Veteran vs newbie comparation

Jim_MatriX_cz Posts: 90
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi all,

I wanted to share my current experience...
I consider myself as a veteran with 540 official playdays + time played before the "counter" started. Currently thinking about leaving the game because of huge time consumtion than acceptable and less fun given by the game recently (and repeating nerfs). I have simultaneously 2 accounts, one and primary on Android (member of Best X), second on Steam, with very weak roster (check Jim_MatriX_cz in Lazy Veterans - lvl 70 Thor, lvl 60 Ares and Storm and lvl 50 OBW).
Anyway, I tried to play the game simultaneously this week and realized that playing with newbie account is much more easy and funny, anyway there are pros&cons by my opinion:

from the "newbie" side:

- newbie has not requested characters, but even without them I can place in top place! (currently first in both events, normal either hard, 2nd total)
- newbie has not so silly scaled opponents and with only 4 strong characters in my roster, I can defeat almost anybody (combo IF,Blade is deadly).
- every reward and token with ** or better result makes me happy as I dont have major amount of covers - still, I would dismiss * rewards... useless for anyone.
- my opponents has lesser or equal level compared to my characters, which are now boosted (Thor, Storm) = easy play
- high consumption of Health packs after some difficult fights (very depending on combination of opponents)

DeadPool Daily
- newbie often don't have requested character so can not get extra *** cover and second taco token icon_e_sad.gif
- fights are real challenge, especialy last *** node
- token, even only one, is mostly helpfull (** guaranteed)
- unable to play all nodes, so also ISO gain is lesser icon_e_sad.gif

- very difficult every fight, mostly similar level of opponents
- very limited gameplay by own roster variety (requsted character is good only as a tank)
- 500 pts seems to be maximum without shields, even with shields I can not imagine 600+ points
- high consumption of Health packs
- placing in top25 seems to be hard but possible

generaly I enjoy this gameplay. I only feel little limited by the healtpacks. Also ISO is not fast to gain. But big need of covers and leveling is moving you forward strongly. Also each event is interesting as the reward is always usable.
Problem is limited roster, especialy for steam users, who need to buy 3 slots at once (now for 500 HP!) - it is slow and difficult to get 500 HP.

as a Veteran:

- as my top chars has around lvl 200 now and about 10 chars with lvl 166, I am screwed. Scaling since the beginning of event is crazy, much above my level. Growing faster during event's progress, very difficult and bringing a lot of damage to my roster in the end. Some nodes unplayable without sacrifice of characters.
- for some opponents setting I have available deadly combos of roster, which can save me any damage (mostly goons only nodes)
- even trying hard, my maximum is top10, mostly I am glad for top50 (with requested precise timed play)
- not so huge problems with HP
- generaly not fun to play
- rewards and progress rewards are mostly useless, except PVE with new characters

- easy way how to get extra cover and ISO. Very easy, all nodes.

- crazy since beginning, current Mystique event starts with maxed *** to me... Hard or maybe harder as for newbie, but thanks to wide roster I can play longer. Some fights are quicker. Without shields can score 600-700 pts with only few counterattacks. 1000 pts definitely achievable with good strategy.

Generaly I am enjoying this gameplay less and less. Getting new characters is not improving my game, getting them into high levels (especialy ****) is making my game harder, not easier (especialy PVE).
Good point is, that I earn enough HP to pay new roster slots for new heroes ... 2 months my HP bank is still around 5500-6000 HP.
As a collector I am proud owner of all heroes... But 850 HP per slot is crazy price...

Other comments:
- for vet, most of the events (PVP/PVE) are not interesting as I already have major part of covers and only few are interesting. I am mainly collecting ISO to raise levels for already covered but lowly leveled characters... Boring, long run...
- As a vet, with very good roster, I am not "awarded" by better gameplay or easier fights. The "macho" feeling you know from RPG games is not there... I would appreciate, if I would have at least partialy chance to taste the feeling of killing machine, smashing all in its way. There is nothing like this - I am still weak, killable and fights are long especialy in PVE where opponents are scaled to heavens...

And one more thing - I would really appreciatte if I would have "test chamber" to test new characters - I have plenty of them, but very weak - and as ALL of nodes are with difficult opponents, I have no place to test them. SHIELD has maxed opponents, PVE/PVP nodes has maxed opponents, story line has often very specific opponents.
I would like to have test chamber, where I can set the opponent, his level and test new character without need to put 150000 ISO into him firstly... After fight there would be any wound, but also any reward... or something like this...


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards

    And one more thing - I would really appreciatte if I would have "test chamber" to test new characters - I have plenty of them, but very weak - and as ALL of nodes are with difficult opponents, I have no place to test them. SHIELD has maxed opponents, PVE/PVP nodes has maxed opponents, story line has often very specific opponents.
    I would like to have test chamber, where I can set the opponent, his level and test new character without need to put 150000 ISO into him firstly... After fight there would be any wound, but also any reward... or something like this...

    First off, love the comparisons. The one group left out, was a transitoning roster.. which i have. Middle of the pack on all. Some DPD's can be rough, others a breeze, same with PVE's. PVP getting to 500 is usually easy, but you have a huge target on you since you are undercovered and underleveled. My 2 lvl 142's, if i do not shield, i will wake up to a net loss of up to 100+ points. Getting them back is easy enough, and i can get the heroic 10 pack in the season, but top 25 isn't happening.

    In the suggestions portion, you will see quite a few people wanting a test chamber. For now, all we can do is go into a storyline goon node and test them out for the wonderful 20iso (ugh). This is one thing i would love to see, a 3 stage "play" area. No competition, just beginner, intermediate, hard, with varying lesser rewards so we can test things out.

    In this play area, how about letting us try chars we do not have? Maybe give us some loaners usable only in there? Just a thought.
  • as a vet i dont think my fight should be easier as the game progress, i hate games that use cheap gear check as difficulty progression( meaning once u have enough gear, everything becomes a cake walk. not a big fan of how blizzard runs their games)
    i probably have uninstall this game if it is just a farm feast.
    i finish all gauntlet without firing one single dead pool whales, and yes i got wiped from time to time. but, it is more satisfying for me to finish them by finding team comp and counters to computer teams.

    PS. i do have a take on the health raise issue. the fight taking too long. it would be nice if they at least can make the animation run faster so i can finish a game before i finish my poop.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,395 Chairperson of the Boards
    when i was a newbie on the PVP i was taking top 25 with no problem with time for the first 2 months. same with PVE. Then again i was jumping in the last hour of each PVP
  • First, great OP.

    That said, I cannot help wondering how a new player feels about the health increase. As a transitioner (pretty developed 2* A & B squads, no 3* with more than 5 covers), the health increase is already a bit trying. All jokes about casual vs. hardcore aside, the marked increase in the length of each match is challenging my will to complete nodes, and I'm all about grinding me some nodes...

  • noisnam wrote:
    as a vet i dont think my fight should be easier as the game progress, i hate games that use cheap gear check as difficulty progression( meaning once u have enough gear, everything becomes a cake walk. not a big fan of how blizzard runs their games)
    i probably have uninstall this game if it is just a farm feast.
    i finish all gauntlet without firing one single dead pool whales, and yes i got wiped from time to time. but, it is more satisfying for me to finish them by finding team comp and counters to computer teams.

    PS. i do have a take on the health raise issue. the fight taking too long. it would be nice if they at least can make the animation run faster so i can finish a game before i finish my poop.

    - I don't want the game to be "easy" - just for some fights in the beginning of events. I want to feel strength of my roster, to which I put so much effort, time, ISO and sometimes also HP. Now everything I improve, the "contra" improves more. My roster does more damage - opponents have more health. My roster is stronger and on higher level - goons in PVE are even stronger. There is no sense in leveling your roster - IMHO you are not really rewarded by anything - that is an issue for me.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've always wondered why there wasn't some type of sandbox testing area. How am I supposed to know which characters I want if I can't play with ANY of them in a usable state without spending months maxing them?
  • Well, there should be a reward on one side or the other. Either my established roster allows me to blow through events and destroy everything, or my heightened difficult means that I enjoy greater rewards than people who are just starting out. The complaint about this game is that scaling and bracketing mean that your established roster basically means you just have harder and harder fights with no increase in your rewards.

    I think that more non-competitive activity will really fix this; my deep roster is a huge boon in DDQ and I get the 3* cover every day. If the new Ultron PvE isn't scaled to Valhalla and back, it might also be a nice present for vets.
  • The only bad thing about DDQ is that dumb requirement of having the hero to get the cover
    Helps progression but won't start it? really dumb

    As a vet (at least reflected on my roster) DDQ only helps me to get the last cover or last 2 covers as much

    a comparision Veteral vs newbie has to be taken carefully, since no one would choose to stay on 1st grade forever
    and yeah everything is new if you are a newbie, less frustration and even tokens rates are more effective when you have nothing

    I think there's also a reward structure that isnt too real, like a bracket of 1000 ppl and only 50 wnining a 4* cover
    The competition factor alters all, but the main problem is that while being a vet in other games means you know everything is achievable, not easier but possible, here it usually means a different thing
  • I would like to update:

    Deadpool's Daily:
    newbie - even I had an Iron Fist requested cover and was able to participate all nodes, 4 waves *** is very hard.
    newbie - Ultron PVE is extremely difficult