ~ Masterstroke.

    Somehow when it was all said and done, I had won and they did not get another hit on me after they killed my helpless Thor. I felt so powerful and unstoppable after that victory that I felt the need to share this on my company's computer during work hours! Hope you enjoyed this moment of glory!

    Please feel free to share your moments of near-defeat that you turned into a victory to save the world!

    Devil Dino's Disco of Pain featuring Dj Prof X and Awesome Mix Star-Lord is enough to make anyone throw their phone in friustration. Way to stick with it and come out alive.
    I hated Devil Dino spamming his baby arm twiddle to get old baldy mentally excited.
    My victory wasn't as dramatic though it was pretty close using the boosted cStorm/Hulk and my own under-leveled 5/5/1 Hood.
    cStorm was unfortunately tanking a majority of the colors and took the brunt of all those mini-cascades and Prof X passives.
    Before she passed on by a Devil Dino chomp, she had enough blue for a Wind Storm that downed Charlie & stunned Star Lord.
    Hulk took damage and got angry but every single time a mini-cascade would take out the countdown tile so no green AP was generated and I was only able to use his red once on the green starved board to take out Star Lord. Another Devil Dino chomp & Hulk had 4 health left but Hood had quietly amassed enough yellow and took that lizard out.
    I was only able to fire off powers 3 times during the match compared to the AI's cheap abilities being fired off every 2-3 turns = near rage quit.