Buyer Beware

I got my response back from D3 and they said they will refund anything I've spent in the past 3 weeks. As far as everything before that, it really doesn't matter. I'll admit, the majority of the reasons I'm leaving are out of anger but there's another big reason and that's because I've lost all consumer confidence in them. Now XF sucks who do I invest my time and money on for ISO? Well, I'll probably pick the strongest available but once I build him up, how do I know D3 wont Nerf him like XF.

Beware of how much you invest in this game. Here's the numbers on cost
For this, I am going to use the dollar value D3 feels its worth, or at least what price they deemed as a market value, 8800 ISO = $20.00, straight off the site.
To max out a 4* it requires 430,464 ISO. (430,464/8800 x $20 comes out to a $978.33.
To Purchase a cover 13*2500 hero points (at 2900 HP for $20.00) which is $224.14
Total value, at least per what D3 charges, is $1202.47
Now I imagine a lot of you are saying but we won ISO and covers on events. Well, as much time as you wasted grinding away, it probably cost more.
I make a $1200 investment in a game and they reduce it's effectiveness I think I'm justified of having a problem.
No D3, I'm not expecting you to give me $1200 but you could do something more than saying tough luck, deal with it.
Why not offer to transfer the ISO to another 4* cover like Thor? SOMETHING!! They don't care. I assume they think everyone will mindlessly go along with what ever they do so be it. Players are expendable therefore your opinion really doesn't matter.
People, its too late for me because I've already uninstalled MPQ and no intention of getting it back.

Don't be a sucker, make D3 give you guys some kind of plan for the next time they do this. Do you really want to work your butt off on Kingpin if he's going to worthless in 6 months?

I always go by Bashers, if you see me on one of the million other phone games out there, say hello.
D3, you'll see me on Google play reviews blasting you daily until I get bored of it.

I can't tell you how many games i played in the last 5 years and this is the poorest managed game out there.


  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you really think someone buying covers and levels for a 4* is going to choose the least efficient way to do so?
  • fmftint wrote:
    Do you really think someone buying covers and levels for a 4* is going to choose the least efficient way to do so?

    Do you really think those with level 270 Kingpins already DON'T buy ISO by the truckload?
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,364 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    Do you really think someone buying covers and levels for a 4* is going to choose the least efficient way to do so?

    Do you really think those with level 270 Kingpins already DON'T buy ISO by the truckload?

    not kingpin just sits on other people crushing them until their ISO pop out icon_e_smile.gif
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    Do you really think someone buying covers and levels for a 4* is going to choose the least efficient way to do so?

    Do you really think those with level 270 Kingpins already DON'T buy ISO by the truckload?
    The point was he is using the $20 packs as his multiplier. No one buying covers/levels is going to use that option
  • fmftint wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    Do you really think someone buying covers and levels for a 4* is going to choose the least efficient way to do so?

    Do you really think those with level 270 Kingpins already DON'T buy ISO by the truckload?
    The point was he is using the $20 packs as his multiplier. No one buying covers/levels is going to use that option

    And on top of that you have to have a 1/1/1 character to be able to buy the covers. So at most, you're looking at buying 10 covers, not the 13 that OP suggests.

    I'm all for pointing out how with the way things have been going, investing your real world currency may not be the best idea. But let's at least get it right when we do it. 8 covers is 20,000 HP, which is a Stark Salary purchase. If you wait until there's a sale to pre-buy for 'the next big thing', you can usually get 24-26,000 HP for a Stark, which lets you cover max a 1/1/1 4* for roughly $100 US.

  • J, you dont get it. My math being off a little is a minute point. $1200 or $1100 same difference. I was trying to make the point covers like XF cost players a ton in grinding and/or money. Sorry, cant think of a fair value of grinding.
    My point is D3 had ways to resolve this in a fair manner. Transfering to another cover would be completely fair to both parties, imo. They made NO effort to be fair to the player unless they actually paid $1200 or $1100 for it in the past 3 weeks.
    If u did pay cash for everything or you grinded every bit of ISO it was a major investment. These games are about building up an up to get stronger. IMO, without apology D3 is throwing all our work and/or money in the garbage an telling us to deal with it.
    Dont get caught up in little math mistakes or i used Kingpin as an example, its just a newer cover i'd think most havent invested in yet.

    For those with ADD like me that cant handle the details above, Im just saying, dont continue on with MPQ unless you dont mind gringing out a cover until it's strong enough to use an then they nerf it. Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me. im done with the game an the only reason im trolling the forum still is maybe i save one player the anguish that i went thru. An to be fair, i just got the news today
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bashers wrote:
    Now I imagine a lot of you are saying but we won ISO and covers on events. Well, as much time as you wasted grinding away, it probably cost more.
    I make a $1200 investment in a game and they reduce it's effectiveness I think I'm justified of having a problem.

    Well that's your problem in a nutshell. All this time I have been playing a game and you thought it was a job.

    I'm not investing time in squat, I am having fun. The covers and ISO I get from playing are part of the fun. They aren't measuers as an hourly dollarly rate of earnings.

    And as for investing money, it;s a terrible plan because none of the covers or characters are fungible. You will never get any money back form your 'investment'.

    I pay for the game because I get entertainment from it. But that's been an ongoing relationship for over a year. Now if/when I get bored I'll stop putting money in, but I won't be looking for money back for entertainment I alreayd had and paid for.

    And despite the revisionist approach of people, if they deleted my account today it wouldn't negate all the fun I have had over the last year. Just like nerfing a character who has dominated for 3 months doesn't undo the last 3 months of domination. It doesn't retroactively remove all the HP, ISO and covers won over that time. And yet people think that a fair result is to pretend that none of that happened and they gleaned no benefit whatsoever form the transactions.

  • Eddie, you my friend are the perfect D3 customer an I wish you luck.
    Dont drink the kool-aid. This is a game, sure its entertaining but if the refs stopped the Super Bowl with 10 minutes left in the 4th an says ok, i know u enjoyed the game so far but who wins doesnt matter so deal with it. Not a perfect analogy but u should get the point.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2015
    I think "Buyer Beware" is an important topic that should be posted often. We can debate how much a 4* costs exactly, but regardless, the game invites the player to spend incredible amounts of money. I saw one F2P consultant urging F2P Developers to see their customers as having an unlimited budget. Essentially, telling them to consider their game as priceless.

    People are so conditioned to believe that something is worth exactly what it costs (for understandable reasons), that I think many people convince themselves to spend way over their intended budget in F2P games, simply because that is what it costs. All it takes is a character update for the illusion to be shattered, but by then, the money is long gone.

    EDIT: Another thing: I get very worried for people who call spending money on F2P games an investment. I spend money on this game too, but it's not an investment. That money is gone and I have no tangible good to show for it. But, so far, I have had enough fun for what I have spent that I remain a happy customer. Without a limit on what I could spend, though, it could so easily go the other way.
  • Just because this is a "free game" dont kid yourself that they intend it to be free. This game is a business for D3. They dont maintain this game to entertain you. They want, no, they need player's money to survive. Another well known Dev published they made $1.8 BILLION in 2014. If consumers have no rights when they spend money like that on a game they should play a different game cuz this is a huge buisness an theres plenty compeditors that want us to play theirs instead. I do play that Dev's game an never had a problem with it like this. The cash i spent i dont regret an never complained about cuz they've never pulled this ****.
  • Slept on it an still feel the same way. D3 im gone but im not. Until i get bored im going to continue telling the phone game market about your lack of respect towards players, you know, players are those guys that play your game an spend money on in game purchases that allow you to exsist. Yeah D3, thats them, those that are leaving or considering it cuz how you handle nerfs an customers.
    Fellow gamers, the google play reviews are just about the only power we have to protect ourselves from devs like D3. Complaing here your mostly telling people that already know. I want someone to read my review before they install. I know personally, i see that much hate on a review I move on an look at another app. Stupid reviews are ignored so make sure you say whats going on instead of your personal dislike for D3.
  • got to say d3 uses all customers as a cycle that arent renewable, just like very other cell phone game, or i should say freemium game. if u keep playing cell phone game, this will just drive u nuts. (sadly many AAA game company is trying to implement this kind of method into their games)

    if u are really looking for f2p games that are fair to customer, try dota2, league of legends or smite. they are closest to definition of "FREE" to play. All mobile games i played are free to install, but pay to have fun.

    btw, ur argument is valid, gonna go to stores and see if i can upvote your opinion so more people will see it, basher.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think "Buyer Beware" is an important topic that should be posted often. We can debate how much a 4* costs exactly, but regardless, the game invites the player to spend incredible amounts of money. I saw one F2P consultant urging F2P Developers to see their customers as having an unlimited budget. Essentially, telling them to consider their game as priceless.

    People are so conditioned to believe that something is worth exactly what it costs (for understandable reasons), that I think many people convince themselves to spend way over their intended budget in F2P games, simply because that is what it costs. All it takes is a character update for the illusion to be shattered, but by then, the money is long gone.

    EDIT: Another thing: I get very worried for people who call spending money on F2P games an investment. I spend money on this game too, but it's not an investment. That money is gone and I have no tangible good to show for it. But, so far, I have had enough fun for what I have spent that I remain a happy customer. Without a limit on what I could spend, though, it could so easily go the other way.

    Anything i spend comes out of my entertainment budget, since that is what this is... Go out to eat for $50 for a nice dinner for 2, or snag a couple $25 google play cards , one each for me and the wife, and eat at home watching a movie or tv show.

    We have our choices, both leave us with nothing tangible to show for it (food is consumed, nothing left). At least when you spend in the game, you have something digitally that you can use over and over (characters etc..)