Insane (?) idea, what if...

a character's strongest color was based off its cover distribuition? Put some tie breakers ("if two colors have same amount of covers, the order of the powers will say which is strongest") and we are done.

So if you use a 355 build on LThor its color strenghts would be yellowcrit.png > greencrit.png > redcrit.png instead of redcrit.png > yellowcrit.png > greencrit.png .

This would help immensely on strategy for both sides; 'strongest color' would bring different colors sometimes (but rarely as most characters have one optimal build) while you would have more control over who tanks what. A 454 Hood would be more viable with a 355 LThor as the later would tank yellow. Even tho 454 Hood isnt optimal it would make it possible to level him up to 166 and dont care about him tanking when you want AP for a Thunder Strike.


  • It sounds interesting but also admittedly insane. I do think the boat has sailed for this one. The only way I could see implementing it would be if tile matching strengths were determined by the number of covers you had in each. This would present a couple problems:

    1. 2 heroes of the same level could have different matching tile strengths at the same level but with different number of covers. eg a maxed level 3* at 110 would be much stronger than a 3/3/3 at 110.

    2. You would have to go into the tile matching strengths at the beginning of every match to check the tile strengths. Not really fun.

    3. People would be strongly pushed to optimize towards 5/5/3 builds as opposed to any other build, due to overlapping tile strengths.

    4. Would be a nerf to anyone relying on strongest color for an ability, Blade, X-Force, Kingpin, Xavier. It's actually a pretty big nerf to Nightstalker in particular.
  • This would require you to choose whether you want good abilities or colours that match a certain way. It's already difficult with some characters deciding which covers to sacrifice.

    This would be more of a disadvantage. Look at GSBW: weak as paper, but with a big gun. You definitely want five green, five purple, but you also don't want her tanking either of those colours.
  • This would require you to choose whether you want good abilities or colours that match a certain way. It's already difficult with some characters deciding which covers to sacrifice.

    This would be more of a disadvantage. Look at GSBW: weak as paper, but with a big gun. You definitely want five green, five purple, but you also don't want her tanking either of those colours.
    But this alredy happens lol. Her strongest color is green, so theres a tie if you have another green as strongest color like Patch, but using a Lthor together would result in her always tanking green UNLESS you heavily underlevel her so LThor's third color tanks for her first. This could be addressed if you just left her a few levels behind 166 with the same LThor 355 and using something like my idea.
  • This the proper place to throw in the idea that we all should just be able to decide what character attacks when, and not have it based off attack strength but rather strategy and planning? I want to purposely use OBW's Black, Blue, and Pink Espionage for less damage instead of, say, X-Force's Black or Mystique's Pink. Just a thought.
  • Pretty sure gsbw's strongest colour is purple. Green is her "best" ability, but for matching purposes purple is her strongest colour. The top color isn't always the strongest, doom and dp also come to mind (among others). While "best" is debatable, strongest is the one that does the most match damage.

    Having said that, I like the idea. Maybe another way to prevent all the cookie cutters would be to have each char have4 powers but they can only bring 3 into a match. I get that many of these ideas would be a programmer's nightmare but, it's interesting to share these kind of ideas.